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Конспект урока на тему Schools in Great Britain

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Цель урока -познакомить  со школьной жизнью в Великобритании, расширить культуроно-страноведческие знания по теме Schools in Great Britain.

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«Конспект урока на тему Schools in Great Britain»


Schools in Great Britain

Цели урока: познакомить со школьной жизнью в Великобритании, расширить культурно-страноведческие знания по теме School life in Great Britain


  • активизировать и расширить вокабуляр учащихся по теме;

  • развивать речевые способности, познавательные процессы, связанные с речевой деятельностью (память, внимание, мышление, способность логически мыслить, умение анализировать);

  • развивать навыки говорения, письма, чтения, аудирования;

  • расширять кругозор учащихся;

  • развивать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка;

  • воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу, способствовать развитию культуры общения в разных видах коллективного взаимодействия

Оборудование урока: компьютер, проектор, видеоролик о школах в Великобритании, слайдовая презентация, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

Hello. Nice to meet you. -

How are you?

What date is it today?

It`s a lovely day today, isn`t it?

Listen! (звонок) What is it? – P: It is the bell of our school.

But it`s also the bell of English school. So today we are …

Where are we going? - P: We are going to schools in Great Britain.

I think it will be an interesting trip for you.

Let`s start.

II. Речевая разминка. T: I would like to know what school is for you.

Вопросы 1) What is your school for you?

2) How many days a week do you go to school?

4) How many lessons do you have every day?

5) What new subjects do you study this year?

6) What is your favourite subject? (some students) Why?

7) What school activities do you attend after lessons? (some students)

III. T: Now we‘ll watch the film about schools in England and Wales. Before you watch the film let`s repeat some words.

IV. Activities while you are watching

a) T: Now you will watch the first part. Try to complete the table with words and numbers from the box.

training; university ; 17; 5;

70; secondary; advanced;

primary; certificate ; 20; 16;




100% of students go to………school.


100% of students go to……. school.

At 16, in England, they take GCSE examinations (General of

Secondary Education).


…… % of students continue at school. At 18 they take ‘A’ levels (……….level examinations.).


20% of 18-year-olds go to……..

Another…… % of 18-year-olds go on to other kinds of education


b) T: Watch the second part:

1. Write the subjects in the order that you see them. (Teacher gives students time to look at the exercises before playing video)

French; Literature; Design and Technology ; Food Technology; Maths; Information Technology; Art; Science; History; Geography; English; Religion.

2. Tick the activities you see



3. Cross out the incorrect answer in the sentences below.

1. Students have a break of (an hour/ half an hour) for lunch.

2. (Most/ Some) students bring sandwiches for lunch.

3. School finishes at (four/five) o'clock.

4. Students also play (chess/rugby).

c) T: And now try to put the correct information in each column on the right.

Eaton is one of them
The parents pay for these.
8% of British schools.
The government pay for these.
92% British schools
Some of these are boarding schools.

State schools

Independent schools

V. Activities after watching the video. So there are state and private schools in Britain. State schools is divided into grammar schools, modern and comprehensive schools. What are they? Let’s present them. (Мини-презентации учащихся)

VI. Динамическая пауза. If you were a student of English school, what would you do?

VII. Работа в микрогруппах:

T: Imagine that a student from Britain is at our gymnasium now. You are a correspondent of our school newspaper “Pulse-times”. What would you like to ask him or her about school life? Make up questions, please.

примерные вопросы 1. What time does school in Britain start? 2. Do British schoolchildren have lessons on Saturdays?
3. What exams do you take? 4. Where do you usually have lunch? Can you take sandwiches to school?
5. Is it necessary to wear a school uniform in Great Britain? 6. What types of schools in Great Britain do you know? 7. Would you like to study at English school?

VII. Составьте синквейн с главным словом занятия.

Как это делать

Название (обычно существительное) ————————
Описание (обычно прилагательное) ————————
Действия ————————————————————
Чувство (фраза) ————————————————
Повторение сути (синоним) ————————————————

State, private
Learn, participate, attend
A place where children learn / Go to be educated
The process of learning / The time during your life when you go to school

VIII. Заключительный этап:

I think our travelling was interesting and useful.

Today at the lesson we’ve:

learned about…,

Our time is going to the end. Your marks are excellent today.

Your hometask is to write the article about Schools in Great Britain in our newspaper.

Thank you for your good work. Goodbye.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Конспект урока на тему Schools in Great Britain

Автор: Архипова Светлана Анатольевна

Дата: 27.01.2024

Номер свидетельства: 644804

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