І. Початок уроку 1. Оргмомент 2. Фонетична зарядка (на матеріалі скоромовки) - пред’явлення скоромовки вчителем; - виконання вправи на імітацію (хорове промовляння за вчителем); - конкурс на кращого чтеця. 3. Мовленнєва зарядка (на матеріалі приказок) 4. Ознайомлення з комунікативною перспективою уроку | | Good morning, class! Nice to see you again! Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? - Let’s start our English lesson. First of all we’ll practice our pronunciation. - Now listen to a tongue-twister. Pay attention to the sounds: [t ], [ ], [u:], [u]. “If a dog chews shoes What shoes would he choose to chew? Too few for sure You’re a choosy shoe-chewer”. - Now, say after me the 1st and the 2nd lines: “If a dog chews shoes What shoes would he choose to chew?” - Say after me the 3rd and the 4th lines: “Too few for sure You’re a choosy shoe-chewer”. - Good, repeat the tongue-twister from the beginning to the end. - Let’s stage the best reciter contest of the tongue-twister. - Yes, Dima, please. - Not bad. Who is the next one? - Excellent! To my mind, Sasha is the best tongue-twister reciter. Are you agree with me? - Answer my questions: How do you think what shoes would the dog choose to chew? - Thank you, Den. - Now, class, pay attention to this proverb: “Act today only, tomorrow is too late”. - Good. What is Ukrainian equivalent for it? - Well done! And what can you say about yourselves in this connection? Do you do everything in time or wait until the last moment? Liza, please. - And what about you, Masha? - And you? - Good. Thank you. - So, today, class, we’re going to listen to the text about a girl and her dream. After that we’ll speak about the professions for which a deep knowledge of English is necessary. | Good morning, teacher! Nice to see you, too! - I am on duty today. - Vlad and Pasha are absent today. Pls: “If a dog chews shoes What shoes would he choose to chew?” Pls: “Too few for sure You’re a choosy shoe-chewer”. - Shall I? P1: “If a dog chews shoes What shoes would he choose to chew? Too few for sure You’re a choosy shoe-chewer”. Р2: Shall I? … Р3: … Pls: Yes, we are. P1: I think mine, because my dog always chooses my shoes. P1: I know another one: “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” - Ніколи не відкладай сьогодні на завтра те, що можеш зробити сьогодні. P1: As for me, I try to do everything in time. It’s the best way. P2: Well, I wait until the last moment. P3: I’d like to do everything in time but usually it’s so difficult for me. | На дошці записані день, дата та класна робота Транскрипційні знаки записані на дошці Скоромовка записана на дошці Декілька учнів за бажанням цитують скоромовку Приказки записані на дошці |
II. Основна частина Задача І: організувати аудіювання тексту «Mary is a filmstar» з вилученням основної інформації у пред’явленні вчителя. 1. Постановка завдання, виклик інтересу проблемним характером завдання, що пропонується. 2. Підготовка учнів до сприйняття тексту«Mary is a filmstar» на слух: - робота над заголовком (здогадка про можливий зміст тексту за назвою) - зняття мовних (лексичних) труднощів 3. Цільова настанова до первинного прослуховування (прослухати та зрозуміти загальний зміст, відповісти на запитання) 4. Первинне аудіювання тексту «Mary is a filmstar» з використанням графічної опори (ключових запитань за змістом) 5. Контроль розуміння загального змісту тексту«Mary is a filmstar»(за допомогою загальновживаних та спеціальних питань) 6. Настанова до вторинного слухання: прослухати і зрозуміти деталі змісту тексту, виконати тест 7. Вторинне аудіювання тексту (без будь-якої опори) 8. Контроль глибокого розуміння змісту тексту (за допомогою тесту множинного вибору) 9. Підбиття підсумків роботи Задача ІІ: Організація монологічного висловлювання за темою «My future profession». 1. Постановка завдання та стимуляція потреби й інтересу, вказування на комунікативну перспективу завдання. 2. Підготовка учнів до монологічного висловлювання: - обговорення пунктів плану, котрий пред’являє вчитель як графічну опору для організації монологічного висловлювання. 3. Настанова до читання текстів та складання повідомлень згідно з планом. 4. Читання учнями текстів в малих групах 5. Контроль виконання роботи: складання повідомлень за планом 6. Підбиття підсумків: ознайомлення з комунікативною перспективою усного матеріалу | | - At the previous lesson we spoke about various professions. It is very important to choose the one that suits you and to consider your health, abilities, features of character. Have you any dream about your road of life? - Now, I’d like you to listen to the text about a girl whose dream came true. It’s up to you to decide if she had made the right choice. - The title of the text is «Mary is a filmstar». Try to guess about what this is. It may be the text about a girl who was a filmstar? What do you think, Dima? - And you, Vika? - Thank you. In some minutes we’ll know who is right and who is wrong. - Before listening to the text look at the blackboard. You can see some words there: agency, premiere, crowd, scene. They are international words. Pay attention to the pronunciation. The last one “crowd scene”. You know the meaning of every word of this combination. What is the Ukrainian for “crowd”? Anne, please. And for scene? Very good. - Now, listen to the text and be ready to answer the questions: «Mary is a filmstar» Many loved the cinema… Now, answer these questions: - What did Mary want to become? Dima, please. - Did she get into films? – No, Roma, please. - What the director pleased with her acting? - Did Mary see herself in the film? Violetta. - Why didn’t she see herself in film? Good job! Now, class, listen to the text one more time and be ready to write a test. Try to catch and remember all the details. «Mary is a filmstar» Many loved the cinema… So, I’ll give you the tests and you have to choose the correct answers (two or more) in every questions. You have 5 minutes. The time is up. Give me your copy-books. You have listen to the text «Mary is a filmstar» and now tell me if Mary had made the right choice? - I see, thank you. Dasha. - Thank you for your own opinions. - Is it very important to make the right choice? - You have to choose your own road of life. If you are able for languages, you can choose such professions as: a foreign language teacher, an interpreter, a technical translator, a diplomat, a guide…There are a lot of professions for which a good knowledge of foreign language is necessary. Today we are going to speak about the professions connected with a foreign language. Now look at this table and you can see this list of professions. - So, let’s look at the table. There is a list with questions which help you in your work. So, Let’s discuss these points. So the 1st one is about what profession you are going to talk. – How do you have to answer, Nick? - You are right. Thank you. The next one: Does our country need such a specialist, Vika? - Good. What education is required to become a specialist in this profession? What do you have to say, Kate? - Well. Is this profession connected directly with people? - Thank you. In what way is this profession necessary and useful? You are right. So, we have discussed this plan and now let’s read the texts about the professions connected with the foreign language. Work in groups. Work in groups. Get into groups of four. Choose in your groups the consultants. We have 3 groups and 3 consultants. I give you 3 texts: about a teacher, an interpreter and a translator. Now read these texts in groups and be ready to talk about these professions according to the plan, which we have discussed. We have 5 minutes. - Your time is up. Now let’s listen to your message. The 1st group, who is your consultant? Liza? Start, please. - Thank you, very much, The 2nd group. Who’ll speak? Tanya, please. -Well done! Thank you. And the last one. Anne, start, please. Thank you. - So, with the help of this plan we have discussed the professions for which a good knowledge of a foreign language is absolutely necessary. I think, this plan will help you to talk about your future profession. Of course, you may use this material of you’ve chosen one of these professions. | Pls: Yes, we have. P1: It’s a story about a young girl who was a filmstar and didn’t like her job. P2: I think this is a story about a girl who became a filmstar and liked it. P1:Mary wanted to become a filmstar. P2:Yes, she did. P3:No, she didn’t. Mary was one of the people in a crowd scene. P4: The man at the agency phoned her one evening. P5: He said that there was a job for her and she had to come at eight o’clock. P6: Because her scene had been cut out. P1: I think, she had been mistaken as she hadn’t a talent to be a filmstar and her scene had been act out. P2: to my mind, she hadn’t mistaken. The director was pleased and the star smiled at her. Many was a talented girl but her scene was unimportant. P1: We have to name a profession that we are going to talk about. P2: We have to define if our country needs or not such a specialist. P3: We have to say if we need higher or secondary education. P4: We define a person of such profession deals or not with people. P5: We have to say how this profession helps people. - Liza. P1: I’m going to talk about the profession of a teacher. This profession is very important nowadays and our country needs such specialist. Higher education is required to become a teacher. This profession is directly connected with people. A teacher communicates with children, studies them, discovers their interests. This profession is very necessary and useful because a teacher makes his pupil well-educated, honest. He takes an active part in shaping the child’s character. I think, I’m suited for this profession because I’m an industries girl and I love children. P2: I’m going to talk about the profession of interpreter. Our country needs such specialists as nowadays a great number of foreign tourists feel a keen interest in Ukraine. Higher education is required to become a specialist in this profession. This profession is directly connected with people. This profession is very necessary and useful. An interpreter gives foreign tourists complete information on all matters of interest. I think, I can be an interpreter because I’m able for language and I love my country. P3: I’m going to speak about the profession of a translator. To begin with I’d like to say that our country needs such specialists. Higher education is required to become a specialist in this profession. This profession isn’t connected with people directly because a translator translates written texts. But his work is very necessary as translators do translations of scientific papers and different literary works. Thanks to translators we can acquaint ourselves with the last achievements in the fields of science, culture and art. As for me, I’m not suited for this profession because I’m not able for languages. | Вчитель записує назву тексту на дошці Слова на дошці записані на дошці (Додаток 1) Вчитель читає текст, учні слухають. (Додаток 2) Вчитель читає текст вдруге, учні уважно слухають. Вчитель роздає завдання кожному учню (Додаток 3) На дошці таблиця з малюнками професій (Додаток 4) Вчитель пред’являє питання на дошці (Додаток 5) Учні працюють у групах (4 чоловіка) з текстами (Додаток 6) Вчитель уважно слухає учнів та, якщо потрібно виправляє помилки |