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Фрагмент урока английского языка с использованием приемов смыслового чтения

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«Фрагмент урока английского языка с использованием приемов смыслового чтения»

Фрагмент урока английского языка с использованием приемов

смыслового чтения ( Тема «Известные люди» 9 класс)

Речевая разминка.

But first answer some questions, please.

  1. Do you like going to the cinema?

  2. How often do you go there?

  3. What are your favourite actors or actresses?

  4. Do you know your parents’ favourite actors?

  5. What genres of films do you know?

  6. What is Hollywood? What do you know about it?

  7. What film studios do you remember?

  8. Who makes film? Who else?

( Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, дополняют друг друга)

Дотекстовый этап.

Can you guess about what person we are going to talk and read?

                                   (actor, actress, director, producer…)

Look at these pictures. / показываю фото актера/ Do you know him?

                                   (yes/no/Paul Newman)

So, we are going to read an article about Paul Leonard Newman, the Hollywood star.

Look at the pictures again. What do they tell you about Paul?

                                     (He is handsome/ He has blue eyes/He gained a success…)

What information would you like to know about him?

                                     (How old is he? Is he still alive? …)

Read the title, please. “Paul Newman, actor, director, racing driver” What do you expect to find out from the text?

Before reading the text, look at the blackboard. Here are some words that help you to understand the article:

to bring stardom overnight- support causes-

to get divorced- charity-

passionately- towering=awful, terrible

drug abuse- co-star- co-sconscience-

anti-nuclear movement- method actor-

 (читаем слова, переводим, записываем на доске перевод)

Текстовый этап.

(first reading)

Your task will be to read the text and try to do some interesting tasks. First of all, here are summaries of the seven paragraphs of the article.

a) ___Some of his films.

b) ___His rise to stardom.

c) ___The end of one marriage, the beginning of another.

d) ___His early life.

e) ___The highs and lows of his later life.

f) ___His first professional work.

g) ___Newman the person, not the movie star.

The aim- to match them to the correct paragraph.

 (Учащиеся читают первый раз про себя, соединяют:           a)5  b)3  c)4  d)1  e)6  f) 2  g)7

OK. Let us check your answers.

What interested you most about Paul Newman?

Now look through the text again and try to do this task. (второе прочтение) Here are some answers to some questions from paragraph 1-3. What are the questions?

1) In 1925

2) After graduating.

3) While they were acting together.

4) In 1949

5) Three.

6) He was thirty.

7) A Greek slave.

8) No, he did not.

9) About Graziano’s childhood.

Find the sentences in which you can see this information. Read it and translate.

(разбираем каждый ответ, дети находят предложение, читают вслух и переводят. Затем составляем вопросы, предварительно определив грамматическое время.

Получившиеся вопросы:

1) When was he born?

2) When did he start working in the theatre?

3) When did he meet his first wife?

4) When did they get married?

5) How many children did they have?

6) What age did he make his first film?

7) What was his part?

8) Did he enjoy making films?

9) What did a boxer and Paul talk about?

Very good! Now let’s work with vocabulary. There are two words in the text that mean “a film”. Find them!

                             (a picture, a movie)

Well done!

Next, match a word in the text to the following definitions.

a) to use badly or unproductively                                                                             (to waste)

b) a profession or occupation                                                                                   (career)

c) a person who is the property of someone and has to work for food                    (slave)  

d) a lucky opportunity that leads to success                                                            (break)

e) the state of being a star                                                                                        (stardom)

f) more of something than is safe                                                                            (overdose)

g) using something in the wrong way                                                                     (abuse)

h) a person’s understanding of what is right and wrong                                         (conscience)  

i) an organization that helps people who need help                                                (charity)

j) to do something again and again                                                                         (keep trying)

 Послетекстовый этап.

What can you say about Paul Newman?

Do you want to watch his films?

What did you learn that you did not know before?

But I want to say that some information in the text went out of date. Everything changes. Paul Leonard Newman died in September 2008. And of course he won several Oscars. Let’s summaries the information about this outstanding person. Sentence by sentence.

     (учащиеся по цепочке говорят предложения с опорой на текст)

Can you offer the plan that helps to speak or write about famous person?

Possible answers:                (1. Personal information: name, date and   place

of   birth,  age, profession, appearance

                                             2. Family and career

                                              3. Personal achievements)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Фрагмент урока английского языка с использованием приемов смыслового чтения

Автор: Абросимова Светлана Викторовна

Дата: 25.12.2023

Номер свидетельства: 643268

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