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Lesson plan
Grade: 9
Teacher name: Umurzakova S.T
Theme: Education in Great Britain
Цель; Ознакомление с системой образование в Великобритании
- обобщение знаний по теме, контроль знаний
- чтение с извлечением информации и умение обобщать прочитанные
- формирование творческого и критического мышления учащихся
- пополнение знаний по страноведению Англии
Задачи; cсовершенствование навыков монологических речи через активизацию лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций по описанию различных типов школ и ее роли в обществе
Активизация творческих способностей ученика формирование коммуникативной культуры
Оснащение урока: учебник, интерактивная доска
Форма урока. Урок-дискуссия, обобщение с презентацией
2.Theme of the lesson
3.Teacher: Introductory speech. (British School Today)
4.Let s return back to the part of Education in Gr. Britain
Teacher: I. Listening «The History of British schools.»
1. establishment
2. gather to
3. feeder to
4. master
5. various
1.When did cathedral and monarchic schools appear?
A) 5 th century
B) 11 th century
C) 7 th century
2.Oxford is mentioned as long ago as 1168 as a place
A) to study
B) gather to listen to famous master
C) to live there
3.The first mention of Cambridge is when a number of Oxford students remove there in…
A) 1168
B) 1382
C) 1209
4.The first grammar School was founded at…
A) Westminster
B) St. Cathedral
C) Tower of London
5.When was Eton College founded?
A) 1382
B) 1440
C) 1400
6.Day Schools were found at the beginning oh the…
1) 18 th century
2) 17 th century
3) 19 th century
II. Let s back our theme (Education The School System)(интерактивная доска)
1.What do you think of great variety of schools in
2.What are the two main groups of schools Britain?
3.What are three stages of school education?
4.What are primary schools?
A) Infant schools
B) Junior schools
C) Comprehensive schools
D) Grammar schools
III. Stages of education
-What are schools in primary school education?
-What are children thought in infant Junior Schools?
-Name the types of schools in secondary education
Describe each of them. How did they differ?
-What certificate do children get on completion of compulsory education and what choice do they have after 16?
IV. Next part of the lesson
School problems
School complaint
1. school uniform
2. timetable
3. after-school activities
4. they are treated like babies
5. rules
6. location
7. missing the classes
8. school rules are not fair
9. teachers
V. The main problems of the school are: violate punishment,system of rewards
1. punishment
2. caning
3. corporal
4. ban
5. reward
6. asses
7. internal
VI. Terms the system of marking p230-231
Evaluation Summative assessment
Home assignment. reading, ’’Education system in KZ’’.
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