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Grade 4. I want to be a football player

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«Grade 4. I want to be a football player»

Theme: Unit 4. Professions.

Lesson 5. I want to be a footballplayer

Period: 45 minutes


Educational: - to learn about the Past Simple verbs;

- to learn how to say about future profession - to give PP practice in using the new words.

Developing: - to enable pupils to talk about future professions - to enable pupils to read for specific information.

socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of practicing of reading for gist and

detailed information;

  • to raise awareness of the stress in multi-syllable words

Linguistic competencies: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to understand and say phrases for talking about future professions and practice the Past Simple and develop their grammar knowledge.

Socio-linguistic Competence: pupils improve ability to find information about media resources to process it and enable to use it.

Pragmatic competencies: pupils raise awareness of practicing of reading for gist and detailed information.

Pupils raise awareness of forming speaking skills in native a foreign languages having culture speaking skills and ability to work cooperative and collective.


equipment: Textbook; the DVD of the book; flashcards, projector, pictures, handouts

Vocabulary and structure: Recycling the previous learnt vocabulary;

New structure: I want to be ...

Type of the lesson: untraditional

Methods of the lesson: questionnairies, activities

Interaction: working in small groups

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

- describe professions;

  • tell about professions of their relatives;

- say if the information is true or false according to the text.

Connecting with other subjects: mother tongue, geography, Russian,

history, law, literature

Unit 4. Professions

Lesson 5. I want to be a football player

Steps of the lesson




Organizing moment of the lesson

  1. Greeting

  2. Checking up pupils attends



Political time

Political questionnaires



The revision of previous theme

1) Activity 1a. Play “Cluster”

2) Activity 1b. Play “Look and speak”

3) Activity 2. Play “Match the professions and places”

4) Activity 3. Play “Do a




The presentation of the new theme

1) Activity4. Listen and sing.

2) Activity 5. Look, listen and repeat.

3) Activity 6a. Look, listen and repeat

4) Activity 6b. Look, point and say



Consolidation of the new theme

1) Activity 6c. Look, listen and say

2) Optional Activity 7. Read and complete




To gather pupils’ excellent cards





  1. Organizing moment of the lesson

Pupils: Good morning, dear teacher!

Teacher: Good morning, my learners! How are you?

Pupils: Thank you, We are fine.

Teacher: Are you ready for the lesson?

With the power and the passion?

Pupils: Yes, we are ready always

With the full of pencil case

Teacher: Good! Who is on duty today?

About the day who can say?

Pupils: I’m on duty, teacher

I can help you clear.

Teacher: How many pupils

in your group?

Pupil: There are fourteen

Yourselves look!

Teacher: What date is it today?

On duty: Today is the 30th of October .

Teacher: What day is it today?

Pupils: It is Tuesday.

Teacher: What do you think, how kind of day is today?

Pupils: …..

Teacher: Today is the 30th of October of 2018 year. Today is the day that you never found any more. Today never will be return twice, second time…. That’s why we must do our works on time. Don’t think that I’ll do it next time or tomorrow… or like these. So as you know today’s our motto is:

  1. Political time

Teacher: Good job! I like your words…Here, how kinds of youth we need. We need the youth who has exact purpose, exact plans for the future….like you.

Teacher: Therefore our president planned what to do in the future like you and worked on the priority areas of Uzbekistan’s development strategy. Do you know, how many are there priority areas of Uzbekistan’s development strategy for 2017-2021s?

Pupil : You know, there are five priority areas of Uzbekistan’s development strategy for 2017-2021s.

Teacher: What are they?

Pupil 1: Priority areas for improving the system of state and public construction.

P upil 2: Priority areas for ensuring the rule of law and further reforming the judicial system

P upil 3: Priority areas of

economic development

and liberalization.

P upil 4: Priority areas of development of social sphere.

Pupil 5: Priority areas in the field of security, inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance, as well as the implementation of

balanced, mutually beneficial and constructive, foreign policy.

Teacher: Now, my learners, I want you to show a video for improve your thinking about your teenagers.

Teacher: Now, we are divided into two groups;

1st group 2nd group

Clevers” “Wisdoms”

Teacher: And each groups will have their own excellent cards step by step. Ok.

  1. The consolidation of the previous theme

Teacher: My pupils, We together learnt “My granny worked at the hospital ” theme in the previous lesson. Do you know what professions did we learn?

Pupils: Yes

Teacher: Good job! Well, we play activity called “Cluster”

Activity 1a. Play “Cluster”

Objective: to memorize the learnt professions

Teacher: Ok. Good! Now the first group must make a Cluster about only professions. The second group must make a Cluster about places.



Teacher: Good job! Well, Now you must make up sentences in Past Simple form according your “Cluster”

Activity 1b. Play “Look and speak”

Objective: to revise professions;

to improve pupils speaking skills.

e.g. 1st group: - My granny was a teacher.

2nd group: My granny worked at the school.




My granddad was a doctor.

My granny was a cook.

My uncle was a pilot.

My aunt was a shop assistant.

He worked at the hospital.

She worked in a restaurant.

He worked at the airport.

She worked at the shop.

Teacher: Well done! I am proud of you! Now, next activity….

Activity 2. Play “Match the professions and places”

Objective: to revise learnt material.

  • H ospital Shop assistant

  • Bank Football player

  • School Nurse

  • Police office Cook

  • Shop Teacher

  • Stadium Police officer

  • Canteen Waitress

  • Restaurant Secretary

Teacher: Good, very good! Our next activity is called “Crossword”

Activity 3. Play “Do a crossword”

Objective: to improve pupils English learning and motivational skills

Answers: fisherman, vet, baker, gardener, painter, police officer, postman, architect, driver.,……

  1. The presentation of the new theme.

Activity4. Listen and sing.

Objectives: to warm up;

to create friendly atmosphere

DVD script:

I want to be a doctor

I want to be a doctor. What about you?

I want to be a fireman. What about you?

I want to be a cook. What about you?

I want to be a pilot. What about you?

I want to be a teacher. What about you?

And what about you?

Activity 5. Look, listen and repeat.

Objective: to work on pronunciation.


O o

o O O

Car, shop, vet, nurse

Teacher, cook, player

assistant, secretary

Activity 6a. Look, listen and repeat

Objective: to introduce the structure “I want to be...”

DVD script:

My granddad was a math teacher. My mum is a music teacher. I want to be an English teacher.

Activity 6b. Look, point and say

e.g. A: (points)

B: I want to be a cook.

5. The consolidation of the new theme.

Teacher: All are right. Oh, my learners you are clever. We do another activity for consolidating and revising our learnt material

Activity 6c. Look, listen and say

Objective: to revise the structures “S/he is good at...”

and “S/he wants to be...”

e.g. A: She’s good at cooking

B: Shahlo. She wants to be a cook.

Optional Activity 7. Read and complete

Objective: to revise the professions

Answer key:

My favourite subjects are Uzbek and English. I want to be a teacher.

I like running and playing football. I want to be a football player.

I like cars. I want to be a driver.

I like music. I am good at playing the piano. I want to be a dancer.

I love cooking. I want to be a cook.

6. Marking and encouraging.

Teacher: Well done, my clever learners. You are very clever schoolchildren. I believe you will get more success in your future life. Both of the groups are active during the lesson. Both groups get gifts, encouraging cards and excellent marks.

7. Home task:

Teacher: My pupils, you have learnt about a new structure “I want to be … or S/he wants to be a …”

Pupils: We came into your class

To learn and to grow

But, What has touched us

Is the love you have show!

Teacher: Now, Our lesson is over…. My learners, see you next time soon! Goodbye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Grade 4. I want to be a football player

Автор: Ismoilova Muazzam Uroyimjonovna

Дата: 17.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 547017

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