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Конспект урока на тему "Animals"

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Aims: a) to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary by talking about animals,
Practice the degrees of adjectives
b) to develop pupil’s skills in reading listening
Speaking and working in group writing, solving problems
c) To teach pupil’s to protect environment, to love the world where we live
(Teaching aids)
Visual aids: books, pictures, cards, illustrations,
Interactive board, internet resources documentary films
Methods: answering the questions, critical thinking
Type of the lesson: combined lesson

“The bridge” taskwhich pupils must do at home


Match the words

How many years do animals live?

Rabbit                          12 years

Dogs                              5 years

Pigs                               5 years

Sheep                           15 years

Goats                            40years

Horses                         25 years

Cats                              13 years

Camels                         15 years

Theory “to understand”

II period

Animals are our quests

1.What kind of wild animals do you knows?


  2.Now, tell me about a squirrel?


3.What kind of domestic animals do you know?

Theory “to analyze”

Who will be the first?

An  El…..ph…...nt                     A  t….g……r

A  c….m…..l                              A  w…..lf

A  f…..x                                      A  l…..on

Theory “to concentrate”

Divide these words in to 2 colums

A bear, a tiger, a wolf, a giraffe, an elephant, a cat, acow , a dog, a fox, a pig, sheep, a lion, goats, a horse.


             Wild animals                              Domestic animals








Theory “to use”

Answer the questions

1.I t lives in the house? I t likes fish .What is it?

2.I t lives in the forest.It likes bananas.What is it?

3.I t is very big and grey. What is it?

4.This animal likes grass.I t is a domestic animal.It gives us milk .What is it?

5.This animal liver at home orin the street.It is man`s friend..What is it?

6.What wild animals do you know?

7.What domestic animals do you know?

8.This animal sleep all winter.What is it?

9.It has got long ears.It eats carrots.Whatis it

10.This animals looks like a dog but it is wild. What is it?

Theory to know

Match the words

1.Monkey                                                a. has long  neck

2.Bear                                                    b.green and big

3.Wolf                                                     c.grey and with big teeth

4.Giraffe                                                  d.long ears

5.Crocodile                                             e.big and brown, likes a honey

6.Fox                                                       f.very funny

7.Rabbit                                                  g.it likes bananas

Theory “to concentrate”

III. period

Game “Bingo

Theory “to use”


1.As strong as a tiger  Жолбарыстай ?айратты,

 As brave as lion       Арыстандай айбатты

2.Two kill two birds with one stone. Екі ?оянды бір о?пен ату

3.An ass is but an  ass, though laden with gold.  Есек алтынмен ?апталсада, есек атымен ?алады.

Theory “to concentrate

Complete the chart.





































To give a mark

Write down a composition about your favourite animals.Your marks.The lesson is over.


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«конспект урока на тему "Animals" »

Theme: Animals
Aims: a) to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary by talking about animals,
Practice the degrees of adjectives
b) to develop pupil’s skills in reading listening
Speaking and working in group writing, solving problems
c) To teach pupil’s to protect environment, to love the world where we live
(Teaching aids)
Visual aids: books, pictures, cards, illustrations,
Interactive board, internet resources documentary films
Methods: answering the questions, critical thinking
Type of the lesson: combined lesson

The bridge” taskwhich pupils must do at home

Match the words

How many years do animals live?

Rabbit 12 years

Dogs 5 years

Pigs 5 years

Sheep 15 years

Goats 40years

Horses 25 years

Cats 13 years

Camels 15 years

Theory “to understand”

II period

Animals are our quests

1.What kind of wild animals do you knows?

2.Now, tell me about a squirrel?

3.What kind of domestic animals do you know?

Theory “to analyze”

Who will be the first?

An El…..ph…...nt A t….g……r

A c….m…..l A w…..lf

A f…..x A l…..on

Theory “to concentrate”

Divide these words in to 2 colums

A bear, a tiger, a wolf, a giraffe, an elephant, a cat, acow , a dog, a fox, a pig, sheep, a lion, goats, a horse.

Wild animals Domestic animals

Theory “to use”

Answer the questions

1.I t lives in the house? I t likes fish .What is it?

2.I t lives in the forest.It likes bananas.What is it?

3.I t is very big and grey. What is it?

4.This animal likes grass.I t is a domestic animal.It gives us milk .What is it?

5.This animal liver at home orin the street.It is man`s friend..What is it?

6.What wild animals do you know?

7.What domestic animals do you know?

8.This animal sleep all winter.What is it?

9.It has got long ears.It eats carrots.Whatis it

10.This animals looks like a dog but it is wild. What is it?

Theory to know

Match the words

1.Monkey a. has long neck

2.Bear b.green and big

3.Wolf c.grey and with big teeth

4.Giraffe d.long ears

5.Crocodile e.big and brown, likes a honey

6.Fox f.very funny

7.Rabbit g.it likes bananas

Theory “to concentrate”

III. period

Game “Bingo

Theory “to use”


1.As strong as a tiger Жолбарыстай қайратты,

As brave as lion Арыстандай айбатты

2.Two kill two birds with one stone. Екі қоянды бір оқпен ату

3.An ass is but an ass, though laden with gold. Есек алтынмен қапталсада, есек атымен қалады.

Theory “to concentrate

Complete the chart.







To give a mark

Write down a composition about your favourite animals.Your marks.The lesson is over.


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

конспект урока на тему "Animals"

Автор: К?пенова Зинайда ?мбет?ызы

Дата: 08.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 169171

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