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Конспект урока 'Gardening'

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                        The theme of the lesson -  Gardening in England

The  aim of the  lesson- educational: to enrich  pupils  knowledge on the topic –Gardening in England-

To revise active  vocabulary  of the unit  and practise using  them  in pupils speech

Developing – to develop pupils  reading – speaking –writing  skills  through  doing  different tasks on the learnt  material

Bringing-up- to bring  up pupils memory –love  to  the  English  language  through  different teaching  methods

The form of the lesson - new lesson

The  methods –question –answer, oral, game elements, individual  work, group work

The aids –an active, pictures,  slides

The procedure  of the lesson

1.Оrganization  moment

Good  morning children!  I m glad to see you. Who  is  on duty  today? What  is the date today? What day of the week  is it today?  Who is absent today?

2.Speech drill  -a fruit, a vegetable, an apple, an apricot, an orange, an onion, a garlic, a cucumber, a cabbage, a carrot, a potato, a tomato,  a tangerine, a pomegranate, a beetroot, a banana  a pineapple, a water melon  lemon.

3.Brainstorming: interviewing-  about  what  fruit, vegetables  they like.P1-P2

4.Checking  up  the homework  1.Making  up  the sentences  using  the new  words  exercise 7 \ writing   what  Оmar’s family  was  doing  on Sunday?\

5. Puzzle  the  crossword

1.ж?зім- grape

2. алма- apple





6.The  theme of  our  lesson  is –Gardening   in England,   today   will speak  about Gardening  in England  and  in  our country.

Answer my  questions –

1.Do  you  have  a garden?

2.What  fruit –trees   have  you  in the  garden?

Do  you  often  work  in the  garden?

Do you  plant  trees  every  year?

Do  you  enjoy  working  in  the  garden?

Do  you  want  to  be  a  gardener?

Is your country  famous  for  its  gardens?

What  do people    usually  grow  in  the  gardens ?

What  kind  of  flowers  would  you  like  to  have  in  your   garden?

7. Pre –reading   task- vocabulary  presentation


a  gardener



get   prizes

8. Doing  of  exercise12  \ True or  False \

English  people  like   gardening.

Flower shows  and  vegetables   shows  are not popular  in England.

At  these   shows  gardeners  get  prizes.

Looking  at  flowers  or eating  vegetables  is  more  important  to a lot of  gardens  than  the  process  of  growing  plants.

9. Slide –show – The prize- winning  giant  vegetables

Group  the words   into  two  categories

Apple,  orange,  garlic,  onion,  water –melon,  cucumber,  cherry, pine-apple, cabbage,  pome granate, tomato, potato,  banana,  tangerine

10. Conclusion- we  have  come to  an end  of  our  lesson.You  have  worked  well- I  give  you  marks.  Take your diaries and  write down  your  homework:  the proverbs  learn  by heart

Health – above  wealth, Early  to bed – and early to  rise – make people  healthy – wealthy and  wise.

11. Good bye, children!

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«Конспект урока 'Gardening'»

The theme of the lesson - Gardening in England

The aim of the lesson- educational: to enrich pupils knowledge on the topic –Gardening in England-

To revise active vocabulary of the unit and practise using them in pupils speech

Developing – to develop pupils reading – speaking –writing skills through doing different tasks on the learnt material

Bringing-up- to bring up pupils memory –love to the English language through different teaching methods

The form of the lesson - new lesson

The methods –question –answer , oral , game elements , individual work, group work

The aids –an active, pictures, slides

The procedure of the lesson

1 .Оrganization moment

Good morning children! I m glad to see you. Who is on duty today? What is the date today? What day of the week is it today? Who is absent today?

2.Speech drill -a fruit, a vegetable, an apple, an apricot , an orange, an onion , a garlic, a cucumber, a cabbage, a carrot, a potato , a tomato, a tangerine , a pomegranate , a beetroot , a banana a pineapple , a water melon lemon.

3.Brainstorming: interviewing- about what fruit, vegetables they like .P1-P2

4 .Checking up the homework 1.Making up the sentences using the new words exercise 7 \ writing what Оmar’s family was doing on Sunday?\

5. Puzzle the crossword

1.жүзім- grape

2. алма- apple





6.The theme of our lesson is –Gardening in England , today will speak about Gardening in England and in our country.

Answer my questions –

1.Do you have a garden?

2.What fruit –trees have you in the garden?

Do you often work in the garden?

Do you plant trees every year?

Do you enjoy working in the garden?

Do you want to be a gardener?

Is your country famous for its gardens?

What do people usually grow in the gardens ?

What kind of flowers would you like to have in your garden?

7. Pre –reading task- vocabulary presentation


a gardener



get prizes

8. Doing of exercise12 \ True or False \

English people like gardening.

Flower shows and vegetables shows are not popular in England.

At these shows gardeners get prizes.

Looking at flowers or eating vegetables is more important to a lot of gardens than the process of growing plants.

9. Slide –show – The prize- winning giant vegetables

Group the words into two categories

Apple, orange, garlic, onion, water –melon, cucumber, cherry, pine-apple , cabbage, pome granate, tomato, potato, banana, tangerine

10. Conclusion- we have come to an end of our lesson .You have worked well- I give you marks. Take your diaries and write down your homework: the proverbs learn by heart

Health – above wealth, Early to bed – and early to rise – make people healthy – wealthy and wise.

11. Good bye, children!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока 'Gardening'

Автор: Казиева Бибигуль Каиржановна

Дата: 23.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 257391

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