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Конспект урока на тему "In the Safari Park"

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Ход урока.

Этапы урока





Время (мин.)


Организационный момент

Stand up!

Hello boys and girls, and our dear guests.

I’m very glad to see you today. How are you?

I’m happy today. Yesterday my friend gave me a present. Look at this photo, who is it?

Yes, you are quite right, it is a parrot! It is my favourite pet now.


What about you? Have you got a pet? What is its name?

Do you want to know the name of my parrot?

Let’s go to the Safari Park then. Do you like the idea?

On our way there, you’ll try to guess my parrot’s name.

At the end of our trip I would like to listen to your impressions about the Safari Park, what animals you liked and why?

But before it we should remember the names of the animals, what they look like and what they can do.

Let’s start our trip! Look at the map. Here is a little train Puffy. It likes to travel with children.

At every station I want you to guess one letter of my parrot’s name.

Is it clear?


Let’s start our trip then.

How does the train sound?

Hello teacher!

I’m fine, thanks.

It’s a parrot.

I have got a…

Its name is…

Yes, we do.


Yes, we like it.

Yes, it is.


3 мин


Фонетическая зарядка (отработка произношения звуков [k] и [f])













Our first station is Lucy’s Station. Who is waiting for us here?

To name the words correctly we should repeat the sounds.

Look at the blackboard, listen to me attentively and repeat:

[k] kangaroo

[f] elephant

Look, Lucy has got a task for us.

Can you find a house for each word?

Come to the blackboard.

Read the word. Good of you.

Now we can open the first letter. What letter is it?


It is a kangaroo.

Ученики повторяют звуки вместе с учителем.






Распределяют слова в соответствии со звуками.




It is letter Y


3 мин


Активизация изученных ранее лексических единиц с опорой на картинки

Our second station is Amanda’s Station.

Look, what animal is it? Yes, it’s Amanda the Panda.

It is very interesting for Amanda to know what animals you remember.

Look at the blackboard and say what animals you can see here.

Begin with I see…

Here is our second letter. What letter is it?

Very nice! Let’s continue our trip.


It is a panda.

I see a kangaroo…

I see a….

It is A.


3 мин




Письменная речь(заполнение пропусков модальным глаголом can и оборотом have got)


The third station is Mufasa’s Station. Who is waiting for us here?

You are right. A lion. It’s very big and clever. It wants to see how well you know English, animals, what they look like and what they can do.

Hand out these cards please.

Look at your cards. You should complete the sentences with the words in the box.

You have 3 minutes.

Start working.

Check up your answers. Put a mark to yourself.


Who has got ‘5’?

Here comes the next letter. What letter is it?

Let’s continue our trip!


It is a lion.










Работают по карточкам.







Сверяют ответы с доской и ставят себе оценки.

It’s me.

It is S.




5 мин



Физкультминутка (Цель – повышение внимания, умственной работоспособности и эмоционального тонуса)

The fourth station is Sports Station.

We came to the sports station. Who is it?

Yes, it’s a tiger. It’s a sportsman. It is very strong and healthy.

Do you want to be strong and healthy?

Stand up then.

Look at me, listen, repeat and do!

I can swim like a fish.

I can jump like a kangaroo.

I can run like a lion.

I can dance like a monkey.

I can walk like a panda.

You are so active.

Sit down please. Sit straight. Calm down.

Here is our next letter.  What letter is it?

Let’s continue our trip.

Ready? Steady? Go!

It is a tiger.

Yes, we want.

Учащиеся повторяют действия и проговаривают слова за учителем.

It is letter H.

2 мин



Развитие монологической речи с опорой на текст


The next station is Tommy’s Station. Who is waiting for us here. Who is it?

The elephant Tommy has got very big ears. It likes to listen to children’s stories.

Do you want to tell him your stories?

To do our next task you should be divided into groups (four pupils in one group).

I give you pictures with animals from the Safari Park. You are to do the puzzle and tell me the story about the animal you have, what it looks like, what it can do and where it lives.

Choose a pupil to tell me the story.

You have 5 minutes.

Start working.

The time is up. Let’s see which group is the best at describing the animal.

Who is the first?

Who will tell the story in your group?

I think that … was the best. Do you agree? I give … and her group small presents.

Here is our last letter What letter is it?

Now we can read the name of my parrot. Let’s read. Altogether.

Nice! You are so clever! My congratulations!

Let’s go to our next station.


It is an elephant.

Yes, we want.

Делятся на группы по четыре человека.

Собирают пазл.

It is…

It has got…

It can…

It lives in…

It is A.


10 мин


Домашнее задание

 It’s Homework Station. Open your record books. Write down your homework.

At home you are to write the story about your favourite animal.

Use the plan I will give you.

Is it clear?

Let’s go to our last station.

Открывают дневники и записывают домашнее задание.


2 мин


Подведение итогов


Look! We are in the…

What animals do we see here? Do you like the animals?

Do you like the S.P.?

Do you like our trip?

What’s your impression?

As for me, I like our trip very much. You’ve been very active. I like your work at the lesson.

Good work. I want to give you excellent and good marks.

That’s all for today. Stand up! The lesson is over. Good-bye, children.

Safari Park.

Yes, they are funny, beautiful, kind, clever.

It is fantastic, interesting…

Good-bye teacher.

2 мин


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«Конспект урока на тему "In the Safari Park"»

«План-конспект урока на тему:

«In the Safari Park», 3 класс»

Цель урока: способствовать осознанию обучающимися бережного и ответственного отношения к животным.

Задачи урока:

  1. Воспитательные: способствовать развитию познавательного интереса к миру животных, привитие любви к питомцам и заботы о них.

  2. Развивающие: развитие внимания, памяти и логики высказывания у учащихся, развитие их эмоциональной сферы.

  3. Образовательные: расширение кругозора обучающихся в области возможностей работы с интерактивной доской в программе Smart Notebook.

  4. Практические: повторение фонетических звуков [k] и [f], закрепление полученных лексических знаний по теме «Животные», развитие монологической речи обучающихся на базе структуры have got и модального глагола can.

  5. Здоровьесберегающие технологии:

1) Обстановка и гигиенические условия в классе (свежесть воздуха, освещение класса и доски, оформление класса в соответствии с темой урока – плакат с изображением животных)

2) Количество видов учебной деятельности – 4 (говорение, чтение, письмо, аудирование)

3) Наличие на уроке моментов оздоровления ( физкультминутка )

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий урок.

Форма организации урока: урок-путешествие

Формы работы на уроке: индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная

Формы учебного взаимодействия: учитель-класс, учитель-ученик, ученик-ученик, ученик-класс.


  • Конверты с пазлами

  • Карточки с заданиями

  • Компьютер

  • Наглядный материал (картинки “Животные”, план рассказа для домашнего задания).

Ход урока.

Этапы урока





Время (мин.)


Организационный момент

Stand up!

Hello boys and girls, and our dear guests.

I’m very glad to see you today. How are you?

I’m happy today. Yesterday my friend gave me a present. Look at this photo, who is it?

Yes, you are quite right, it is a parrot! It is my favourite pet now.

What about you? Have you got a pet? What is its name?

Do you want to know the name of my parrot?

Let’s go to the Safari Park then. Do you like the idea?

On our way there, you’ll try to guess my parrot’s name.

At the end of our trip I would like to listen to your impressions about the Safari Park, what animals you liked and why?

But before it we should remember the names of the animals, what they look like and what they can do.

Let’s start our trip! Look at the map. Here is a little train Puffy. It likes to travel with children.

At every station I want you to guess one letter of my parrot’s name.

Is it clear?

Let’s start our trip then.

How does the train sound?

Hello teacher!

I’m fine, thanks.

It’s a parrot.

I have got a…

Its name is…

Yes, we do.


Yes, we like it.

Yes, it is.


3 мин


Фонетическая зарядка (отработка произношения звуков [k] и [f])

Our first station is Lucy’s Station. Who is waiting for us here?

To name the words correctly we should repeat the sounds.

Look at the blackboard, listen to me attentively and repeat:

[k] kangaroo

[f] elephant

Look, Lucy has got a task for us.

Can you find a house for each word?

Come to the blackboard.

Read the word. Good of you.

Now we can open the first letter. What letter is it?

It is a kangaroo.

Ученики повторяют звуки вместе с учителем.

Распределяют слова в соответствии со звуками.

It is letter Y


3 мин


Активизация изученных ранее лексических единиц с опорой на картинки

Our second station is Amanda’s Station.

Look, what animal is it? Yes, it’s Amanda the Panda.

It is very interesting for Amanda to know what animals you remember.

Look at the blackboard and say what animals you can see here.

Begin with I see…

Here is our second letter. What letter is it?

Very nice! Let’s continue our trip.

It is a panda.

I see a kangaroo…

I see a….

It is A.


3 мин


Письменная речь(заполнение пропусков модальным глаголом can и оборотом have got)

The third station is Mufasa’s Station. Who is waiting for us here?

You are right. A lion. It’s very big and clever. It wants to see how well you know English, animals, what they look like and what they can do.

Hand out these cards please.

Look at your cards. You should complete the sentences with the words in the box.

You have 3 minutes.

Start working.

Check up your answers. Put a mark to yourself.

Who has got ‘5’?

Here comes the next letter. What letter is it?

Let’s continue our trip!

It is a lion.

Работают по карточкам.

Сверяют ответы с доской и ставят себе оценки.

It’s me.

It is S.


5 мин


Физкультминутка (Цель – повышение внимания, умственной работоспособности и эмоционального тонуса)

The fourth station is Sports Station.

We came to the sports station. Who is it?

Yes, it’s a tiger. It’s a sportsman. It is very strong and healthy.

Do you want to be strong and healthy?

Stand up then.

Look at me, listen, repeat and do!

I can swim like a fish.

I can jump like a kangaroo.

I can run like a lion.

I can dance like a monkey.

I can walk like a panda.

You are so active.

Sit down please. Sit straight. Calm down.

Here is our next letter. What letter is it?

Let’s continue our trip.

Ready? Steady? Go!

It is a tiger.

Yes, we want.

Учащиеся повторяют действия и проговаривают слова за учителем.

It is letter H.

2 мин


Развитие монологической речи с опорой на текст

The next station is Tommy’s Station. Who is waiting for us here. Who is it?

The elephant Tommy has got very big ears. It likes to listen to children’s stories.

Do you want to tell him your stories?

To do our next task you should be divided into groups (four pupils in one group).

I give you pictures with animals from the Safari Park. You are to do the puzzle and tell me the story about the animal you have, what it looks like, what it can do and where it lives.

Choose a pupil to tell me the story.

You have 5 minutes.

Start working.

The time is up. Let’s see which group is the best at describing the animal.

Who is the first?

Who will tell the story in your group?

I think that … was the best. Do you agree? I give … and her group small presents.

Here is our last letter What letter is it?

Now we can read the name of my parrot. Let’s read. Altogether.

Nice! You are so clever! My congratulations!

Let’s go to our next station.

It is an elephant.

Yes, we want.

Делятся на группы по четыре человека.

Собирают пазл.

It is…

It has got…

It can…

It lives in…

It is A.


10 мин


Домашнее задание

It’s Homework Station. Open your record books. Write down your homework.

At home you are to write the story about your favourite animal.

Use the plan I will give you.

Is it clear?

Let’s go to our last station.

Открывают дневники и записывают домашнее задание.


2 мин


Подведение итогов

Look! We are in the…

What animals do we see here? Do you like the animals?

Do you like the S.P.?

Do you like our trip?

What’s your impression?

As for me, I like our trip very much. You’ve been very active. I like your work at the lesson.

Good work. I want to give you excellent and good marks.

That’s all for today. Stand up! The lesson is over. Good-bye, children.

Safari Park.

Yes, they are funny, beautiful, kind, clever.

It is fantastic, interesting…

Good-bye teacher.

2 мин

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Конспект урока на тему "In the Safari Park"

Автор: Мнацаканян Раиса Рантиковна

Дата: 22.07.2024

Номер свидетельства: 654362

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