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Health is our wealth

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6th  form                                 Lesson plan

Teacher:  Kuanysheva M.U.

Theme:   Health is our wealth

Aims of the lesson: to enrich students’ vocabulary on the theme, to revise grammatical  theme Present Simple ; to develop thinking, understanding, memory, oral speech, reading and writing skills; to teach them  to take care of their health and  the healthy way of life.

The Plan of the lesson

  1. Organization moment
  2. Main part.
  1. Guessing the crossword
  2. Phonetic drill- proverb (reading, translating, finding the equivalents)
  3. Report “About health” ( monological speech)
  4. Task to the text “About health” – true or false
  5. Writing new words about parts of the body
  6.  IFY- Information For You
  1. Concluding part
  1. Conclusion
  2. Learn by heart new words
  3. Writing a composition about health.
  4. Evaluation
  1. a)Teacher: Good morning, children! In order to know the theme of our lesson, let’s solve the crossword.

                        h        e        a        d        a        c         h       e

            m        e         m       o        r         y

                       a        s          p       i         r        i          n

  r       u         l           e

                      t          e         e       t        h

                      h         o         s       p        i          t           a        l

  1. What do people feel during the illness?
  2. What quality do people develop when they read?
  3. What medicine do we take when we have a high temperature?
  4. What should children learn studying new theme?
  5. What do we clean using tooth-brush twice a day?
  6. Where do people go when they are ill?

The theme of our lesson is “Health”

Please tell me a few words about health. What do you do to be healthy? Do you know any proverbs about health? ( in English, Kazakh, Russian)

Proverb: 1. Health is above wealth.  (In order to be healthy we must go in for sports. Don’t forget to do exercises every morning. To be healthy is the best wealth. )

 2. He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.

3. An apple a day keeps a doctor  away. (To keep fit you should eat a lot of fruit “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” and vegetables.    Eating carrots is good for your eyes.  Brown bread and cereal is also good for you health. Fish is good for you brain. Don’t eat too many sweets. It is bad for you teeth. Don’t drink a lot of coffee. Coffee stops you from sleeping. Drink natural juices and mineral water.) etc.

Listening.   A Text:  “About Health”

Health is very important for all people. Children do not speak about health very often. They discuss other things. But when their classmates fall ill everybody wants them to become well again. They should come to school again and take an active part in school life.

Why do young people fall ill? The answer may be very simple. You will not catch a cold, for example, if you take care of your health. Your health can be excellent and it can be bad. You must choose. So the best thing for you is to go in for sports. You must also remember some of the rules about how to be in good health. What you also need is to spend a lot of time in the open air. It is very useful to go for long walks in the country. And do not forget to keep your room and hands clean.

Checking Comprehension.

Task: Now listen to me attentively. I will read some sentences and you should write letters ‘T’ or “F”

  1. The title of the text is “About Health”
  2. Children speak about health very often.
  3. If you take care of your health, you will not catch a cold.
  4. You must  spend a lot of time in the open air.
  5. Don’t  forget to keep your room and hands clean.
  • You should be fond of sport.?Information for you.

World Health Organization – WHO

The World Health Organization  (WHO) came into being on April 7, 1948. Nation  member ratified its constitution. The objective of WHO is the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health. WHO proposes convention, agreements, regulations and makes recommendations about international  nomenclature of diseases, cause of birth and public health practices. It develops, establishes and promotes international standards concerning  foods and biological pharmaceutical and similar substances.

Watching a video. “Parts of the Body”

Concluding:  a) learn the new words

                      b) write down a composition about health.

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«Health is our wealth »

6th form Lesson plan

Teacher: Kuanysheva M.U.

Theme: Health is our wealth

Aims of the lesson: to enrich students’ vocabulary on the theme, to revise grammatical theme Present Simple ; to develop thinking, understanding, memory, oral speech, reading and writing skills; to teach them to take care of their health and the healthy way of life.

The Plan of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

  2. Main part.

  1. Guessing the crossword

  2. Phonetic drill- proverb (reading, translating, finding the equivalents)

  3. Report “About health” ( monological speech)

  4. Task to the text “About health” – true or false

  5. Writing new words about parts of the body

  6. IFY- Information For You

  1. Concluding part

  1. Conclusion

  2. Learn by heart new words

  3. Writing a composition about health.

  4. Evaluation

  1. a)Teacher: Good morning, children! In order to know the theme of our lesson, let’s solve the crossword.

h e a d a c h e

m e m o r y

a s p i r i n

r u l e

t e e t h

h o s p i t a l

  1. What do people feel during the illness?

  2. What quality do people develop when they read?

  3. What medicine do we take when we have a high temperature?

  4. What should children learn studying new theme?

  5. What do we clean using tooth-brush twice a day?

  6. Where do people go when they are ill?

The theme of our lesson is “Health”

Please tell me a few words about health. What do you do to be healthy? Do you know any proverbs about health? ( in English, Kazakh, Russian)

Proverb: 1. Health is above wealth. (In order to be healthy we must go in for sports. Don’t forget to do exercises every morning. To be healthy is the best wealth. )

2. He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.

3. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. (To keep fit you should eat a lot of fruit “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” and vegetables. Eating carrots is good for your eyes. Brown bread and cereal is also good for you health. Fish is good for you brain. Don’t eat too many sweets. It is bad for you teeth. Don’t drink a lot of coffee. Coffee stops you from sleeping. Drink natural juices and mineral water.) etc.

Listening . A Text: “About Health”

Health is very important for all people. Children do not speak about health very often. They discuss other things. But when their classmates fall ill everybody wants them to become well again. They should come to school again and take an active part in school life.

Why do young people fall ill? The answer may be very simple. You will not catch a cold, for example, if you take care of your health. Your health can be excellent and it can be bad. You must choose. So the best thing for you is to go in for sports. You must also remember some of the rules about how to be in good health. What you also need is to spend a lot of time in the open air. It is very useful to go for long walks in the country. And do not forget to keep your room and hands clean.

Checking Comprehension.

Task: Now listen to me attentively. I will read some sentences and you should write letters ‘T’ or “F”

  1. The title of the text is “About Health”

  2. Children speak about health very often.

  3. If you take care of your health, you will not catch a cold.

  4. You must spend a lot of time in the open air.

  5. Don’t forget to keep your room and hands clean.

  6. You should be fond of sport.

Information for you.

World Health Organization – WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) came into being on April 7, 1948. Nation member ratified its constitution. The objective of WHO is the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health. WHO proposes convention, agreements, regulations and makes recommendations about international nomenclature of diseases, cause of birth and public health practices. It develops, establishes and promotes international standards concerning foods and biological pharmaceutical and similar substances.

Watching a video. “Parts of the Body”

Concluding: a) learn the new words

b) write down a composition about health.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Health is our wealth

Автор: Куанышева Манчук Уразовна

Дата: 26.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 191839

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