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Holiday activities

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DATE: 14.05.2022


THEME: Holiday activities.

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«Holiday activities»

Short term plan

Unit 9. Holiday

School: school-lyceum : №5

Date: 14.05.2022

Teacher name: Abdrakhmanova A.O.

Grade: 5 V

Number present: 24


Lesson title:

Holiday Activities 2

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • discuss about Holiday through asking and answering the questions;

  • read and underline specific information,

  • complete the tables with holiday activities no less than 2 activities with some support.

  • write short paragraph about favourite holiday activity no less than 5 sentences with little support.

Most learners will be able to:

  • write short paragraph using no less than 4 topic related words

Some learners will be able to:

  • write short paragraph using no less than 6 topic related words, Future Simple and construction “to be going to ” correctly

Assessment criteria

- discuss with partner

- read and find detailed information from the text

-complete the table using at least 2 holiday activities

- write short paragraph using Future Simple and construction “ to be going to”

Language objective

Useful vocabulary: meeting new friends, tasting unusual food, rafting, collecting shells ,swimming, seeing sightseeing, climbing mountains

Values links

Labour and creativity, cooperation, lifelong learning

Cross-curricular links

Natural Science

Previous learning

Holiday Activity 1, to be going to


Planned timings

Planned activities




(4 min)

Lead in:

(W) Teacher :

-Good morning, boys and girls!

-How are you?

-I am glad to see you!

-Pupils, today we will speak about holiday activities. What holiday activities do you know? (pupils answer)

-OK, very good! And we will read the text “Time for an adventure “ and learn more new words about holiday activities. And write paragraph “

(W,P)Warm up:

Strategy: Think-Pair-Share

(On the board sticks flashcards of flags. Teacher asks students to imagine if they have a tour ticket around the world. Where will they travel at first? What will they do in each country? They discuss in pairs and then should share with ideas to the class. )


Imagine you won a tour ticket around the world.

1) Where will you travel the first?

2) What will you do in each country?

Possible answers:

  1. I will travel to the France . I will visit Eiffel Tower.

  2. I will travel to Maldives . I want to see pure blue sea.

Teacher gives everyone a ticket to the Astana

Pictures of cities.



(5 min)

(15 min)

(3 min)


(3 min)

(W)Pre- reading Activity 1

Strategy: Association


Teacher writes “Holiday activities” in the centre of the board and enquire students give any ideas.

F or example:

Possible answers: Rafting Collecting shells Swimming Seeing sightseeing

Assessment: Oral assessment: Good, Good idea, Excellent.

(W,G) Activity2

Formative assessment:


Strategy: Jigsaw reading


Teacher divides class into five groups by giving cards: mountain, river, ocean, desert, forest. Then give them cut out the 5 texts and read it in 6 minutes, while reading students should fill the table and exchange with information.


Checking comprehension question:

1) Will we speak?

2) Will we read?

3) Will we discuss?

4)Will we fill the tables?

5) Will we exchange information?

Text 1. Time for an adventure

Table 1.

Differentiation by teacher support:

Teacher gives glossary to the low-level students to support complete the table.

Criteria for group assessment:


- fill the all column

- write at least 2 types of activities to each column.

- read the text

- underline specific information

-write activities on the right type of holiday

Group assessment according to criteria in flipchart and give each group a ticket to Paris

Feedback: “Sandwich”

During checking answer teacher gives compliment, correct and compliment right away.

Teacher: Yes, right you are!

Teacher: Please, check you’re your answer again/ look through the text and correct your answer.

Teacher: Yes, you could find correct answer. Great job!

(I)Post-reading: Activity 3

Strategy: “Creative writing”

Students are given worksheets with wordlist. Students choose 10 words from the text. Teacher asks them words meaning or translation. Students write at least 6-7 sentences about “Favorite holiday activity ”

Checking comprehension question:

Should we choose 15 words?

Should we write 4 sentences?

Should we write about food?

Differentiation by topic: Each student can choose the holiday activity to express their ideas.

Criteria: - write short paragraph using Future Simple and construction “ to be going to”

Descriptors: Learners

-write a title

- write 5 sentences

- Use 4/6 topic related words from the wordlist.

- Use construction “to be going to”

Peer-assessment: Students give a ticket to New York each other if all criteria are reached.




Handout 1

Handout 2

Table 1.



(2 min)

(2 min)


Strategy: Four Corners:

Teacher writes 2 questions on the board and sticks 2 answers in each corner. Corner A, B,C,D . Students choose the corner which they believe corresponds with correct answer.


  1. Look at the board. There are questions:

1)On which holiday(s) do you need to be fit?

2)On which holiday(s) might you need special clothes or shoes?

  1. Look at the 4 corners A,B,C,D in the classroom read the answers and stand to the corner which you think correct.

Right answer: 1) Trekking tour. Corner –B

2) Polar Expedition. Corner-D

Self-assessment: students assess themselves. If students stand on the right corner they can take one ticket to London

Home Task:

Differentiation by difficulty of tasks:

  1. Mid-achieving : Compare the texts Polar Expedition and Wildlife holiday. Write advantages and disadvantages of these holidays.

  2. High-achieving : find and read short article about “Dangerous holiday activities” . Tell the main points.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check students’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Values links

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

School-lyceum #5

Open lesson

Theme: «Holiday activities»

Teacher: Abdrakhmanova A.O.

Grade: 5 V

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Holiday activities

Автор: Абдрахманова Айгерим Оразгалиевна

Дата: 27.05.2022

Номер свидетельства: 608206

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