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Family time саба? жоспары

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On Saturday and Sunday my mother and father don’t work. It’s our family time. We do many interesting things together. 1. Look, we’re helping my grandparents. 2. My sister isn’t helping. She is small. She is playing with her dolls. 3. Here we’re playing badminton. 4. We’re riding bikes in this picture. We love it. 5. I love our family time.

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«Family time саба? жоспары»

Outline of the lesson

3rd form

Date: 13.10.2015

The theme of the lesson: Family time.

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: to teach to describe pictures and activities at the moment of speaking.

Up-bringing: to bring pupils’ oral speech, making dialog.

Developing: To develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.

Communicative: listening looking, saying, singing and writing.

The form of the lesson: traditional lesson

The type of the lesson: mixed lesson

Methods of the teaching: exercises, pair work, demonstration, explanation.

Inter subject connection: Kazakh

Usual aids: (not mechanical) posters.

Literature: text book by Almatykitap, 2015.

The procedure of the lesson.

Stage of the lesson

Teacher’s acting

Pupil’s acting


  1. Introduction

  1. Presentation

  1. vocabulary

  1. Practice

  1. Production

  1. Conclusion

  1. Evaluation

  1. Home tasks

  • Good morning children?

  • How are you?

- Nice to meet you.

Let's begin our lesson with the poem.

  • Thank you! Sit down please! Take your books and copybooks. Кітап, дәптерлерімізді парта үстіне алып қоямыз.

-Well children, open your book . Our theme of the lesson is “Family time”. Яғни, бүгінгі біздің тақырыбымыз: «Уақытты отбасымен бірге өткізу».


Listen and read.

On Saturday and Sunday my mother and father don’t work. It’s our family time. We do many interesting things together.

  1. Look, we’re helping my grandparents.

  2. My sister isn’t helping. She is small. She is playing with her dolls.

  3. Here we’re playing badminton.

  4. We’re riding bikes in this picture. We love it.

  5. I love our family time.


Make negative.

  1. They’re playing tennis.

  1. They’re playing basketball.

  1. He’s riding a bike.

  1. She’s watching TV.

Work with work book.

Ex.1 Read and match.

I am cooking.

They are swimming.

We are sitting.

He is dancing.

She is reading.

Ex.2 Make the short form.

  1. We are not going to the mountains.

  2. I am not dancing.

  3. They are not riding bikes.

  4. It is not riding bikes.

  5. You are not playing chess.

  6. He is not helping her mum.

Ex.3 Make sentences and write them.

  1. running am not I

  2. We not swimming are

  3. She not cooking is

  4. not are You dancing

  5. riding a bike He not is

  6. TV are watching not They

-I put your mark. Your mark is excellent, because during of the lesson you was active. … did all ex/s. Answer my question very well.

- I put you good, because you was active too, but no so and your haven’t some mistakes.

- I put you 3, , because you have more mistake and you answer to the question bad. You did more mistakes.

-Оқушылар үй тапсырмасын күнделікке жазамыз. Ex. 4. p.11

- Good bye! See late!

  • Good morning teacher.

  • We are very well.

- Nice to meet you, too.

Good morning , good morning,

Good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you.

No, they aren’t playing tennis.

They’re playing badminton.

They aren’t playing basketball.

They are playing basketball.

He isn’t riding a bike.

He is swimming.

She isn’t watching TV.

She is cooking.

I am not cooking.

They are not swimming.

We are not sitting.

He is not dancing.

She is not reading.

  1. We aren’t going to the mountains.

  2. I’m not dancing.

  3. They aren’t riding bikes.

  4. It isn’t riding bikes.

  5. You aren’t playing chess.

  6. He isn’t helping her mum.

  1. I am not running.

  2. We are not swimming.

  3. She is not cooking.

  4. You are not dancing.

  5. He is not riding a bike.

  6. They are not watching TV.

2 min

10 min

20 min

10 min

3 min

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Family time саба? жоспары

Автор: ?абденова Ба?ытг?л Ба?ытбек?ызы

Дата: 01.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 313747

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