Урок английского языка для 5 класса. Данный урок включает в себя все виды речевой компетентности, которые должны быть на уроке и поможет учителям, которые работают по учебнику О.Карпьюк. Этот урок формирует навыки использования лексических единиц по теме, поможет усовершенствовать навыки письма, говорения, чтения и аудирования; поможет тренировать навыки использования фразы Have to/has to. Будет развивать логическое мышление и культуру речи, развивать навыки работы в парах, воспитывать заинтересованность в розширении знаний и интерес к стране, язык которой изучается.
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«"It is important to learn English"»
09.11.2012, 5-В клас
Тема:«Вивчати англійську мову важливо»
Мета: учбова: формувати навички використання вивчених лексичних одиниць за темою, удосконалювати навички письма, мовлення, читання та аудіювання, тренувати навички використання модального дієслова have/hasto на письмі та в мовленні;
Розвиваюча: розвивати логічне мислення та культуру мовлення; розвивати навички роботи в парах
Виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні знань та виховувати інтерес та повагу до країни мову, якої ми вивчаємо.
Тип уроку:комбінований, з елементами вивчення нового матеріалу.
Форми: фронтальні, групові.
Обладнання: підручник, додаткові картки с завданнями, додатковий текст, телевізор, презентація з ходом уроку.
Хід уроку.
І. Організаційний момент.
- Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you.
- Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.
- How are you today? How are you, Olga? How are you, Alex? Do you like the weather today, Margo? Does Jenia like the weather?
Warming up activity.
My dear, our topic today is about importance of Englishand during of our lesson we are going to play a game “Puzzle”, if we do everything well for learning English, we’ll know why it is important to learn English and at the previous lesson we learnt the poem about learning English. Let’s remember.
I love learning English.
I have to read, I have to write.
I have to speak English, too.
I love learning English.
And what about you?
Would you tell me where is the modal verb we have already learnt? That’s right have to and what is the translation of this verb? That’s right повинен щось зробити, зобов’язаний.And now I have one task for you, say this poem if it tells us about your friend Zhenia.
Well, don’t forget about third person singular.
Zhenia loves learning English.
He has to read, he has to write.
He has to speak English, too.
He loves learning English.
And what about you?
Thank you, my dear. I see you remember everything I told you last lessons, and everything about Present Simple Tense. Well done.
II. Основна частина уроку.
Checkinghomework. Today we are going to learn interrogative form to say what we have to do to know English better. And your home task was to learn some phrases by heart and say what you and your parents don’t have to do at home. Let one pupil reads his/her sentence and another one translates. Checking home tasks and correcting mistakes together. Work in pairs.
Speakingand writing. Drawing a mind map. Now, children, will you tell me what you have to do to know English better and I’ll draw a map. Children make up sentences using modal verb have to/has to.
We have to learn new words.
We have to sing English songs.
We have to read books in English… etc.
Children say and write all sentences into their copy-books. Together we check them.
3) The morning exercise. Singing a song with actions. You told me to know English better we have to sing English songs. Let’s do it:
Simon says:”Touch your nose”
Simon says:”Touch your toes”
Simon says, Simon says.
Simon says:”Touch your cheeks”
Simon says:”Touch your feet”
Simon says, Simon says.
Touch your knees! No, freeze
Why? He didn’t say:
“Simon says, Simon says”
Touch your ears
No, we didn’t hear you say
Simon says, Simon says
4) Explaining new material. To make a question with modal verb we have to put Do/Does in front of the subject. Look at the table.
Doyou have to learn new words to know English better? Or if you talk about somebody, you put
Does Peter have to sing English songs? The answers will be : Yes, I do(she does)/No, we don’t(she doesn’t).
Now answer my questions.
Do you have to learn English words every day?
Does Olga have to learn English words every day?
Does your mum have to learn English words?
Do you have to sing English songs to know English better?
Does Nadya have to sing English songs to know English better? The children answer.
Pair work. Children get cards with the question and have to write the answer, write down into your c/b.
Do you have to learn words to know English better?
Do you have to sing songs to know English better?
Does Nadia have to read books in English?
Does Alex have to sing songs to know English better?
Does Diana have to use the computer to know English better?
Do you have to learn words to know English better?
Do you have to sing songs to know English better?
Does Nadia have to read books in English?
Does Alex have to sing songs to know English better?
Does Diana have to use the computer to know English better?
After this work is done, everyone reads and we check together.
6)Listening. Children listen to the song with the phrase have to with three different variantsand choose the right one.
I have to ……..
go to school ν
Practice basketball
Do homework
Finish soon
Go to the gym ν
Clean my room
Go to school
Eat more vegetables ν
Finish school
Do homework
Wake up early
Say nice things ν
Go to school
Study English ν
Do homework
Try again
Wake up early
Clean my room ν
Wash my clothes ν
Save more money
Go to the dentist
Wake up early
Buy a pen
Finish soon ν
After listening, the teacher asks pupils questions, they have to answer.
Do you have to do homework? No, I don’t etc..
a) Children look through the text.
b) A teacher pays attention to new words.
c) Children are looking for to have in different forms in the text. Read the sentence and translate.
d) Then children try to answer the questions.
Big Bear and a little girl.
Somewhere in the thick forest there is a house, where Big Bear lives with a little girl, his niece. This girl is very beautiful, her name is Mary. She is very kind and hardworking. She likes to pick up flowers and berries in the forest, she likes to play with her friends – birds and squirrels. Mary also has a dream, she wants to learn English and go to London. But her uncle Big Bear is very angry all the time. He makes Mary to clean the house and always says: “You have to wash the dishes, you have to clean the windows, you have to water flowers, and you have to cook breakfast for me and you don’t have to play in the yard.” And poor Mary does all these things till the evening. After this she has to go shopping and she has to cook dinner and supper. Big Bear always asks her: “What do you have to do to go for a walk?” So, usually Mary doesn’t have time to play with her friends and of course for learning English. And she has an idea…..
To be continued….
Somewhere [‘sʌmweə(r)] где-то ,
A niece [‘ni:s] племянница,
Hardworking [‘hɑːdwəkɪŋ] трудолюбивый,
A dream [‘dri:m] мечта,
To make [‘meɪk] заставлять,
1. What is the girl’s name?
Who does she live with?
What does she like to do?
What does she have to do every day?
What is Mary’s dream?
III. Заключна частина уроку.
Homework. To write 5 sentences to help Mary to do something to make her dream come true.
Підсумки. Оцінки. Чого навчились? Чи все зробили? And now let’s look at the Puzzle. Have we done everything and now we know why it’s important to know English. Because it’s an international language. Thank you for your work, see you later.