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Конспект урока английского языка

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Technological map of the lesson

Cаба?ты? технологиялы? картасы


The theme of the lesson:

 Have you been to Central Asia?

Objectives  of the lesson

Саба?ты? ма?саты:

To teach the pupils to understand . Have you been to Central Asia?

To widen pupils` vocabulary; to develop the pupils` skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking; To bring up interests to the English.

Expected results:

К?тілетін н?тиже:

Pupils will be able to use topical vocabulary in their speech; they also will be able to analyze and compare the information about. Have you been to Central Asia?

alking about  its and communicate their opinions through various activities.

The type of the lesson

Саба? типі: 

Integrated lesson

 Кіріктірілген саба?

The kind of lesson

New lesson.                                                                    

The methods

pair work,  individual work, work with group, game, question-answer, dialogue, monologue, work with pictures, thematic tennis

Visual  aids

Саба?ты? к?рнекіліктері.

Audio-video  rolik, pictures, cards

Аудио-бейне ролик.

Materials of  the lesson:

Саба? Блум ж?йесіні? алты ма?сатты   категориясы бойынша ж?ргізілді.

·         Білу (checking the home task)

·         Т?сіну (new lesson.).

·         ?олдану(doing  exercises).

·         Анализ (work with the book).

·         Синтез (conclusion. home task)

·         Ба?алау (evolution)

Methods of the lesson:

Work on the cluster, tables.

Motto of the lesson

Learn and Live.

Inter subject connection

Kazakh,  English, Russian.

?аза? тілі, а?ылшынтілі, орыс тілдері.

Using materials(literature)

English. Ayapova. ''А?ылшын тілі мектепте''.English grammar. The internet materials

  А?ылшын тілі о?улы?ы."А?ылшын тілі мектепте" ?дістемелік журналы  А?ылшын тілі грамматикасы.Интернет материалдары.

Procedure  of  the  lesson:

Teacher`s   activity.

Pupils`   activity.

Organization  moment:

Dividing into 2/3  groups:

The golden rules:

Checking up the home task:

New words

Additional task:


Home task:



Greeting  pupils

Okay, pupils I`ll divide you in 2 groups and you`ll  take cards names of   grammar materials ( Common case, possessive case, adverbs).

 And each groups have



The was _________________________

travelling on a ____________________

The was a ________________________

travelling on the same ______________

She was _________________________

He was __________________________

He looked at her.

She seemed _______ and  __________

Before getting of the _______________

He slipped a  _____________________

into the pocked  her coat.




Along the Silk Road

You can trave

Writing a dialogue  

-              The lesson is over!

-              See you on next lesson!

-              Good-bye, pupils!              

Chimkent  is located in Southern part of Kazakhstan. It is the third largest city in the country and among top major stops of the Turkestan-Siberian Railroad. First signs of Chimkent as a settled place go back to the 12th century and directly connected to the Silk Road.

Some argue that this gigantic ruined mosque was built by Timur's Mongol wife, Bibi-Khanym while Timur was away campaigning. According to one of the legends, the architect fell madly in love with her and refused to complete the job unless she agreed to kiss him. The kiss left a mark and the outraged Timur

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«Конспект урока английского языка »

Technological map of the lesson

Cабақтың технологиялық картасы


The theme of the lesson:

Have you been to Central Asia?

Objectives of the lesson

Сабақтың мақсаты:

To teach the pupils to understand . Have you been to Central Asia?

To widen pupils` vocabulary; to develop the pupils` skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking; To bring up interests to the English.

Expected results:

Күтілетін нәтиже:

Pupils will be able to use topical vocabulary in their speech; they also will be able to analyze and compare the information about . Have you been to Central Asia?

alking about its and communicate their opinions through various activities.

The type of the lesson

Сабақ типі:

Integrated lesson

Кіріктірілген сабақ

The kind of lesson

Сабақтың түрі:

New lesson.

The methods


әдіс- тәсілдері

pair work, individual work, work with group, game, question-answer, dialogue, monologue, work with pictures, thematic tennis

жұппен жұмыс, жекелей жұмыс,топпен жұмыс, ойын, сұрақ-жауап, көрнекілік, аударма әдісі, диалог, монолог, суретпен жұмыс

Visual aids

Сабақтың көрнекіліктері.

Audio-video rolik, pictures, cards

Аудио-бейне ролик.

Materials of the lesson:

Сабақ Блум жүйесінің алты мақсатты категориясы бойынша жүргізілді.

  • Білу (checking the home task)

  • Түсіну (new lesson..).

  • Қолдану(doing exercises).

  • Анализ (work with the book).

  • Синтез (conclusion. home task)

  • Бағалау (evolution)

Methods of the lesson:

Work on the cluster, tables.

Motto of the lesson

Сабақтың эпиграфы

Learn and Live.

Inter subject connection

Пәнаралық байланыс

Kazakh, English, Russian .

Қазақ тілі, ағылшынтілі, орыс тілдері .

Using materials(literature)


English. Ayapova. ''Ағылшын тілі мектепте''.English grammar. The internet materials

Ағылшын тілі оқулығы."Ағылшын тілі мектепте" әдістемелік журналы Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы.Интернет материалдары.

Procedure of the lesson:

Teacher`s activity.

Pupils` activity.

Organization moment:

Dividing into 2/3 groups:

The golden rules:

Checking up the home task:

New words:

Additional task:


Doing exercises:

Home task:



Greeting pupils!

Okay, pupils I`ll divide you in 2 groups and you`ll take cards names of grammar materials ( Common case, possessive case, adverbs).

And each groups have



The was _________________________

travelling on a ____________________

The was a ________________________

travelling on the same ______________

She was _________________________

He was __________________________

He looked at her.

She seemed _______ and __________

Before getting of the _______________

He slipped a _____________________

into the pocked her coat.




Along the Silk Road

You can travel?

Writing a dialogue

- The lesson is over!

- See you on next lesson!

- Good-bye, pupils!

  • Greeting!

  • Report of the duty!

Pupils are divide in 2 groups:


The golden rules:

a) Be active

b) Be attentive

c) Be emotional

d) don`t interrupt each other

e) don`t say “I don`t”

f) first think then speak

Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan with population close to 1.5 million. From 1929 till 1998, it was the country's capital called Alma-Ata. The real Almaty's glory comes from famous "Silk Road" times, when the city was a major stop for passing caravans between West and East.

Chimkent is located in Southern part of Kazakhstan. It is the third largest city in the country and among top major stops of the Turkestan-Siberian Railroad. First signs of Chimkent as a settled place go back to the 12th century and directly connected to the Silk Road.

Some argue that this gigantic ruined mosque was built by Timur's Mongol wife, Bibi-Khanym while Timur was away campaigning. According to one of the legends, the architect fell madly in love with her and refused to complete the job unless she agreed to kiss him. The kiss left a mark and the outraged Timur

Бағалау парағы (тиісті ұпайдың тұсына құстұмсық қой)

оқушының аты-жөні

Б.Блум бой-ша деңгейі







Талдау Жинақтау


жалпы ұпай саны:

Білу (divide into 3 groups, golden rules and checking home task)

Түсіну (new lesson.

Анализ (work with the book).

Қолдану(doing exercises).

Синтез (conclusion. home task).


The theme

The aim

Methods of the lesson.


Expected results:



Visual aids.


Technological map of the lesson

Cабақтың технологиялық картасы


The theme of the lesson:

Making laws

Objectives of the lesson

Сабақтың мақсаты:

To teach the pupils to understand Making laws .To widen pupils` vocabulary; to develop the pupils` skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking; To bring up interests to the English.

Expected results:

Күтілетін нәтиже:

Pupils will be able to use topical vocabulary in their speech; they also will be able to analyze and compare the information about making laws talking about its and communicate their opinions through various activities.

The type of the lesson

Сабақ типі:

Integrated lesson

Кіріктірілген сабақ

The kind of lesson

Сабақтың түрі:

New lesson.

The methods


әдіс- тәсілдері

pair work, individual work, work with group, game, question-answer, dialogue, monologue, work with pictures, thematic tennis

жұппен жұмыс, жекелей жұмыс,топпен жұмыс, ойын, сұрақ-жауап, көрнекілік, аударма әдісі, диалог, монолог, суретпен жұмыс

Visual aids

Сабақтың көрнекіліктері.

Audio-video rolik, pictures, cards

Аудио-бейне ролик.

Materials of the lesson:

Сабақ Блум жүйесінің алты мақсатты категориясы бойынша жүргізілді.

Білу (checking the home task)

Түсіну (new lesson Making laws. .).

Қолдану(doing exercises).

Анализ (work with the book).

Синтез (conclusion. home task)

Бағалау (evolution)

Methods of the lesson:

Work on the cluster, tables.

Motto of the lesson

Сабақтың эпиграфы

Learn and Live.

Inter subject connection

Пәнаралық байланыс

Kazakh, English, Russian .

Қазақ тілі, ағылшын тілі, орыс тілдері .

Using materials(literature)


English. Ayapova. ''Ағылшын тілі мектепте''.English grammar. The internet materials

Ағылшын тілі оқулығы."Ағылшын тілі мектепте" әдістемелік журналы Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы.Интернет материалдары.

Procedure of the lesson:

Teacher`s activity.

Pupils` activity.

Organization moment:

Dividing into 2/3 groups:

The golden rules:

Checking up the home task:

New words:

Additional task:


Doing exercises:

Home task:



Greeting pupils!

Okay, pupils I`ll divide you in 2 groups and you`ll take cards names of grammar materials ( Common case, possessive case, adverbs).

And each groups have


At the beginning of the lesson I want to ask you attention to these rules, you should follow them:

a) Be active

b) Be attentive

c) Be emotional

d) don`t interrupt each other

e) don`t say “I don`t”

f) first think then speak

What was your home task for today ?


- The lesson is over!

- See you on next lesson!

- Good-bye, pupils!


Report of the duty!

Pupils are divide in 2 groups:

a) the Government

b) the President


The golden rules:

a) Be active

b) Be attentive

c) Be emotional

d) don`t interrupt each other

e) don`t say “I don`t”

f) first think then speak


Бағалау парағы (тиісті ұпайдың тұсына құстұмсық қой)

оқушының аты-жөні

Б.Блум бой-ша деңгейі







Талдау Жинақтау


жалпы ұпай саны:

Білу (divide into 3 groups, golden rules and checking home task)

Түсіну (new lesson.

Анализ (work with the book).

Қолдану(doing exercises).

Синтез (conclusion. home task).


The theme

The aim

Methods of the lesson.


Expected results:



Visual aids.


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Конспект урока английского языка

Автор: Калилаева Рыскаль Сагимбаевна

Дата: 06.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 197876

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