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Конспект урока английского языка. Тема: "English – the Language of the World"

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Тема урока: "English – the Language of the World". Форма урока: Дебаты.

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«Конспект урока английского языка. Тема: "English – the Language of the World"»


English – the Language of the World”

Подготовила :

Романенко Л. М.,

учитель высшей категории


Донецк – 2016

Тема уроку: “English – the Language of the World”

Цели урока:

  1. Образовательная: а) познакомить обучающихся с особой формой дискуссии — дебатами, расширить знания учащихся об английском языке.

  2. Развивающая: а) развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи; б) развивать способности сравнивать, уметь логически мыслить, делать умозаключения; в) развивать умение высказывать свое отношение к обговариваемой теме.

  3. Воспитательная: воспитывать уважительное отношение к друг другу, культура речи.

Тип урока:

Форма урока: работа в группах.

Оснащение: географическая карта мира, маркеры, стикеры, презентация.


1. Warm-up Discussion

T: Dear boys and girls! Our lesson today is devoted as usually to the English language but we’ll not only speak English, we’ll speak about English. The subject is English – the Language of the World. Some people say it’s so, but another people disagree with this statement. Today we’ll have a debate-lesson. I welcome you here this morning to discuss this interesting theme. How about you? Do you agree with this statement?

2. Main part. Debate Procedure.

Time-Keeper: So let me open the debate. The motion is English – the Language of the World. It is proposed by the first team. So, the floor is given to P1. Time: 4 minutes.

1. Proposer 1

Good afternoon, Honorable Jury, Time-Keeper. Good morning, dear colleagues.

Let me introduce myself and my team. I am P1, the first speaker. The second speaker in our team is P2. And the third speaker is P3.

English is really a language that came from nowhere to conquer the world. It’s the language of the planet, the first truly global language. 750 million people all over the world use English. This shows that English is the Language of the World. Our team presents the points for the motion of the debate.

We’d like to begin with the world map. Some parts of it are painted in the same colors. These countries are the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. They once were British colonies and the English brought their language and culture there. Now English is the mother tongue or a first language and the official language in these countries. But we see that English is also spoken in many other countries as well. Once they also were British colonies and nowadays they are members of the British Commonwealth .These are such countries as India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, some countries in Africa and South America.

Our first argument for the motion is that we can call English a mother tongue or a first language and an official language.

Our second argument is that English is an international language too. It is used as a mean to solve different world problems and is the official language of many international organizations such as The United Nations. It is the language of sports: the official language of the Olympics. English is also used at music festivals or some other international meetings.

Our third point is that English is a widespread language. To use English as an international language people have to learn it in many countries, in Russia, China, Japan and a lot of others. They learn it at schools, colleges, universities or language courses. They also learn it for their future career, for travelling and for other reasons.

Time-Keeper: Your time is over. Thank you. Now the floor is given to the second team. Would you like to take time-out to discuss questions to the speaker?

Opposer 3: Yes, I’d like to take time-out for 2 minutes.

Time-Keeper: Time is over. I welcome O3. Your questions, please. Time: 1,5 min.

2. Opposer 3

The speaker stated in his speech that English is the mother tongue or a first language, the official, an international and a widespread language. But would the speaker answer some questions?

Can you name figures that show the number of world population speaking English?

Do you know how many people speak Chinese? What can you say about the fact that Chinese is the native tongue of more people than any other language on earth?

Proposer 1: Thank you for your questions. I try to answer them (Proposer 1 answers).

Time-Keeper: Time is over. Thank you. The motion is opposed by the second team. The floor is given to O1. Time: 4 minutes.

3. Opposer 1

Good morning, Honourable Jury, Time-Keeper and dear colleagues!

I’d like to introduce myself and our team. I’m O1, the first speaker. This is O2, the second speaker and O3 is our third speaker.

We agree with the statements given by the speaker P1. But we can’t agree with the motion of the debate.

Firstly, as my honourable friend P1 has said “We can call English a mother tongue or a first language and an official language”. But how about the other languages of the world? We also can call them the native tongues for some people, the first languages or the official languages for some other people. There are only twenty-two countries in the world where English is the official language but there are so many countries where people do not use English. We know that Chinese is the native tongue of more people than any other language on earth. It is spoken by most of the approximately 1.2 billion peoples of China.

The second argument doesn’t seem to be convincing either. The speaker has said that ”English is used as a mean to solve different world problems and it is the official language of many international festivals and meetings”. But how about that fact that the language of diplomatic documents is French (passports, driving licensees) and the language of music (opera) is Italian?

The third argument is not quite true. We know that English is one of the most widespread languages on earth, but second after Chinese. People of many countries such as Russia, China, Japan and a lot of others learn German, French, Spain, Italian and also Chinese together with English at schools, colleges, universities or language courses. These languages are as popular as English and we can also call them the international languages.

Time-Keeper: Time is over. Thank you. The floor is given to the proposers. Would you like to take time out? If yes, you can use 2 minutes to consult each other.

Your time out is over. Welcome with questions, please. Time: 1,5 minute.

4. Proposer 3

The speaker tried to change our minds saying …

But I’d like to hear the answers to the following questions. (Proposer 3 asks questions)

Opposer 1 answers them.


Teacher: So, our debates have come to the end. The Jury will announce your results after their discussion on the next lesson. I want to appreciate you for your good work. You were organized and tolerate to each other, tried to give full answers to persuade your opponents. Thank you very much.

Homework: to write a “for and against” essay: “English is the global language”

После проведения дебатов были проведены выводы выступлений обучающихся.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Конспект урока английского языка. Тема: "English – the Language of the World"

Автор: Романенко Л.М.

Дата: 22.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 382486

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