1.Білімділік: Ауру атауларының дұрыс айтылуын, жазылуын үйрету.Сұрақты дұрыс түсініп жауап беруге, жаңа сөздермен сөйлем құрастыра білуге үйрету
2. Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың ой – өрісін, белсенділігін, сөздік қорларын, тіл байлықтарын, танымдылықтарын арттыру.
3. Тәрбиелік: Салауатты өмір салтын ұстана отырып, жеке бас гигиенасын ұстану.
Сабақтың түрі: аралас сабақ
Сабақтың әдісі: көрнекілік, сұрақ – жауап
Сабақтың барысы:
Ұйымдастыру кезеңі:
Good afternoon children
How are you?
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What day and date is it today?
Are you ready for the lesson?
Ok let`s begin our lesson…
Шырайларға байланысты тапсырма
Warm up:
Packet glass tube pacage jar can
a __________ of toothpaste
a __________ of milk
a___________ of juice
a __________ of oil
a___________of water
a____________ of tissues
Phonetic drill:
- шаршаған - суық тиген
- ашулы -сырқат
- бақытты -бақытсыз
- мазасыз - көңілсіз
When I`m unhappy, I go to the doctor
When I`m happy , I don`t talk
When I`m tired , I listen to music
When I`m angry, I drink hot tea
When I`m cold , I sing
When I`m ill , I bite my nails
When I`m worried , I go to bed
Today we have new theme Keep warm. All together at first look at the board new words:
a headache - басауруы
a sore throat - тамақауруы
a backache - арқаауруы
a cough - жөтел
a toothache - тісауруы
a fever - қызу, температура
a burn -күйік,күю
the flu - тұмау
Exercise 5. Read Asels diary and answer the questions below
Read the text
Tuesday 14th I feel better today. Yesterday was terrible. I felt fine all morning, but in the afternoon I began to feel really ill. I was hot, then cold. I had a headache. I felt tired and I felt sick. I finally decided to go home. I arrived home at two o'clock and went straight to bed. I took 2 aspirins and had a hot drink. I slept until this morning - 18 hours in all. May be it was flu. Today I feel better, but I'm staying in bed. I'm enjoying the rest and this book's very good.
1. When did she begin to feel ill?
2. What was the matter?
3. Did she have a headache in the
4. How long did she sleep?
5. How does she feel today?
6. Why is she staying in bed?
Asel: Hello, Carol. How are you?
Carol: I feel terrible!
Asel: Oh,no!What`s wrong?
Carol: I`ve got a cold. A really bad cold. I zneeze all
the time and my temperature is 39 degrees. I
can`t read.I just feel terrible.
Asel: Poor you.Did you take aspirin?
Carol: Yes. I take four aspirins a day.But I still feel terrible.
Asel: I can tell you what to do.Take a lemon, and some honey, and
some hot water.Mix it together.Drink it when it is very hot.Do that six
times a day and you will feel better.And keep warm!
a) Asel is well
b) Carol feels very bad
c)Carol has a high temperature
d)Carol takes pills for her cold
e) Asel thinks Carol should keep warm
f)Honey and lemon is good for a cold
g) Asel thinks Carol should take some
cold water
What did you learn in today’s lesson? Why do not understand? What did the lesson of today like?