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"It is important to learn English", PRESENTATION

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Это перезентация к уроку "It's important to learn English". Данный урок включает в себя все виды речевой компетентности, которые должны быть на уроке и поможет учителям, которые работают по учебнику О.Карпьюк. Этот урок формирует навыки использования лексических единиц по теме, поможет усовершенствовать навыки письма, говорения, чтения и аудирования; поможет тренировать навыки использования фразы Have to/has to. Будет развивать логическое мышление и культуру речи, развивать навыки работы в парах, воспитывать заинтересованность в разширении знаний и интерес к стране, язык которой изучается.

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«"It is important to learn English", PRESENTATION»

Friday, the ninth of November.    It’s important to learn English

Friday, the ninth of November.

It’s important to learn English

How are you? - I’m fine.

How are you?

- I’m fine.

[h] [t] [l] I love learning English. I have to read, I have to write. I have to speak English, too. I love learning English. And what about you?

[h] [t] [l]

I love learning English.

I have to read, I have to write.

I have to speak English, too.

I love learning English.

And what about you?

Zhenya love s learning English. He has  to read, he has  to write. He has  to speak English, too. He love s learning English. And what about you?

Zhenya love s learning English.

He has to read, he has to write.

He has to speak English, too.

He love s learning English.

And what about you?

I You We have to learn words. They She He has to learn words. It



We have to learn words.



He has to learn words.


I You We don’t  have to learn words. They She He doesn’t  have to learn words. It



We don’t have to learn words.



He doesn’t have to learn words.


To know English better Learn new  words Sing English songs Read books in English

To know




new words






in English

Simon says:”Touch your nose” Simon says:”Touch your toes” Simon says, Simon says. Simon says:”Touch your cheeks” Simon says:”Touch your feet” Simon says, Simon says. Touch your knees! No, freeze Why? He didn’t say: “ Simon says, Simon says” Touch your ears No, we didn’t hear you say Simon says, Simon says C :\Documents and Settings\User\ Мои  документы \Simon Says - Kids English Pop Song.mp4

Simon says:”Touch your nose”

Simon says:”Touch your toes”

Simon says, Simon says.

Simon says:”Touch your cheeks”

Simon says:”Touch your feet”

Simon says, Simon says.

Touch your knees! No, freeze

Why? He didn’t say:

“ Simon says, Simon says”

Touch your ears

No, we didn’t hear you say

Simon says, Simon says C :\Documents and Settings\User\ Мои документы \Simon Says - Kids English Pop Song.mp4

I  You Do We have to learn words?  They  She Does He have to learn words?  It



Do We have to learn words?



Does He have to learn words?


Do you have to learn words to know English better? Do you have to sing songs to know English better? Does Nadia have to read books in English? Does Alex have to sing songs to know English better? Does Diana have to use the computer to know English better?
  • Do you have to learn words to know English better?
  • Do you have to sing songs to know English better?
  • Does Nadia have to read books in English?
  • Does Alex have to sing songs to know English better?
  • Does Diana have to use the computer to know English better?
Go to school - Practice basketball - Do homework Finish soon - Go to the gym - Clean my room Go to school - Eat more vegetables - Finish school Do homework - Wake up early - Say nice things Go to school -Study English -Do homework Try again - Wake up early - Clean my room Wash my clothes - Save more money - Go to the dentist Wake up early - Buy a pen - Finish soon
  • Go to school - Practice basketball - Do homework
  • Finish soon - Go to the gym - Clean my room
  • Go to school - Eat more vegetables - Finish school
  • Do homework - Wake up early - Say nice things
  • Go to school -Study English -Do homework
  • Try again - Wake up early - Clean my room
  • Wash my clothes - Save more money - Go to the dentist
  • Wake up early - Buy a pen - Finish soon
Go to school - Practice basketball - Do homework Finish soon - Go to the gym - Clean my room Go to school - Eat more vegetables - Finish school Do homework - Wake up early - Say nice things Go to school - Study English -Do homework Try again - Wake up early - Clean my room Wash my clothes - Save more money - Go to the dentist Wake up early - Buy a pen - Finish soon
  • Go to school - Practice basketball - Do homework
  • Finish soon - Go to the gym - Clean my room
  • Go to school - Eat more vegetables - Finish school
  • Do homework - Wake up early - Say nice things
  • Go to school - Study English -Do homework
  • Try again - Wake up early - Clean my room
  • Wash my clothes - Save more money - Go to the dentist
  • Wake up early - Buy a pen - Finish soon
Big Bear and a little girl .  Somewhere in the thick forest there is a house, where Big Bear lives with a little girl, his niece . This girl is very beautiful, her name is Mary. She is very kind and hardworking . She likes to pick up flowers and berries in the forest, she likes to play with her friends – birds and squirrels. Mary also has got a dream , she wants to learn English and go to London. But her uncle Big Bear is very angry all the time. He makes Mary to clean the house and always says: “You have to wash the dishes, you have to clean the windows, you have to water flowers, and you have to cook breakfast for me and you don’t have to play in the yard.” And poor Mary does all these things till the evening. After this she has to go shopping and she has to cook dinner and supper. Big Bear always asks her: “What do you have to do to go for a walk?” So, usually Mary doesn’t have time to play with her friends and of course for learning English. And she has an idea….. To be continued….

Big Bear and a little girl .

Somewhere in the thick forest there is a house, where Big Bear lives with a little girl, his niece . This girl is very beautiful, her name is Mary. She is very kind and hardworking . She likes to pick up flowers and berries in the forest, she likes to play with her friends – birds and squirrels. Mary also has got a dream , she wants to learn English and go to London. But her uncle Big Bear is very angry all the time. He makes Mary to clean the house and always says: “You have to wash the dishes, you have to clean the windows, you have to water flowers, and you have to cook breakfast for me and you don’t have to play in the yard.” And poor Mary does all these things till the evening. After this she has to go shopping and she has to cook dinner and supper. Big Bear always asks her: “What do you have to do to go for a walk?” So, usually Mary doesn’t have time to play with her friends and of course for learning English. And she has an idea….. To be continued….

Somewhere [‘sʌmweə(r)] где - то , A niece [‘ni:s] племянница , Hardworking [‘hɑːdwəkɪŋ] трудолюбивый , A dream [‘dri:m] мечта , To make [‘meɪk] заставлять ,
  • Somewhere [‘sʌmweə(r)] где - то ,
  • A niece [‘ni:s] племянница ,
  • Hardworking [‘hɑːdwəkɪŋ] трудолюбивый ,
  • A dream [‘dri:m] мечта ,
  • To make [‘meɪk] заставлять ,
What is the girl’s name? Who does she live with? What does she like to do? What does she have to do every day? What is Mary’s dream?
  • What is the girl’s name?
  • Who does she live with?
  • What does she like to do?
  • What does she have to do every day?
  • What is Mary’s dream?
The lesson is over. See you. Des'ree -You Gotta Be(Live).mp4

The lesson is over.

See you.

Des'ree -You Gotta Be(Live).mp4

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"It is important to learn English", PRESENTATION

Автор: Шопен Екатерина Владимировна

Дата: 04.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 288277

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