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Конспект урока английского языка "How do you get to school?"

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открытый урок на тему "How do you get to school?" содержит названия транспортов, игр,дидактических материалов

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«конспект урока английского языка "How do you get to school?"»

№3\ Date:__________ Grade:7

Theme of the lesson: How do you get to school?
Aims of the lesson: a) To give pupils some information about the types of transport and adverbs of frequency, like, usually, always, never, sometimes, often, rarely.
b) To develop pupils’ skills of reading, speaking and writing.
c) To bring up the feeling of love for the English language.

Plan of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
- Good afternoon, pupils!
- Good afternoon, teacher!
- Sit down!
- Who is on duty today?
- We are on duty today
- Who is absent?
- All are present
- What date is it today?
- Today is the 11th of February
- What day is it today?
- Today is Friday
- What season is it now?
- Winter
- Sit down


Complete the diagram

2. Answer my question.

What should you do to keep fit?

3. What kind of proverbs do you know about health?

An apple a day keeps a doctor away

Health is above the wealth

Early to bed, early to rise

Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

III. New theme (types of transport)
Now, we know what to make when we had some aches. We are fit now!!!
When we are in good health, we have to go to school. We must do it. Why we are going to school? Yes, that’s right. To know everything, to get knowledge at first.
Our new unit is about travelling. Open your copybooks and books, write down the date of today and the theme “How do you get to school?”
Who tells me what we need for travelling? Yes, transport.

New words

  • Car - машина

  • Plane - ұшақ

  • Train - пойыз

  • Helicopter - тікұшақ

  • Bus - автобус

  • Ship - кеме

  • Boat - қайық

  • Walk - жаяу жүру(бару)

ex 2 what do you see? - Types of transports, name them!
- a helicopter, a car, a taxi, a ship, a boat, a motorbike, a plane, a train, a bus…
(pupils name them, than repeat, after match the words with pictures)

Answer my questions!
- How do you get to Astana? (by plane or train) (explain using of preposition ‘By’)
- How do you get to Aktau? (by bus or taxi)
- How do you get to foreign countries? (by plane, by ship)
- And how do you get to school?
- As for me, I usually get to school on foot or walking, sometimes by car, but never by plane or train!
- If we live in a big city we get to school by car, by bus. But here, in Kuryk, your school isn’t far away from your home, so you get to your school on foot or walking.
Pupils answer the question: ‘How do get to school? ’

IV. To explain adverbs of frequency
Position of adverbs Үстеулердің сөйлемдегі орын тәртібі

Үстеулер: never, ever, always, usually, often, seldom, just, rarely, nearly, almost сөйлемде негізгі етістіктің алдында келеді. She never eats bananas.

Егер сөйлемде to be етістігі бар болса, үстеу to be етістігінен кейін келеді.

He is always late to school.

Exercise 5
Put the adverbs into the correct place

  • 1. I have come from school just

  • 2. He eats chocolates rarely

  • 3. I can understand him always

4. The teacher comes late never

1. Adverbs of frequency used before the main verb in the sentence.

I usually get up at 7 o’clock
I don’t often go to the cinema
She never eats bananas
We always watch TV in the evenings
I sometimes go swimming

3. We can use Sometimes and usually in the beginning or in the ending of the sentence.

Sometimes I play tennis. --------------------------- I play tennis sometimes
Usually he goes to school by bus. ----------------- He goes to school by bus usually.

If you understood this, do this task:
Ex. 5 p122
I have just come from school
He rarely eats chocolates
Oops! I nearly fell over!
I can always understand him
The teacher never comes late
I really missed my mother

V. Conclusion (to make a test)

Now, pupils let’s do this test. Today I explained you adverbs of frequency and types of transport. I hope you understood that. So I want to check up your knowledge about the new theme. Look at the blackboard
1. How do you get to America?
S. by plane
B. by bus
C. by motorbike
2. Opposite meaning of ‘always’:
A. often
C. never
B. sometimes
3. I never get to school by…
A. on foot
B. walking
H. by train
4. This type of transport goes only on the water
O. a ship
B. a train
C. a helicopter
5. Find the correct sentence
A. I always late
O. I am always late
C. I late am always
6. Find the word: l, n, e, p, a
L. plane
B. enape
C. pelna

I usually read interesting books.
Sometimes I play computer
I always listen to my teacher.
I always read English books.
I often go to the cinema with my friends.
Sometimes we clean our classroom.

VI. Homework
Your homework: To make your own sentences about ‘how do you get to different places? ’

VII. Self - marking
Ok, that’s right pupils! Thank you! You were brilliant today!!! Now let’s pick up your self - marking cards, I’ll count your point, and get you your marks.
The lesson is over! Good bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

конспект урока английского языка "How do you get to school?"

Автор: Майлыбаева Гулсим Айткаликызы

Дата: 15.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 343894

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