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Конспект урока "Спорт в Великобритании"

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Данный урок предназначен для учащихся 7 класса.Целями урока являются: развитие навыков говорения,чтения,письма.Урок состоит из 3 этапов: вызов,осмысление,рефлексия.На уроке учащимся предложены различные задания  (ответы на вопросы, работа с учебником, с дидактическим материалом,выполнения задания на соответствие).На уроке применены приемы критического мышления такие как : мозговой штурм,диаграмма Венна,согласен,несогласен.Для активизации познавательной активности  используется  индивидуальная,групповая форма работы.На уроке учащиеся вырабатывают критерии оценивания, которые помогают проводить взаимооценивание,оценивание учащихся других групп в течении урока.

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«Конспект урока "Спорт в Великобритании"»

Subject: English

Teacher: A. Sharipbaeva.

Form : 7 « А»

Theme: Sport in Great Britain.

The aims: to enrich students knowledge about sport in Great Britain

To develop of pupils habits and skills in hearing, speaking, writing, checking their understanding.

Visual aids: computer, blackboard, pictures, cards, interactive board.

Plan of the lesson

Stages of the lesson


  1. I. Evocation

1 .Greeting.

-Good afternoon, girls and boys ! I am very glad to see you! How are you? I hope that you are fine?

Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

2. Brainstorming .

Now , students, I’ve a box. And there is an object in the box , try to guess what is in it.

Questions :

Is it …(big, small, long, short, black, white, circle….) ?

Is it …. or….?

Yes, right you are. It is a ball.

3. Presenting the theme and the aims of the lesson.

Students look at the blackboard and define the theme of the lesson. The theme of the lesson is “Sport”.

Teacher: As you know, sport is very important in our life.

Many people do morning exercises and train themselves. Sports helps people to be in a good health. (the teacher and the students pronounce the objectives of the lesson.)

4. Dividing groups.

Students are divided into groups using “mosaic”.4 pictures are cut into small parts and they are mixed, students are to match them to make up true picture.

Now we have 3 groups , during the lesson you’ll do different tasks in groups.

Before doing tasks let’s make up criteria for evaluation, according them you’ll evaluate works of other groups

4. Homework checking

Ex 10 p .155 Complete the diagram.

(students check up each other works).

II. Realization of meaning

1.Presenting the new vocabulary

Here ‘s a list of new vocabulary. Students listen and repeat after the speaker.

Hockey, volleyball, basketball, jumping, skating, skiing, boxing ,

swimming, running, wrestling.

2. Agree/ Disagree

Playing the game.

Now, students stand up, please .The next task for you is to agree or disagree with me. I’ll throw you the ball ,you’ll catch it and express your opinion.

Repeat the statement if it is true. Disagree with it and correct the statement if it is false.

  1. You are swimming now. (I disagree. I am not swimming now.)

  2. Boys like to play football. (I agree. Boys like to play football).

  3. Your friend can’t play football.(I agree. My friend can’t play football.)

  4. Your father is good at running . (Yes, I agree. My father is good at running).

  5. Wrestling is famous in Kazakhstan. (I agree. Wrestling is famous in Kazakhstan).

3. Matching

Students match the words with the sentences.

Boxing, wrestling, lawn tennis, skateboarding.

The sport of fighting in gloves.

The sport of sliding on a small board with wheels.

A very popular outdoor game played on a court with rackets in which the ball must pass back and forth over a net.

A sport in which 2 people fight, each trying to throw the other on the ground.

4.Doing physical exercise

The students watch video and do physical exercise.


Students listen to the tape recorder twice.

There is a text about sport in Great Britain.

II. Reflection

1.True/ False

2.Venn’s diagram.

Now find true and false sentences.

  1. A lot of people go skiing in Britain.

  2. There are eleven players in each football team.

  3. In Britain 49 % of the population play sport.

  4. Cricket, netball are popular in Britain.

After that, the students check up each other works.

Here is a Venn’s diagram.

Complete. Sport in Kazakhstan/ Both/Sport in Great Britain.

3. Homework

Write a short composition or prepare a poster on the theme “My favourite sport”.

4 .Evaluation.

Today at the lesson you ’ve prepared criteria for evaluation. Students in groups evaluate other groups. (teacher comments them.)

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Конспект урока "Спорт в Великобритании"

Автор: Шарипбаева Асель Ахметкановна

Дата: 24.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 309532

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