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Kazakhstan is my Motherland!

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Саба? ?аза?стан орта? ?йіміз та?ырыбында алын?ан. Саба? барысында бирнеше ж?мыс т?рлері орындалды. Соны? ішінде: а?ылшын тілінде та?па?пты м?нерлеп о?у, с?здерді аудару, м?тінді о?у, с?йлемдерді толы?тыру, с?ра??а жауап беру, т?рлі грамматикалы? жатты?уларды орындау, с?йлемдерді а?ылшын тіліне аудару. Е? басты ма?сат- о?ушыны? с?здік ?орын к?бейтіп, а?ылшын тіліне  п?ніне о?ушыларды? ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыру.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Kazakhstan is my Motherland! »

The theme: Kazakhstan is my Motherland!

Aims: to enrich pupils’ knowledge about Kazakhstan, to enrich their vocabulary, to bring up patriotism.

The lesson begins with the poem about Kazakhstan (the poem is recorded and played on the computer).

Oh, Kazakhstan, I’m in love with you!

Remember, Kazakhstan, you are great

Not in the green fields full of wheat,

And forests, gardens free of dust.

I love you deeply, dear land,

Your hills and rivers, lakes and seas,

Which give me always much delight?

I. Phonetic practice. Pupils read the poem with good intonation, the teacher checks and corrects where necessary.

II. Reading and finding information.

  1. Active vocabulary. Pupils listen to the new words, repeat and translate them.

  2. Text “Kazakhstan”. Pupils listen and Read the text: KAZAKHSTAN.

Kazakhstan is a land of ancient civilization in the Central Eurasia. It is located almost in the centre of Eurasian landmass.

Its territory stretches from the lower reaches of the river Volga in the west to the Altai Mountains in the east. In the west and north, Kazakhstan borders with the Russian Federation, in the south- with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, in the east- with China. The total area covered by the republic is over 2,7 million square kilometers; France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden and Finland taken together would fit into the territory.

Kazakhstan is a multinational state with population of about 17 million people. Its population is made up of a hundred nationalities, but it is also the state of the Kazakh nation. The ethno-cultural affirmation of the Kazakh in no way restricts the national values and rights of other people who live or come to settle in the republic. The constitution guarantees the all round development of all nationalities and citizens, and the creation of decent living conditions for everyone.

Administratively and territorially Kazakhstan is divided into 14 provinces and 2 cities. It comprises 5 economic regions: Western, Northern, Central, Southern, Eastern.

Kazakhstan has all kinds of climate except arctic, tropical, equatorial. There are four main vegetation-climatic zones: wooded steppe, steppe, semi-desert and desert.

The wooded steppe zone is in the far north of the republic, the steppe zone covers large areas in the north, while the semi-desert climate occurs in the dry steppes in central part of Kazakhstan. The desert zone comprises much of the plains and consists of three types of desert: clay, sandy and stony.

The republic has almost 85,000 rivers, of which 8,000 are over 10 kilometers long. The main rivers are the Irtysh, the Syr-Deriya, the Ural and some others. There are about 50,000 lakes in Kazakhstan, which are scattered throughout the country. The biggest lakes are in the southern half of the country – Balkhash, Alakol, Sasykkol near the Jungar Pass, and Markakol in the Altai. The largest salty lakes are the Caspian and the Aral seas.

In 1991 on the 16th of December Kazakhstan gained its independence.

C) Filing in the blanks using vocabulary from the text.

1. Kazakhstan … almost in the centre of the Eurasian…

2. Kazakhstan is a … with population of 17 million people.

3. The ethno-cultural … of Kazakhstan in no way restricts the national values and rights of other people who live or come in the republic.

4. There are four main vegetation-climatic zones: …, …, …, and … .

5. The desert zone … much of the plain and consist of three types of desert: …, …, and … .

6. There are about 50,000 lakes in Kazakhstan, which … throughout the country.

7. In 1991 on the 16th of December Kazakhstan … its … .

D) Answering questions.

1. Where is Kazakhstan located?

2. What countries does Kazakhstan border which?

3. What is the total area of Kazakhstan?

4. Is Kazakhstan a multinational state?

5. How many provinces are the in Kazakhstan? What are they?

6. What is the climate of Kazakhstan?

7. How many rivers does republic have? What are some of them?

8. What are the biggest lakes of Kazakhstan?

9. When did Kazakhstan gain its independence?

  1. Making the plan of the text. Pupils make the plan of the text and retell the text according to the plan.

III. Revision of the Active and Passive Voice.

A) Open the brackets using Passive Voice in the correct form and tense.

1. Bread … (to eat) every day.

2. This work … (to do) tomorrow.

3. His work … (to finish) next year.

4. Many houses … (to build) in our town.

5. My question … (to answer) tomorrow.

6. We … (to invite) to a concert last Sunday.

B) Open the brackets choosing the correct form of the verb.

1. Your luggage will (bring/be brought) up in the lift.

2. From the station thy will (take/be taken) straight to the hotel.

3. They will (meet/be met) in the hall upstairs.

4. The article (publish/was published) last week.

5. Your report must (divide/be divided) into two chapters.

6. It seems to me that music (hears/is heard) from the next room.

C) Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. Оны екі күн бұрын ауруханаға жіберді.

2. Сізді таңертең сынақтан өткізді ме?

3. Жылдам хатты кешке жақын жіберді.

4. Бұл шығарма өткен аптада жазылған еді.

5. Менің дос қызымды жыл сайын шетелге жібереді.

6. Бұл мақаланы бүкіл топ оқып шығу керек.



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Kazakhstan is my Motherland!

Автор: Жармуханова Гульжан Сергеевна

Дата: 09.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 169929

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