- Создать условия для осмысления обучающимися значимости изучения иностранного языка.
- Развивать у студентов навыки изучающего чтения.
Для студентов:
- Полно и точно понимать всю содержащуюся в тексте информацию и критически ее осмыслить.
- Анализировать содержание читаемого с опорой на языковые и логические связи текста.
Для преподавателя:
- Формировать у обучающихся умения самостоятельно преодолевать затруднения в понимании иностранного текста.
- Развивать навыки устной речи (монологическое и диалогическое высказывания)
Структура занятия:
- Вызов. Восприятие языковых средств и их точное понимание в тексте.
- Извлечение полной фактической информации, содержащейся в тексте и осмысление извлеченной информации.
- Рефлексия.
Ход занятия
I. Организационный момент (преподаватель приветствует обучающихся и предлагает студентам разбиться на пары для дальнейшей работы с текстами и заданиями.) (2 мин.)
II. Фаза вызова. (10 мин.)
- Прием «Знаю – хочу знать – узнал»
Преподаватель демонстрирует на доске английские слова и предлагает обсудить и найти связь между данными словами. После обсуждения в группе обучающиеся сами формулируют тему занятия. Далее преподаватель предлагает перечислить ассоциации, которые возникают у обучающихся с понятием «Иностранные языки». После этого обучающиеся и заполняют в таблице 1 графу, далее самостоятельно формулируют цели занятия и заполняют в таблице 2 графу.
Предложенные слова:
- Knowledge
- Communication
- Understanding
- Scope
- Travelling
- Development
- Career
- Negotiations
Таблица 1.
Знаю (вызов)
Хочу знать (вызов)
Узнал (реализация смысла или рефлексия)
Работа в паре: что я уже знаю по теме
Формулирование целей
Соотношение старой и новой информации
III. Фаза извлечения информации. (15 мин.)
Преподаватель раздает каждой паре обучающихся 1 текст, предлагает прочитать его и понять смысл прочитанного.
Learning foreign languages
Speaker A (1 пара)
To my mind, a multilingual person has more chances to find his or her way in life. The knowledge of two or more languages helps make a career and achieve success. I think children should start learning a second language at a young age. Personally, I learn two foreign languages as well as my native language. I use English to negotiate with my English-speaking partners and to communicate with my friends abroad. I'm fond of reading books in French and listening to French songs. I find this language very beautiful and romantic!
Speaker В (2 пара)
I like to travel to get to know different people and cultures. I don't usually have any problems in expressing my thoughts and ideas because the knowledge of French and German always helps me. The knowledge of foreign languages is very useful to those who want to understand other people better. Besides, experts say that multilingualism improves our memory and widens our scope. So why not learn foreign languages?
Speaker С (3 пара)
Some years ago I learnt French, but I have completely forgotten it. My parents don't speak this language and I could only practice it at school. My present job doesn't require speaking a foreign language, but I would like to start learning German as I want to be promoted in the future. Learning a second language is very difficult task but I hope I'll manage to master it.
Speaker D (4 пара)
I think that learning foreign languages has a great number of advantages. People who learn foreign languages usually have a better ear for listening and sharper memories. They display better problem solving and have more flexible minds. Learning foreign languages helps people expand their horizons and improve their thinking abilities. Those people who know two or more languages are usually better language learners than monolinguals.
Speaker Е (5 пара)
A person who communicates in two or more languages learns something about different cultures. Such people see the world from two or more perspectives. Communicating with members of other cultures a person should understand them and accept their traditions and customs. The knowledge of several foreign languages promotes intercultural competence and lessens intolerance and racism.
Speaker F (6 пара)
Nowadays many people speak two or more languages. Globalization and immigration are typical of modern society which has become a mixture of different nations and cultures. Immigrants and their children have to learn the language of the country they live in. Many countries recognize two or more official languages. In my opinion, people who speak several languages enjoy social and employment advantages and have a chance to get a better job than a monolingual speaker.
IV. Фаза осмысления полученной информации.
1. Установление соответствия между высказываниями каждого говорящего и данными утверждениями. (5 мин.)
Преподаватель предлагает каждой паре найти подходящее по смыслу высказывание к прочитанному тексту.
1) It helps to improve a person’s memory and thinking abilities.
2) It helps people to understand their mother tongue better.
3) It is required by modern society.
4) It helps a traveler to understand other people.
5) It will help to get a better job.
6) It helps people to understand other traditions and customs.
7) It helps to make a career and communicate with friends.
2. Прием «Составление кластера» (10 мин. составление +10 мин. защита)
Преподаватель предлагает систематизировать полученную информацию, составив кластер, в основе которого располагается тема занятия «Изучение иностранных языков». Обучающиеся составляют кластер на листе формата А4 и защищают его у доски.
3. Прием «Лови ошибку» (5 мин. подготовка + 5 мин. ответ)
Преподаватель раздает те же тексты, но в каждом тексте есть 2 ошибки:
Одна ошибка – явная, которая может быть выявлено достаточно легко, вторая ошибка – скрытая, которую можно установить, только изучив новый материал.
Learning foreign languages
Speaker A (1 пара)
To my mind, a multilingual person has more chances to find his or her way in life. The knowledge of two or more languages helps make a career and achieve success. I think children should start learning a second language at a young age. Personally, I learn three foreign languages as well as my native language. I use English to negotiate with my English-speaking partners and to communicate with my friends abroad. I'm fond of reading books in German and listening to German songs. I find this language very beautiful and romantic!
Speaker В (2 пара)
I like to travel to get to know different people and cultures. I usually have any problems in expressing my thoughts and ideas because the knowledge of French and German always helps me. The knowledge of foreign languages is very useful to those who want to understand other people better. Besides, experts say that monolingualism improves our memory and widens our scope. So why not learn foreign languages?
Speaker С (3 пара)
Some years ago I learnt French, but I have completely forgotten it. My parents don't speak this language and I could only practice it at home. My present job doesn't require speaking a foreign language, but I would like to start learning German as I want to be promoted in the future. Learning a second language is very easy task but I hope I'll manage to master it.
Speaker D (4 пара)
I think that learning foreign languages has a great number of disadvantages. People who learn foreign languages usually have a better ear for listening and sharper memories. They display better problem solving and have more flexible minds. Learning foreign languages helps people expand their horizons and improve their thinking abilities. Those people who know two or more languages are usually better language learners than multilinguals.
Speaker Е (5 пара)
A person who communicates in two or more languages learns something about different nations. Such people see the world from two or more perspectives. Communicating with members of other cultures a person should understand them and accept their traditions and customs. The knowledge of several foreign languages promotes intercultural competence and increase intolerance and racism.
Speaker F (6 пара)
Nowadays many people speak two or more languages. Globalization and immigration are typical of modern society which has become a mixture of different nations and cultures. Immigrants and their children don’t have to learn the language of the country they live in. Many countries recognize two or more official languages. In my opinion, people who speak several languages enjoy social and employment advantages and have a chance to get a better place of living than a monolingual speaker.
4. Прием «Тонкие и толстые вопросы». (15 мин.)
Преподаватель предлагает каждой паре ответить на два вопроса по своему тексту.
Таблица 2.
Тонкие вопросы
Толстые вопросы
A. Does the speaker know two foreign languages?
A. What does the speaker learn English for?
B. Does the speaker have any problems in communication?
B. What do the experts think of knowing foreign languages?
C. Would the speaker like to begin studying a foreign language?
C. Where can the speaker practice the knowledge of a foreign language?
D. is it true that learning foreign languages expands horizons?
D. What advantages does a learning foreign language have?
E. Is it true that learning foreign languages gives opportunity to get to know about other cultures?
E. What perspectives are in learning foreign languages?
F. Must immigrants learn the foreign language?
F. What is typical for the contemporary society?
V. Фаза рефлексии. (13 мин)
Обучающиеся заполняют последнюю графу таблицы 1. Преподаватель оценивает работу каждой пары обучающихся на отдельном листе, подводит итоги проведенного занятия. Обучающиеся выражают личное мнение о занятии, о том, что нового узнали, какие выводы сделали.