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Independence day of Canada

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 Look at the screen and read. Where do people celebrate these festivals and have these traditions?

  • People cook pancakes and eat them with honey, butter and caviar.
  • People colour eggs and present as a symbol of endless life.
  • People celebrate birthdays and sing “Happy Birthday to You”.
  • People send cards when they get a new house,
  • People organize wedding parties.
  • People organize military parades when they celebrate Victory day.
  • People say “Good day” when they meet.
  • Men usually give flowers to women.
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«Independence day of Canada»

Lesson 9.

Grade or class name 10.

Date 9.02.15

The theme –Independence day of Canada

The equipment-student’s book, chalk ,blackboard, cards, hand outs.


-read the text

-learn new words

-do grammar and lexical exercises

Org. moment- Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you. How are you today? Who is absent today? Who is on duty today?

Procedure of the lesson

1.Warming-up activity

 Look at the screen and read. Where do people celebrate these festivals and have these traditions?

  • People cook pancakes and eat them with honey, butter and caviar.

  • People colour eggs and present as a symbol of endless life.

  • People celebrate birthdays and sing “Happy Birthday to You”.

  • People send cards when they get a new house,

  • People organize wedding parties.

  • People organize military parades when they celebrate Victory day.

  • People say “Good day” when they meet.

  • Men usually give flowers to women.

  • People say “Happy New Year” when they see the New Year in.

  • Children put their stockings near the bed and find presents in the morning.

  • People decorate the X-mas tree (New Year Tree).

  • People celebrate Mother’s Day.

  • People eat turkey and a pumpkin pie when they celebrate Thanksgiving day.

Decide where they have these traditions:( use numbers only)

1. In Russia:        2. In G.B:3.       In the USA:      4. In all the mentioned countries:

 3You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world. Nowadays different people celebrate different holidays: public, national, religious and family.

  1. Семейные праздники. What about you families? What are the most favourite holidays in your family?
    What holidays do you prefer to celebrate?

 We  celebrate New Year, Christmas, Sagaalgan, Easter, Victory Day, Birthdays and Wedding.  

And how do you mark them?  Слайд 12

    First, we invite friends. Then we clean and decorate our house. Usually Mummy prepare holiday dinner with tasty dishes: different salads, cakes, fruit, pozy and so on. Guests bring a lot of presents. We sing songs, play games, dance and we have a good time together.

  1. OK. I’m pleased to know holiday traditions in your family.  Слайд 13

Your home task was to prepare some  sentences about holidays and customs. You have some sheets with pictures on your desks. I ask you to fill these sheets with your information.

Now we are going to have speaking practice. You  will tell us about British and American and Russian and national Buryat holidays. You can use the words on the screen.

1   Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. It is the most important holiday of the year. Christmas is a  family holiday. People stay at home and spend the time with their families. The traditional food is turkey and Christmas cake. Christmas pudding is made of fruits. Over the end of the bed people hang stockings. Children believe in Santa Claus and he fills the stockings with presents.

  2  Every family tries to have Christmas tree, which is decorated with coloured lights. They also hang little toys, sweets and put presents under the tree. People send and receive Christmas cards, gifts and presents. On Christmas morning grown-ups go to church. But the children play with their new toys, sing carols. People wish each other : “ Merry Christmas!”  

3   We love holidays in Russia too. We celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. It is celebrated with all-night services in churches. The first holiday of the year is New Year’s Day. There are a lot of New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree with lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost a Snow Maiden to come and give them a present. Many people think New Year’s Day   brings happiness to all the year. We believe that the wishes of that day would realize during the year. So we wish a happy new year to each other.

4     In our Republic we also celebrate the main holiday of the year Sagaalgan. Sagaalgan is above a family holiday. It is customary to wish Happy New Year to close and distant relatives, neighbours. People receive guests, give presents and feasting all White Moon. The Buryats have a good tradition of congratulate the old people during Sagaalgan. The ceremony starts with presenting Khadak. They also present a white milk  products, headscarves, piece of fabric and a pack of tea. They are the sign of respect and friendship.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Independence day of Canada

Автор: Смагулова Жанель Болатовна

Дата: 21.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 308431

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