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Have something done (Causative). For 9th grade

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This presentation is suitable for pupils who study in form 9 at secondary schools.

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«Have something done (Causative). For 9th grade»

Namangan viloyati Norin tumani 1- umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabi  ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi MIRZAKAMOLOVA MAFTUNA NORIN 2020.

Namangan viloyati Norin tumani 1- umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabi ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi MIRZAKAMOLOVA MAFTUNA

NORIN 2020.




PRESENTATION 1. We use have something done to talk about things other people do for you.  Do you repair your house yourself?  No, we have our house repaired.


  • 1. We use have something done to talk about things other people do for you.

Do you repair your house yourself?

No, we have our house repaired.

: Did you repair your house yourself last year.  : No, we had our house repaired.  : Who repaired it?  : Sam.

: Did you repair your house yourself last year.

: No, we had our house repaired.

: Who repaired it?

: Sam.

2. Have something done is a special passive structure which we use when we arrange – and usually pay for somebody to do a specific job for us. She has her nails painted every month. (= she pays someone to paint hernails. )

2. Have something done is a special passive structure which we use when we arrange – and usually pay for somebody to do a specific job for us.

She has her nails painted every month.

(= she pays someone to paint hernails. )

: Did you paint them yourself?  : No, I had them painted at a shop in town  : But what about the nails on the other hand?  : Oh, I’ m going to have them done next week.

: Did you paint them yourself?

: No, I had them painted at a shop in town

: But what about the nails on the other hand?

: Oh, I’ m going to have them done next week.

Let’s create causative sentences.  S+ HAVE/HAS + OBJECT + VERBed( lll ) Jill wants someone prints T-shirt for her. Jill- subject Jill/she – has T-shirt- object Print- verb e.g. Jill has her T-shirt printed

Let’s create causative sentences. S+ HAVE/HAS + OBJECT + VERBed( lll )

Jill wants someone prints T-shirt for her.

Jill- subject

Jill/she – has

T-shirt- object

Print- verb

e.g. Jill has her T-shirt printed

The end.  Thank you.

The end. Thank you.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Have something done (Causative). For 9th grade

Автор: Mirzakamolova Maftuna Rahimjon qizi

Дата: 06.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 545628

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