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"Education in the USA"

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Theme :  Education  in the USA


  1. Aim of the lesson. Educational


To develop pupils reading skills, making up questions and answering the question. To teach to work creatively. To provide on opportunity of free speaking.

     Developing: to get pupils talking. To enlarge pupils vocabulary, any pay attention to their pronunciation in intensive reading.

     Type of the lesson. Worn in group.

     Visual aids: picture, cards, interactive board.

Procedure of the lesson.


  1. Organization moment



  1. The new words


Elementary [,eliment?ri] – бастауыш мектеп                             Through [?ru:]- дейін

Junior high school [dзu:nj?h?i] – орта буын

Nursery [‘n?:s?ri] – к?ндізгі бала ба?ша

Kindergarten [‘ki’nd?,g?:tn] – бала ба?ша

Typical [‘tipic?l] – ерекше, айры?ша



  1. Read and translate the text.


Education in the USA



  1. We divide our group into 3 groups

1st gr                        2 nd gr.                         3 d gr

Read                   translate                    1. The typical American students have 5 hours

                                                             a day ( F)

                                                             2. Most children  start kindergarten at five years

                                                             of  age (T)

                                                             3. Secondary, or high schools, are usually 8 th –

                                                             10 th grades. (F).

                                                    4. At the age of 7 children go to the elementary school.(T)

VII. A game.

Name the school subjects beginning with these letters.

M E S G H A Ph M F N Ch Ph  C  N



  1. Warm up.




  1. Do these tasks.



Complete the sentences.

  1. The typical American students  have six hours a day.
  2. Students attend elementary school grades 1through 6.
  3.  Middle school or junior high school grades 7 through 9

Translate the combination of words

Аптаны? алты к?ні

К?ніне алты са?ат

Саба?  9:00 -да басталады


Жеке меншік мектептер санаулы.

Fill the Prepositions

  1. Nursery school at age 4.
  2. Most children star kindergarten at 5 years of  age.
  3. Children in the us start nursery  school at age 4.



  1. Look at the picture and describe it


  1. Conclusion


           The  USA                  both                   Kazakhstan





  1. Giving marks.


  1. Giving home task


Read and translate the text. Retell the text.

Ex.3, p.52 Read and translate the text.

Ex.4, p.53 Write down.


  1. The end of the lesson.







































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«"Education in the USA" »

№22 жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп

Opening lesson

The theme of the lesson:

Education in the USA

Grade 6 Ә

Teacher: Alshynbaeva F. G.

Semey 2014

Grade 6 Ә

Theme : Education in the USA

  1. Aim of the lesson. Educational

To develop pupils reading skills, making up questions and answering the question. To teach to work creatively. To provide on opportunity of free speaking.

Developing: to get pupils talking. To enlarge pupils vocabulary, any pay attention to their pronunciation in intensive reading.

Type of the lesson. Worn in group.

Visual aids: picture, cards, interactive board.

Procedure of the lesson.

  1. Organization moment

Greeting, talk, with the duty.

  1. Phonetic drill

  • Mind the clock

  • And keep the rule;

  • Try to come

  • In time to school

  1. Checking the home task.

Ұлыбританиядағы орта білім беру жүйесі

Заманауи мектеп grammar

Орта мектеп modern

Грамматикалық private

Жеке меншік secondary

Сынып free

Тегін grade

Бастауыш primary

  1. The new words

Elementary [,elimentәri] – бастауыш мектеп Through [Өru:]- дейін

Junior high school [dзu:njәhәi] – орта буын

Nursery [‘nә:sәri] – күндізгі бала бақша

Kindergarten [‘ki’ndә,gә:tn] – бала бақша

Typical [‘tipicәl] – ерекше, айрықша

  1. Read and translate the text.

Education in the USA

The typical American students have six hours a day, five days a week. Children in the United States start preschool or nursery school at age four or under. Most children start kindergarten at five years of age. In the USA school starts at 9 o’clock and finishes at 15.30.

There are three levels in the educational system of the United States.

At the age of 7 children go to the elementary school, where they stay until the sixth grade. State schools (called “public schools”), where education is free, there is a small number of private schools.

Students attend elementary schools (grades one through six) and then middle school or junior high school (grades seven through nine). Secondary, or high schools are usually 10 th through 12 th grades (ages 15 through18).

  1. We divide our group into 3 groups

1st gr 2 nd gr. 3 d gr

Read translate 1. The typical American students have 5 hours

a day ( F)

2. Most children start kindergarten at five years

of age (T)

3. Secondary, or high schools, are usually 8 th –

10 th grades. (F).

4. At the age of 7 children go to the elementary school.(T)

VII. A game.

Name the school subjects beginning with these letters.

M E S G H A Ph M F N Ch Ph C N

  1. Warm up.

Clap, Clap, Clap your hands,

Clap your hands together

Stamp, Stamp, Stamp your feet,

Stamp your feet together.

Turn, Turn, Turn around,

Turn around together.

  1. Do these tasks.

I gr.

II gr.

III gr.

Complete the sentences.

  1. The typical American students have six hours a day.

  2. Students attend elementary school grades 1through 6.

  3. Middle school or junior high school grades 7 through 9

Translate the combination of words

Аптаның алты күні

Күніне алты сағат

Сабақ 9:00 -да басталады


Жеке меншік мектептер санаулы.

Fill the Prepositions

  1. Nursery school at age 4.

  2. Most children star kindergarten at 5 years of age.

  3. Children in the us start nursery school at age 4.

  1. Look at the picture and describe it

  1. Conclusion

The USA both Kazakhstan

6 hours day




High __


5 days a week elementary


Middle school_7-9_

High school _10-12 th years

6 day a week elementary 1-4

Middle 5-9

High 10-11

11 th years

  1. Giving marks.

  1. Giving home task

Read and translate the text. Retell the text.

Ex.3, p.52 Read and translate the text.

Ex.4, p.53 Write down.

  1. The end of the lesson.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Education in the USA"

Автор: Алшинбаева Фарида Газизовна

Дата: 12.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 171990

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