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Entertainment. Things to do.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Entertainment. Things to do.»

Theme: Entertainment. Things to do.

Level: Intermediate.

Textbook: Spotlight 10

Materials: Blackboard, textbook, worksheet, 2 computers, projector, powerpoint presentation, computer speakers, students’ projects, powerpoint template for student’s advertisements, ball


Practice: to teach how to share ideas about entertainment and demonstrate ideas through a project

Skills Development: - to logically express opinions about entertainment;

- develop presentation skills

General: - to use expressions about giving and making suggestions;

- orally practise using all grammar tenses

Educational: - positive and constructive forms of entertainment

Parts of the Lesson















Lesson Outcome


Notes on the Lesson

  • I.1. -Good morning, students and colleagues. Welcome to our English Class.

T: Hello, everybody! Today we’ll continue our conversation on the most interesting theme....

P: Oh, sorry, I can’t think of anything only about my problem.

T: What’s happened?

P: You know that I enjoy working hard; you see, I don’t like

having spare time because I never know what to do in my free time.

In order to solve my problem, I’ve asked some people about what they do in their spare time:

  • 2. film presentation. (interview “Free Time”)

3. – I’m sure our students can suggest something interesting, too.

Kids, look at these useful expressions on the Blackboard and use them to make suggestions. What can you do to entertain yourselves in your spare time?

B/b - Why don’t we go…?

- What about (verb + -ing)….

- Would you like to…?

- We could (V0)…

- Shall we (V0)…?

P:Thanks a lot. However, I still have my problem.

  • II.1. -Then let’s declare the theme of today’s lesson.

The theme is “Entertainment. Things to do”. (Write on the B/b)

I should remind you that Entertain is the verb.

And the suffix (+ment) is the noun form of this word.

- Repeat, please, all together “Entertainment”.

2. - One convincing argument is popular wisdom. Do you know

any proverbs on this theme?

  • Let’s look at the powerpoint presentation and read these

proverbs about entertainment. Read, listen, then repeat.

  • All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

- Who knows the translation of this proverb?

  • (Одна работа без забавы – от нее тупеешь право.)

  • 2) Business before pleasure. (Сделал дело – гуляй смело.)

  • 3)Work done, have your fun.(Если весело живется и работа спорится.)

-Now please, write the translation of these proverbs onto your

worksheet from memory.

-After you’ve finished writing, translate the proverbs for the


-Who’s ready?

3. -We’re going to talk about entertainment and improve our skills

for speaking about this subject. Also, you know that today is

your last lesson on the theme “Entertainment” and you are

going to give a few presentations on this subject.

-These projects will help you summarize the information you

learned on this theme as well as improve your presentation skills.

  • So, let’s read today’s Lesson Statement from the

Power point presentation: (all together) I can share my ideas about entertainment and demonstrate my point of view in a project.

  • 5. Look at the screen. These are pictures of a sport.

-What is this sport and which country is it from?

-What kinds of entertainment do you know?

  • Now, look at the other picture.

What’s this? Say together, please. Try to remember how to

spell this word.

- Write each word onto your worksheet under section number 2 with the “entertainment Mind Map”.

6. Look at the reading text about entertainment under section

number 3 of your worksheet.

a) There are two variants of the reading text.

b) Now, there will be two groups.

c) In turn. Your group will read your texts out loud to the other team. The other team should write the types of entertainment being described in the text into chart on their worksheet.

One volunteer from each group will write their chart on the blackboard.

d) At the end, the volunteer will read his/her answers from the blackboard while the student’s and teacher check the answers.

- Write down your answers, please, on the b/b.

Answers: Group 1 – 1. funfair 2. cinema

Group 2 - 1.performance 2.museum

  • 7. Open your student’s book, please, p. 140 “The Listening Task”. We will only listen to parts 1 and 2.

1. While you’re listening to the text, try to answer the question:

What kind of entertainment is being described in each scenario?”

2. (After listening) Now, share your answers with the class.

Answers: 1.A He was disappointed with it. ; 2. B The band played well.

8. Practice “Making Preference phrases”

-Look at the B/b and complete these expressions by adding the correct preposition.

a. - “I would prefer( to) go to…”(the restaurant because I

like to eat delicious food.)

-“I’m very interested( in)…”

- “I’m keen (on)…”

- “I’m crazy (about)…”

- “I’m fond (of)…”

  • b. - Now, look at these pictures on the presentation and

use the model on the blackboard to describe what is

happening in each picture.

- So, explain which of these activities you would prefer to do in

your free time.

  • a. For example, “The first/second/third picture shows… (dining at a restaurant)

What ?







delicious food

III. 1 - Now, it’s time for your projects and advertisements.

In two groups, let’s present your home projects on entertainment.

  • While some students of your group is presenting their project, the other ones will be designing an advertisement on a computer using advertising material. Look at the example.

(Pp presentation)

- You can present your ads to the class right after your group’s project.

  • The 1 group, please… Presentation of a musical club

- Would you like to go to this musical club?

  • The 2 group… Film club

- What’s your impression of this entertainment?

IV.1. -(T. asks P.): “After all of these great presentations

and new information, did you decide what to do on your


-(P. answers): “Yes, I saw very many interesting things

that I want to do in my free time.”

2. Now, Repeat the Lesson Statement. Do you agree with this


3. What is the Lesson Outcome? Please, answer the

questions (using a ball: T – P1 – P2…)

1) What have you done during this lesson?

2) Name three kinds of entertainment that you prefer.

3) What kind of expressions can you use for making


4) Which of the three proverbs is most meaningful to you?

5) What kind of entertainment do you not like?

6) Did you enjoy yourself at the lesson?

V. –Today, you did well and we really enjoyed looking at your

interesting projects.

  • As for your h/w you can find it on our site.

There are two tasks:

1) Compare the pairs of pictures and answer the questions.

2) Writing task like giving advice for Svetlana’s free time.

How would you choose to spend a quiet weekend? Where would you go if you wanted to have fun? Which is your favourite form of entertainment? Why?

-Thank you for your work. Well done. Before you leave, please, give us your worksheets.

The lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye.

Time Regimen

2 min

1 min

1 min

1 min

3 min

1 min

3 min

5 min

5 min

3 min

6 min

8 min

4 min

2 min

G1 Entertainment

Date: _______________________________ Form _______

Name ____________

Surname __________

Oral Answers (1 mark for each correct answer)


1-3 correct answers = 1 mark 4-6 = 2 marks 7-9 = 3 marks 10… = 4 marks

  1. Write the three proverbs on today’s lesson from the powerpoint presentation. Then, write the translation for each proverb:

  1. Proverb 1: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.________________________________

Translation: ________________________________________________________________________

  1. Proverb 2: Business before pleasure_______________________________________________

Translation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Proverb 3: Work done, have your fun._____________________________________________

Translation: ________________________________________________________________________

1 mark for each correct translation Total: _____ / 3

  1. Fill in the Mind Map about different types of entertainment:

1 mark for each correct answer Total ____ / 15

  1. Reading Text. Use the following texts to complete the Reading Activity. Read the text out loud to the other team while they guess what kind of entertainment is being described in this scenario. Then, fill in the chart.

Part One: (Read) TEXT ONE (Group 1)

  1. As the rollercoaster started moving, my stomach turned to jelly. It got faster and faster and soon I was screaming as loudly as I could. I regretted ever getting on it, and when I finally got off, my legs were shaking so much I could hardly walk.

  2. I wanted to see it as soon as it was released and I’m glad I did. The story was very amusing and the actors gave superb performances. The location shots in the Scottish Highlands were stunning and it was a great way to spend the evening.

Part Two: From the list, choose which type of entertainment is being described in the text. Write your answers into the following chart. One secretary from your team should write these answers on the Blackboard. Types of Entertainment: funfair, theatre, stadium, performance, museum, beach, cinema, club. Remember, there is only one kind of entertainment for each text and not all of these words will be used.

Type of Entertainment

1 point for each correctly label Total: ______ / 2

  1. HOMEWORK : site www.kafedra.ho.ua

1) Compare the pairs of pictures and answer the questions.

2) Writing task.

How would you choose to spend a quiet weekend? Where would you go if you wanted to have

fun? Which is your favourite form of entertainment? Why?

Max 3+8=11 marks

Total:_____ / 35

G2 Entertainment

Date: _______________________________ Form _______

Name ____________

Surname __________

Oral Answers (1 mark for each correct answer)


1-3 correct answers = 1 mark 4-6 = 2 marks 7-9 = 3 marks 10… = 4 marks

  1. Write the three proverbs on today’s lesson from the powerpoint presentation. Then, write the translation for each proverb:

  1. Proverb 1: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.________________________________

Translation: ________________________________________________________________________

  1. Proverb 2: Business before pleasure_______________________________________________

Translation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Proverb 3: Work done, have your fun._____________________________________________

Translation: ________________________________________________________________________

1 mark for each correct translation Total: _____ / 3

  1. Fill in the Mind Map about different types of entertainment:

1 mark for each correct answer Total ____ / 15

3) Reading Text. Use the following texts to complete the Reading Activity. Read the text out loud to the other team while they guess what kind of entertainment is being described in this scenario. Then, fill in the chart.

Part One: (Read) TEXT ONE (Group 1)

  1. I could barely keep my eyes open during the performance. The acting and music were so tedious. It was so long that I thought the night would never end. The lead singer was awful, she sounded as if she was screaming.

  2. The exhibition was very interesting. One sculpture in particular was very impressive. I liked the way the artist used glass and metal. I found the entire exhibition very stimulating.

Part Two: From the list, choose which type of entertainment is being described in the text. Write your answers into the following chart. One secretary from your team should write these answers on the Blackboard. Types of Entertainment: funfair, theatre, stadium, performance, museum, beach, cinema, club. Remember, there is only one kind of entertainment for each text and not all of these words will be used.

Type of Entertainment

1 point for each correctly label Total: ______ / 2

  1. HOMEWORK : site www.kafedra.ho.ua

1) Compare the pairs of pictures and answer the questions.

2) Writing task.

How would you choose to spend a quiet weekend? Where would you go if you wanted to have

fun? Which is your favourite form of entertainment? Why?

Max 3+8=11 marks

Total:_____ / 35

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Entertainment. Things to do.

Автор: Чубина Елена Николаевна

Дата: 27.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 283899

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