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Kazakhstan is my Motherland

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«Kazakhstan is my Motherland»

Form: 10

Date: 16.11.2017

Kazakhstan is my Motherland

The plan of the open revision lesson.

The theme: “ Kazakhstan is my Motherland”

The aims of the lesson: Educational: 1.To enrich pupil’s knowledge about Kazakhstan

Bringing- up: to bring up citizen of our Motherland, discuss Kazakhstan geography, history, understand and love native place.

Developing: develop logical speech, critical thinking.

The training aim: To repeat all the materials.

The methods of the lesson: question-answer, group work, individual work, brainstorming.

Technical aids: The map of Kazakhstan, an interactive board, cards, pictures, computer, the video film about Kazakhstan.

Ход урока:

Деятельность учителя

Структура урока

Деятельность учащихся

- Good morning, boys and girls!

- How are you?

- I’m fine too, thank you! Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. Teachers from our school have come to visit us. Let’s greet them!

- Thank you. Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson.

- What date is it today?

- Who is on duty today?

- And who is absent today?

- Dear friends, look at the blackboard and define the topic of our lesson.

- Right! It’s Kazakhstan is my Motherland

Today we shall continue them about Kazakhstan and learn new words. I want you to be clever and active. The class is divided into 2 groups. The first groups name is Golden Eagle and the second groups name is Peak.

  • Now we’ll check your home task. Project works: information about Kazakhstan sights.

T: I want to begin our lesson with the English proverb “ East or west,home is best.” Do you agree with it?

How do you understand this proverb?How do you translate it into your native language? Give Russian and Kazakh equivalents.

P-s: Қазақша: “Өз үйім, өлен төсегім. ”

Орысша: В гостях хорошо,а дома – лучше.

Kazakhstan is my Motherland

I love it very much

Its lovely fields with green on it

And mountains with snow on top

I love its lakes with rare birds

And rustling leaves on trees

My Motherland, my Kazakhstan

Do live and shine forever!

Answer the questions:

  1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

  2. What is the population of KZ?

  3. What large cities of KZ do you know?

Now we’ll read a text about Motherland but in the first let’s read new words. Listen and repeat after me.

Vocabulary work.

Rename Reservoir

Share Gas

Include Desert

Resources Deposit

Can you guess the meaning of this words?

Reading.( reading the text one by one)- Jagsaw method.

Kazakhstan is my Motherland

The Republic of Kazakhstan was established in December 1991. A total area land of over 2,724.900 million square kilometers. This country shares its border with the Russian Federation to the north and north – west; to the east with China and to the south with the central Asian republics of Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

The Ural River flows to the Caspian Sea. The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe and deserts of Central Asia.

The country is rich in mineral recourses such as copper, gold, iron, nickel, silver, zink with deposits of oil and natural gas.

The largest city of Kazakhstan is Almaty. Almaty was the capital until December 1997 then it was moved to Akmola. In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana.

Kazakhstan, with the world’s ninth largest area, has many beautiful places and a rich culture. The official language is Kazakh and Russian is the language of international communication. The president of Kazakhstan is Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Comprehension check.

  1. The statement - “True/ false.” If the statement is correct mark it T (true), if the statement is not correct, mark it F (false).

  1. Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of Kazakhstan in December 1991

  2. Kazakhstan shares its border with the Russian Federation to the east

  3. The central region of the country includes the Kazakh Steppe

  4. The country is reach with mineral recourses

  5. The largest city of Kazakhstan is Astana.

  6. Almaty is the capital of Kazakhstan.

  1. Make up the sentences.

1.is the largest second country Kazakhstan

2.Kazakhstan many places beautiful has

3.Turkmenistan borders Kazakhstan with

4.rich mineral with resources is our country

5.Language Kazakh official is

6.Mountain Almaty is biggest the Alatau

7. Natural gas deposits has of Kazakhstan

8.Capital of Kazakhstan Astana is

The method of thinking.

One noun

Two adjectives

Three verbs

VI. Conclusion of the lesson.

The video film about Astana.

VII. Home task. Write an essay about Kazakhstan.

VIII. Giving marks.


There are three apples on your desks.

A red apple-the lesson was very interesting.

A green apple –the lesson was good.

A yellow apple –the lesson was bad.

I. Organization moment

А) Greeting

B) The talk with a pupil on duty.

II. The aims of the lesson.

III. Checking up the homework


III. Work in pairs.

VI. Conclusion of the lesson.

VII. Home task.

VIII. Giving marks.


- Good morning, teacher!

- I’m fine, thanks. And you?

- Good morning!

- Today is the ________.

- I’m on duty today.

- All are present.


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Kazakhstan is my Motherland

Автор: Абаканова Гульмиоа Берекеевна

Дата: 15.12.2017

Номер свидетельства: 444601

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