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«How do you go to school?»
Date: February,13. Grade: 3e.
Theme: How do you go to school?
1. Educational: To enrich students knowledge on the theme ; to widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks;.
2. Developmental: To develop student’s skills in oral speech; to develop student’s writing, reading and speaking abilities through giving several tasks; to improve their mental and critical thinking.
3. Cultural: To bring up students to respect and love foreign language.
Type: combined
Visual aids: a textbook, cards, different tasks on the cards, interactive board
Organization moment:
- Good afternoon, dear students!
Good afternoon, teacher!
II. Make a circle.
T; Children come here and make a circle and say compliments for each other.
III. Divide into groups.
T: I want to divide into 3 groups.
A car, a bus , a bike.
IV. Checking up home task
T; What was your home task?
At the last lesson we have learned new words about villages. Let’s remember these words.
T: I’ll be show pictures and you should guess.
A cow, a sheep, a chicken , a horse, a cat.
T: The next game “Flash visual guess”
T: I’ll show pictures quickly and you have to guess.
A duck, a dog, a horse, a cat, a hen.
V. Brainstorming.
T: Children , come to us a letter. Let’s read What is written in this letter?
T: Letter: Dear, children!
I have run out of medicines for animals. You need to go to the city quickly.
Help me, to get to the city?
T: What asks the vet Murat?
Pi: He wants to buy some medicines.
P2: He wants to get to the city.
T: How do you go to school?
CL: by bus, by bike, by car.
T: What do you think about what we say today?
CL; transport.
T: The theme of our lesson : How do you go to go to school?
T: Children, Let’s help Murat to get to the city quickly using tasks.
VI. New words.
T: The first task at the book.
A car, a tram, a trolleybus, a bike, a bus, a taxi.
VII Pair work.
T: Ex 2 p 52.
How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.
How do you go to school? I go to school by taxi.
VII. Individual work
T: The next task you have to associate pictures with words and all this after you guess the word, you should write down these words in their copy books and translate.
A metro
A bike
A taxi.
VIII. Group work. Make up sentences
I go to school by taxi.You go to school by taxi. We go to school by taxi.
He goes to school by car. She goes to school by car,
IX. Physical activity
T: Are you tired? Let’s dance.
X.. Speaking
T: Let’s imagine that we are travelers.
T: Traveler Rasul. How do you go to Chimkent?
P1: I go to Chimkent by car.
T: How do you go to Astana?
P2: I go to Astana by plane.
T: How do you go to Almata?
P3: I go to Almata by taxi.
XI Video. Traffic light.
XII Game ‘Catch the ball”
1 task : Traslate
A red car, a blue bike.
2 task Put the letter.
3 task: Read
I go to school by car.
I go to school by tram
I go to school by bike.
XIV. History of the lesson
T: What we learned today’s lesson?
CL: we have learned the new words About transport.\
XV. Giving home task
To complete 5 sentences and to learn the new words.