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«Does weather affect our health?»

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  1.Small, white pieces of ice that fall from the sky, when it is very cold.

What is it? snow

  2.Air that moves quickly.

What is it? wind

3.The very large bright thing that you see in the sky in the daytime.

What is it? sun

4.Drops of water fall down from the sky.

What is it? rain

5.White or grey shapes that you see floating in the sky.

What is it? cloud

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««Does weather affect our health?»»

School №6

Open lesson

The theme: Does weather affect our health?

Form:6 “A”

Prepared by:Boltekova Sh.


Оқу ісінің меңгерушісі________________ А.Д.Сактаганова

Form: 6 “A”

Date: 18/01/2018

The theme: «Does weather affect our health?»

The aim: а) Learning about weather

                b) Presentaion of weather forecast.

             с) Focus on grammar ”word building”.

Visual aids: slides and new words.

Type of the lesson: mixed lesson.

Procedure of the lesson:

 І.  Organization moment:

Good afternoon pupils?

Good afternoon teacher!

Sit down please! Who is on duty today?

I’m on duty today.

Who is absent?

All are present!

Thank you, sit down please!


  1.Small, white pieces of ice that fall from the sky, when it is very cold.

What is it? snow

  2.Air that moves quickly.

What is it? wind

3.The very large bright thing that you see in the sky in the daytime.

What is it? sun

4.Drops of water fall down from the sky.

What is it? rain

5.White or grey shapes that you see floating in the sky.

What is it? cloud

II.Phonetic drill

In winter it’s snowy, slippery, foggy,

In summer it’s sunny and fine,

In autumn it’s cloudy, windy, rainy,

In spring you may jump up to the sky

ІIІ. Checking – up home task.

What was your home task for today? Home work: Exercise 5.p.89

Well! Who is ready? Who wants?

May I….

Well. You are! Begin!

 ІV. Warm-up: Think of words from the letters of the word “dangerous”


               t a b l e








V.  New theme: Ex 2: Write the correct word under each symbol.

      ȹ ~ ~ ~~

          ~ ~ ~

⃰     ⃰⃰    ⃰

‴       ‴

    ‴     ‴

ɷ    ɷ   ɷ

snowy        sunny                rainy                  cloudy                foggy      windy

V.New words.Vocabulary

Sunny шуақты

Rainy жаңбырлы

Windy желді

Snowy қарлы

Cloudy бұлтты











Snowstorm-қарлы боран

Word building

    Noun-Зат есім

Adjective-Сын есім

     fog- тұман

     foggy- тұманды


    windy- желді


    rainy-  жаңбырлы


    snow- қарлы

     sun-   күн

   sunny- күн шуақ

      cloud- бұлт

    cloud- бұлтты

VІ.  Ex 3:Complete the sentences.


     -What`s the weather like today?


     -What was it yesterday?

     -It was------------.

   VІІ.  Drill .Complete the sentences with suitable activities.

What can people do in different weather?

What can people do in all seasons?

Skate             run              swim   ski        play football                  snowboard

  Play   tennis                  go for a  walk                              play volleyball


When the weather is hot, people can…..

When the weather is warm, people can.....

When the weather is cold, people can……

XIII.  Doing exercises.


IX.Putting marks

Now, I’ll give you marks the sun is  “5”, the cloud is  “4”, the rain is  “3”.

Х .Home work .

 To write about Kazakhstan`s weather.

ХІІ. Conclusion.

Very well! All are stand up please! The lesson is over! Good bye!

-Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

«Does weather affect our health?»

Автор: Болтекова Шынарай Советбаевна

Дата: 27.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 459911

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