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Healthy life. Keep warm

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Lesson: Theme: Keep warm

School: № 6


Teacher: Erzhanova Gulnar

Form : 6 « v»

Number presents:


Learning  objectives that this  lesson is  contributing to

Recognize with support common of the spoken.

Learn to answer the question, make up sentences and work in a group.Doing exercises

Lesson objectives

 All learners will be able to:

  • Read the text

Most learners will be able to :

  • Ask question and  reply

Some learners will be  able to:

  • Make up a sentences.
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«Healthy life. Keep warm»

Lesson: Theme: Keep warm

School: № 6


Teacher: Erzhanova Gulnar

Form : 6 « v»

Number presents:


Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to

Recognize with support common of the spoken.

Learn to answer the question, make up sentences and work in a group.Doing exercises

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Read the text

Most learners will be able to :

  • Ask question and reply

Some learners will be able to:

  • Make up a sentences.

Language objective

Learners can:

  • . Learners develop the ability to ask and out about a questions using appropriate word .Learners learn todiscuss a text.

Key at the questions

It was Thursday

She felt fine all day

She slept 8 hours

She feels better today

It’s her favourite book.

Previous learning


Planned time

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)





Good afternoon pupils!

Good afternoon teacher!

How are you ?

Im fine thanks! And you?

What day and date is it today?

Positive atmosphere

Well, today we have an unusual lesson. I divided the class into 3-groups. These cards I’ll give you for marks; a happy boy is “5”, a tired boy is “4”, and an ill boy is “3”. Pupils, you should try not to be an ill boy.

Middle.The new theme.

Awaking stage.


- Children, look at this picture.

What do you see in this picture?

- Two friends. – What season is it? -It’s winter. – What are they doing ? They are riding on the sledges. - How do you think who will catch a cold first?

- The girl who puts light clothes on. - Why do you think so? I think so because she doesn’t keep warm .The weather is frosty, the temperature is below Zero.

- Well, our theme is Keep warm. At this lesson we are going to speak about problems and their treatment.

Evalution sheet

Tree level of tasks

5 - minute

- Children, What season is it now? – It’s winter now. Good, we know that people have some problems in winter. Here is a T-chart. Write what children should do or shouldn’t do to be healthy in winter.

Should Shouldn’t

Keep warm Eat ice cream

Eat vitamins Drink cold water

Dress warm clothes Dress light clothes

Drink warm water Drink cold water

Drink hot tea

Drink milk

10 - minute

- Now, children look at these new words

А) Listen and repeat.

Tired [ˈtaɪəd] шаршау

Angry[ˈæŋɡrɪ] ашулы

Happy[ˈhæpɪ] бақытты, қуанышты

Worried[ˈwʌrɪd] беймаза

Cold[kəʊld] суық

Ill[ɪl] ауру

Unhappy[ʌnˈhæpɪ] бақытсыз, көңілсіз

Bored [bɔːr] көңілсіз

Feel[fiːl] сезіну

Headache[ˈhɛdˌeɪk] бас ауру

Sick[sɪk] жүрек айнуын сезіну

Flu[fluː] тұмау

Straight [streɪt] тура

Books, blackboard

7 - minute

В) The next task is to make sentences using these words:

Group A – 2-sentences

Group B – 2- sentences

Group C – 2 - sentences.

1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____ 6.____ 7.____

1. When I`m unhappy,I a. go to the doctor

2. When I`m happy , I b. don`t talk

3. When I`m tired ,I c. listen to music

5. When I`m angry,I d. drink hot tea

6. When I`m cold , I e. sing

7. When I`m ill , I f. bite my nails

8. When I`m worried ,I g. go to bed

10 - minute

- Good for you. Boys and girls now let’s work with this text. This is Asel’s diary.

Group A will read the text.

Group B will translate the text.

Group C will answer the questions below

Tuesday 14th

I feel better today. Yesterday was terrible. I felt fine all morning, but in the afternoon I began to feel really ill. I was hot, then cold. I had a headache. I felt tired and I felt sick. I finally decided to go home. I arrived home at two o'clock and went straight to bed. I took 2 aspirins and had a hot drink. I slept until this morning - 18 hours in all. May be it was flu. Today I feel better, but I'm staying in bed. I'm enjoying the rest and this book's very good.


3 - minute


What day was it?

What was the matter?

What book did she read?

3 - minut

Conclusion. (A semantic map)



A headache

A cough

A fever

The flu

Drink hot tea

With honey

Go to bed and rest

Take some aspirin

See the doctor

Drink warm liquids

Rub oil on the chest

The end


Comment the marks.

Giving the homework ex.8,10 p. 84.

- The lesson is over. Good-bye, children.

Review the text

Additional information

Differention –how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able leaners?

Assessment how are you planning to cheek leaners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links Health and safety check

ICT links

Values links


Were the lesson objectives/ learning objectives realistic? What did the learners learn today? What was the learning atmosphere like? Did my plan diferentation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evalution

What two things were really well (consider both teaching and learning?)



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Healthy life. Keep warm

Автор: Ержанова Гүлнар

Дата: 16.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 457869

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