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Конспект урока для 11 класса по теме: "Globalization"

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разработан  на основе   учебника : Счастливый английский. ру/Happy English.ru: Учебник для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.- Обнинск; Титул, 2012


Тип урока:  обобщение  и  систематизация  знаний  по  теме    «Глобализация».

Цель урока: формирование  учебно - познавательной, коммуникативной компетенций учащихся путём организации речевого взаимодействия по проблеме урока.

Учебно-методические задачи:

  • образовательные: выявить качество и уровень овладения знаниями и умениями, полученными на предыдущих уроках по теме : обобщить материал как систему знаний.
  • воспитательные: воспитывать общую культуру, эстетическое восприятие окружающего; создать условия для реальной самооценки учащихся, реализации его как личности; воспитание толерантности, чувства ответственности за будущее планеты.
  • развивающие: развивать пространственное мышление,  умение классифицировать, выявлять связи, формулировать выводы; развивать коммуникативные навыки при работе в группах, развивать познавательный интерес;  развивать умение объяснять особенности:, закономерности:, анализировать:, сопоставлять:, сравнивать: и т.д.
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«Конспект урока для 11 класса по теме: "Globalization"»

План – конспект урока английского языка

в 11 классе

по теме «Globalization»

разработан на основе учебника : Счастливый английский. ру/Happy English.ru: Учебник для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.- Обнинск; Титул, 2012

Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме «Глобализация».

Цель урока: формирование учебно - познавательной, коммуникативной компетенций учащихся путём организации речевого взаимодействия по проблеме урока.

Учебно-методические задачи:

  • образовательные: выявить качество и уровень овладения знаниями и умениями, полученными на предыдущих уроках по теме : обобщить материал как систему знаний.

  • воспитательные: воспитывать общую культуру, эстетическое восприятие окружающего; создать условия для реальной самооценки учащихся, реализации его как личности; воспитание толерантности, чувства ответственности за будущее планеты.

  • развивающие: развивать пространственное мышление, умение классифицировать, выявлять связи, формулировать выводы; развивать коммуникативные навыки при работе в группах, развивать познавательный интерес; развивать умение объяснять особенности:, закономерности:, анализировать:, сопоставлять:, сравнивать: и т.д.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие. Задачи. Тема.

- Gооd morning, everybody! I am glad to greet you at our lesson. I'd like everyone to take an active part in today. I hope уоu`11 enjoy it.

II. Teacher: Lets remember our grammar and do the task.

In each of the sentences below there is one mistake

1. I like Rome because is a beautiful city.

2. There aren't any milk.

3. He's speaking French, German and Spanish.

4. Did you by any bread at the supermarket?

5. I lost my all money.

6. What did you last night?

7. He always wear jeans.

Teacher: Well. I would like you to remember the epigraph of our unit:

These days Paris is a suburb of New York and vice versa.

Jean Marie Messier ( a French businessman – Жан-Мари Мессье )

How do you understand it? Try to predict what our talk is going to be about.

Pupil 1: Borders are disappearing, businesses are going global, countries and people are becoming more and more interconnected and interdependent.

Pupil 2: Today we are talking about globalization. 

Globalization is a word that we hear constantly nowadays.

It is an extremely popular topic, whatever country you are in. However, not everybody who speaks about it understands what this process actually means.

        1. Погружение в тему:

I would like you to watch a video episode - « You are living IT».

Teacher: But how globalization reveals itself in different parts of our life?

Pupil 1:

The political decisions of one country can affect the situation in a region, a continent or even the world.

Pupil 2:

A lot of students from Russia study in other countries.

Pupil 3:

There are many international cultural organizations all over the world.

Pupil 4:

There are a lot of organizations which regulate relationships between countries.

Pupil 5:

Companies can have business partners in different parts of the world.

Pupil 7:

There are a lot of goods with foreign names that have been produced within Russia.

Pupil 8:

Students from different countries can work together on some international projects.

So the questions is : What is globalization? What task will we discuss?

We are going:

- to research what this process actually means;

- to study how the process of globalization influences the main spheres of our life;

- to understand positive and negative sides of this phenomenon.

IV. Повторение лексического материала по теме «Глобализация» (применение приёма “Brain Storm”)

What words and expressions can you associate with the phenomenon of globalization?

(business, integration, interaction, interconnected, interdependent, competition, to go global, innovation, develop, diversity, trade, instant, borders, disappear, movement, unite, communication, currency, international, technologies, cooperation, corporation…)

  • Постановка проблемы

There are many arguments surrounding the phenomenon of globalization and they’re all quite controversial. Globalization has several aspects which affect the world in different ways. It has both positive and negative impact on development of the world.

V. Задания для групп: Высказывание по данной теме.

Учащиеся получают задания на листочках и выполняют его по группам.

Teacher: You have divided into 3 groups. Each group is getting an own task. According to your theme you should prepare short information. I ll give you 2 – 3 min.

Group 1

«What is globalization? Name the spheres which it influences .»

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. It influences economy, politics, culture”

Group 2

Globalization in Economy”

Globalization influences the economic process. Economic globalization is a world trend and it influences economies of all countries. Russia has to integrate into the world economy, too. There are a lot of examples of global companies now. Everyone has heard about Mc Donald’s, Coca-Cola, Ford, Samsung. The number of global companies is growing rapidly. They work in the global economy.

Group 3

Globalization in politics”

The countries of the global village have common problems and tend to unite to solve them. Political leaders hold meetings and summits to work out а general poliсу to deal with terrorism social and environmental problems.

Thus, Political instability in оnе country, а local military operation or an unpopular political decision сan cause а chain reaction and affect many countries.

Russia should not ignore the political and social problems of other countries as these problems can affect it, too.

( Высказывания учащихся)

VI. TEACHER: Let s work with our textbooks and exercise – books.

Open your ex. books at p. 30, Ex. 3;

p. 33, Ex. 3;

VII. TEACHER: Everything has advantages and disadvantages.

Name the positive aspects of globalization .

Pupil: The main advantage o f globalization is globalization can create new jobs and increase employment. People can buy food, cosmetics, electronics and all of their favorite brands everywhere. Globalization increases competition among companies, Russian companies have investors, customers or partners abroad and in the global economy people of different nations interact intensively.

TEACHER: Name the negative sides of globalization

Pupil: The national economy becomes dependent on other countries. Globalization can ruin local companies and it is the main disadvantage of globalization. Globalization makes the local company dependent on the economic situation in the world, nowadays global companies are quite independent of the local authorities.

TEACHER: These are advantages and disadvantages of globalization in Russia's economy. Mark them with "+" and with “-”

  • Globalization makes the local economy dependent on the economic situation in the world.

  • Globalization increases competition among companies.  

  • Globalization can ruin local companies.

  • Globalization can create new jobs and increase employment.

  •  People can buy food, cosmetics, electronics and all of their favourite brands everywhere.

  • Cultural diversity and individuality is disappearing.

  •  Global companies can have a serious influence on local governments.

  •  The national economy becomes dependent on other countries. 

  • In the global economy people of different nations are interconnected.

  • Russian companies have investors, customers or partners abroad.

Teacher: You’ve given the definition of the phenomenon of globalization. Will you use this knowledge in other classes: History or Geography?

VIII. Физминутка

Let s break our lesson and relax

«I m a gummy bear» – видеоролик.

IX. Подготовка к ЕГЭ.

Teacher: Each of you knows why you want to learn English. Most of you want to communicate better in English. And if it is one of your goals, you know that it is important to study a balance of the four major skills. What are they?

Pupil: They are Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

Teacher: Yes, good! But being very good at only one of these skills will not help you to communicate in any language. That’s why each lesson we try to improve our communication skills. And today it is not an exception.

So, what will we improve today? We will improve communication skills through writing. Before you start teaching to write any kind of writing task, you should know what will be checked.

- That’s why it’s very important to know what the main criteria to be checked are.

  1. Объем 100 - 140, с допустимыми минимальными и максимальными значениями 90 - 154 слова.

  2. Адрес, только российский. Дата

  3. Приветствие.

  4. Содержание.

  5. Обязательное присутствие 3 –х вопросов по существу письма.

  6. Завершающая фраза.

Teacher: Dear friends! According to the time limits, you are given 30 min in the exam, but now you are given only 3 min., as you have already partly fulfilled it and you have a scheme in front of you to help you. Take your blank - papers and re - arrange of the letter, please.

Ученики работают с письмом.

  • Well, the time is up. Now I want you to exchange your papers & check only from the point of view of the content and the organization of the text.

(пример написанного письма на доске, комментарии по ходу проверки)

- Thank you very much for your work.

X. Teacher: Let s try to check our Speaking.

Группа ребят, кроссовки, машина, автобус, метро, велосипед, такси

I m going to describe a situation to you. A group of friends wants to spend the day travelling round a big city. They want to see as many things as possible. But they don’t have much money. Talk together about the different ways they could travel round the city and then decide which way would be the best.

Мнение учащихся.

XI. The conclusion. Рефлексия (Осмысление своей практической деятельности)

- I have learned …..

- It was interesting for me …

- It was difficult for me …

- The lesson gave me …

- I was surprised …

Teacher: Let`s revise what we`ve learnt today.

Pupils: We’ve discussed the topic of globalization . We have written our personal letter and travelled round the city.

Teacher: You see that you are the generation living in the era of great international interaction and cooperation, and you will take responsibility for its further development. You’ve worked hard so everybody deserves excellent marks.

  1. X. Домашнее задание - p. 174, Role - play

«Globalization is brought to court»

XII. Teacher: Goodbye, children! Thank you for the work!

( Гостям подарить воздушные шары).

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока для 11 класса по теме: "Globalization"

Автор: Эльгайтарова Венера Сайпитовна

Дата: 26.09.2022

Номер свидетельства: 613834

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