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"Добро пожаловать в Лондон!"

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Урок проводится в рамках темы «Достопримечательности Англии» в виде экскурсии по Лондону. Он направлен на формирование представлений учащихся о столице Великобритании, на обобщение лингвострановедческого материала  по теме, на развитие творческих способностей учащихся, самостоятельности, на совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по данной теме (аудирование, говорение, чтение).

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Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
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« ъюэёяхъЄ єЁюър ─юсЁю яюцрыютрЄ№ т ╦юэфюэ»



Конспект урока английского языка по теме

«Добро пожаловать в Лондон!»

(6 класс)

Автор: Ковалёва Юлия Валерьевна-

учитель английского языка.

2014 г.


Урок «Добро пожаловать в Лондон!» разработан по учебнику K. Kaufman, M. KaufmanHappy English. ru”, 2012год.

Урок проводится в рамках темы «Достопримечательности Англии» в виде экскурсии по Лондону. Он направлен на формирование представлений учащихся о столице Великобритании, на обобщение лингвострановедческого материала по теме, на развитие творческих способностей учащихся, самостоятельности, на совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по данной теме (аудирование, говорение, чтение).

Урок-экскурсия является примером использования компьютерных технологий на уроках английского языка, что делает занятие динамичным, насыщенным.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний (совершенствование навыков говорения по теме).

Форма урока: заочная экскурсия.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся: фронтальная, парная, индивидуальная.

Методы образовательного процесса:






Дидактическая цель: создать условия для практического применения языкового и речевого материала.

Цели урока:

  • образовательная - активизировать лексику по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона»;

  • коммуникативная - учить говорить о достопримечательностях Лондона в различных речевых ситуациях;

  • развивающая - развивать умения и навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения, развивать познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности;

  • воспитательная - прививать учащимся уважение и интерес к иноязычной культуре, воспитывать культуру общения.

Средства обучения: мультимедийная презентация, раздаточный материал, аудиозапись, карта Великобритании.

  • класс оформляется картой Великобритании, рисунками с достопримечательностями Лондона;

  • на партах приготовлен материал: карта, на которой учащиеся будут отмечать маршрут; карточки с заданиями, которые будут выполняться в ходе экскурсии;

  • билеты (вручаются каждому экскурсанту при посадке в « автобус»);

  • презентация к уроку на тему «Путешествие в Лондон»

  • костюмы королевы, полицейского, официанта. Учащиеся в костюмах будут вести экскурсию вместе с гидами.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. 

Good morning dear children and our guests! Our lesson won’t be ordinary today. We are going to learn more about London.

London is famous for its poets. One of the most famous poets is Oscard Wild. Listen to the poem:

The Thames nocturne of blue and gold

Changed to a harmony in grey:

A barge of ochre-coloured hay

Dropt from the Warf: and chill and cold.

The yellow fog came creeping down

The bridges, till the houses walls

Seemed changed to shadows and St. Paul’s

Loomed like a bubble o`er the town.

Listen to the translation of this poem.


Ноктюрн уснувшей Темзы, сине-золотой

Аккорды пепельно-жемчужные сменили,

Тяжелый бот проплыл над сонную водой,

И тени дрогнули, безвольно отступили

Клубами мутными сползал в реку туман,

Домов неясные вставали очертанья.

Рассвет задул огни … Но чудился обман

И медлил бледный день вернуться из изгнанья

В. Эльснер

Answer my questions:

1. Do you like this poem?

2. Is it beautiful?

3. Is this poem about the Thames?

5. Where is the Thames situated?

6. Have you ever been to London?

7. Do you want to go to London?

Your dream is real. Today we are going to travel there by our double-decker bus.

Внимание учеников обращается на доску, где расположена карта Великобритании. Добро пожаловать в Лондон.zip

2. Фонетическая зарядка

I think the weather will be fine during our trip, won’t it? OK! Look at the blackboard and listen to the tongue- twister.

Whether the weather be fine
Whether the weather be not
Whether the weather be cold
Whether the weather be hot

We’ll weather the weather
What ever the weather
Whether we like it or not.

What sounds are repeated in this tongue- twister many times?

Let’s repeat these sounds and the tongue- twister.

Now it’s time to get on our bus. I’ll give you tickets if you answer my questions.билет в Лондон.docx

3. Речевая разминка.


  1. Where is Great Britain situated?

  2. What is the official name of Great Britain?

  3. What countries does it consist of?

  4. What is the symbol of England (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)?

  5. What is the capital of Great Britain?

  6. What river does London stand on?

  7. What is the name of the main square in London?

  8. How often can you hear Big Ben?

  9. Where does the coronation of all British Kings and Queens take place?

За правильный ответ «туристам» выдается билет, и они занимают место в «автобусе».

4.Основная часть урока.

Let’s check up your tickets. Read the transcription of the words on your tickets.

Учащиеся читают транскрипцию слов по теме « Лондон».

And now let’s begin our excursion. Are you ready? Let’s start!

Несколько учеников выступают в роли гидов-экскурсоводов. Идет презентация достопримечательностей Лондона. Слайд 1

Guide 1: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! We welcome you to the capital of Great Britain- London!

London is one of the largest cities in the world. About seven million people live here. London is more than 2000 years old. The most famous sights of London are Big Ben,The Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, The Tower of London and Tower Bridge, St’ Paul’s Cathedral and Trafalgar Square. You’ll see all these places and much more of London from our red double-decker bus.

Слайд 2, 3

Guide 2: -Do you know the name of the English Queen?

-Yes, Queen Elizabeth ІІ.

Учащаяся в костюме королевы продолжает вести экскурсию.

The Queen: Good morning dear friends! I’m Queen Elizabeth ІІ. Buckingham Palace is my London home. It was built in 1703. It is in the centre of the city.

When the flag is flying on the top I am at home. Look! They are changing the Guard. It happens every day at 11.30 a.m.

And now tell me, do you remember what my name is? Where do I live when I am in London?

Cлайд 4

Guide 2: Let’s continue our excursion. In a moment you’ll see Westminster Abbey. It is a royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British Kings, Queens and other famous people.

Слайд 5

The funeral service for Diana, princess of Wales, took place in Westminster Abbey in September 1997.

Oh! Look! Somebody has lost the way. The policeman can help him.

Tourist: - Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square?

Policeman: - Oh! It’s very easy! Can you see that wide street over there?

Tourist: - Yes, I can.

Policeman: - Ok! Go along that street and it will lead you to Trafalgar Square.

Tourist: - Thank you.

Policeman: - You are welcome. Have a nice day.

Слайд 6

Guide1: Tourists in London always want to visit Westminster and see Big Ben. They want to see the clock in its tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a big bell. It weighs 13,720 kilograms. You hear it every hour. It has a deep tone and you can hear it on the radio: “This is the BBC/ The time is six o’ clock.” And then you hear the deep boom of the Big Ben six times.

Guide2: So, we are in Trafalgar Square.

Trafalgar Square is the centre of London. It is the most beautiful place of London. There is the monument of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains in the square.

Guide1: I see you are tired. Let’s relax.


Up, down, up, down, ( Поднимаем руки вверх и вниз.)
Which is the way 
( Разводим руки в стороны.)
to London town?
Where? Where? ( Поварачиваемся в стороны.)
Up in the air, ( Смотрим по сторонам.)?
Close your eyes- (Закрываем глаза.)
And you are here! (Открываем глаза.)

Экскурсия по Лондону продолжается.

Guide2: Let’s continue our excursion.

We are making our way to the second famous church, St’Paul’s Cathedral.  It is one of the greatest English churches. It is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It is a fine building with many columns and towers. In one of the towers there is one of the largest bells in the world. (St. Paul's Cathedral.)

Guide1: Now we are crossing Tower Bridge over the river Thames.

Слайд 7

From here you can see the Tower of London. What do you know about it? Could you give us some information about London Tower?

Учащийся-турист: Well, I know that it was a fortress, a royal palace, a prison and a King’s Zoo. It is a museum now. There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food.

Guide 2: Thank you very much.

Guide1: So, we are finishing our trip.Thank you for your attention. You have free time. If you are hungry, you can go to the café.кафе.docx

Учащиеся разыгрывают диалог “ At The Café”

At The Café”

Tourist 1: Good morning!

Waiter: Good morning!

Tourist 1: Could you give us the menu, please?

Waiter: Yes, please.

Tourist 1: Thank you.

Tourist 2: What shall we order?

Tourist 1: Let’s have a hamburger, an ice-cream and juice.

Tourist 2: Ok.

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Tourist 1: Yes. Two hamburgers, two ice- creams and two glasses of juice, please.

Waiter: What ice-cream?

Tourist 1: Chocolate, please.

Waiter: What juice?

Tourist 1: Orange, please.

Waiter: Ok.

Tourist 1: Thank you.

Task 1. Test Тест Лондон.docx

Task 2

Work in pairs. Listen to the dialogue. Put the sentences in the right order.

- Hello! I am your guide.

- I’ll show you around London today.

- Hello

- We would like to visit the houses of Parliament.

- It’s far from here.

- You can get there by bus № 6.

- Where would you like to go first?

- Also we would like to go on a boat and see London from the river.

- Thank you very much.

- How can we get there?

- Okay. You can go on a boat from Westminster and see many interesting Places from the river Thames.

- You are welcome.

6. Подведение итогoв урока.

Our lesson is over. Who can tell me what interesting facts we have learnt at our lesson? Would you like to go to London? What sights of London would you like to see? Thank you for your work. You were super!

Учитель сообщает оценки. Your marks…

Let’s finish our lesson with the song « Do you live in London?»

Do you live in London? Do you like it here?
Do you eat fish and chips? Do you watch TV?
Do you drive on the right side? Do you have a car?
Do you go to Oxford? Is it far?
Do you learn computers? Do you dance and sing?
Do you know Prince Charles? Do you know the Queen?
Do you like the Beatles? Do you play handball?
Please, tell us, tell us all!

7. Домашнее задание.

Подготовить монолог о достопримечательностях Лондона.


Список использованной литературы:

  1. К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман Happy English.ru 6кл.

  2. Н.Никонова Олимпиада по английскому языку. (ИЯШ №3 2001г.)

  3. Т.Журина 55 устных тем по английскому языку. Москва-2003


1. http://ru.wikipedia.org

2. http://www.posternazakaz.ru

3. http://www.londontower.ru/history/

4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_London

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Тест Лондон»

Name_______________________________ Class__________ Date___________

Test “Welcome to London!”

1. London is the capital of…

a) Scotland b) Wales c) England

2. The Thames is a river in …

  1. Scotland b) England c) Wales

3. Buckingham Palace is the London home of the …

  1. King b) Queen c) Governor-General

4. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the …

  1. Businessmen b) children c) British Government

5. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the famous …

  1. Church b) theatre c) park

6. There is famous … in London.

a) Red Square b) Trafalgar Square c) Washington Square

7. On the column in the centre there is a statue of …

  1. Admiral Nelson b) President Washington c) John Lennon

8. How often do people hear Big Ben?

  1. Every hour b) Every Monday c) Every minute

9.Match the picture and the word:

Big Ben

The Tower of London

Buckingham Palace

10. What birds live in the Tower of London?

  1. swans b) ravens c) pigeons

Your result in the test: _____________%

Your mark is

Name_______________________________ Class__________ Date___________

Test “Welcome to London!”

1. London is the capital of…

a) Scotland b) Wales c) England

2. The Thames is a river in …

  1. Scotland b) England c) Wales

3. Buckingham Palace is the London home of the …

  1. King b) Queen c) Governor-General

4. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the …

  1. Businessmen b) children c) British Government

5. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the famous …

  1. Church b) theatre c) park

6. There is famous … in London.

a) Red Square b) Trafalgar Square c) Washington Square

7. On the column in the centre there is a statue of …

  1. Admiral Nelson b) President Washington c) John Lennon

8. How often do people hear Big Ben?

  1. Every hour b) Every Monday c) Every minute

9.Match the picture and the word:

Big Ben

The Tower of London

Buckingham Palace

10. What birds live in the Tower of London?

  1. swans b) ravens c) pigeons

Your result in the test: _____________%

Your mark is

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Презентация по английскому языку для 6 класса»

! Welcome to  Учитель английского языка  МКОУ СОШ № 1 с. Дивное  Ковалёва Ю. В.


Welcome to

Учитель английского языка

МКОУ СОШ № 1 с. Дивное

Ковалёва Ю. В.

Let`s talk about  SIGHTS OF LONDON  using their names in the right way:

Let`s talk about SIGHTS OF LONDON using their names in the right way:

  • 1 – Great Britain [ greit’britn] – Великобритания
  • 2 – the United Kingdom [ju:’naitid’kiŋdem] - Объединенное королевство
  • 3 – England [‘iŋglənd] – Англия
  • 4 – London [l  nden] – Лондон
  • 5 – the Thames River [‘temz’rivə] – река Темза
6 – the Tower of London [‘tauər əv’l  ndən] – Тауэр 7 – the Tower Bridge [‘tauə’bri  ] – Тауэрский мост 8 – the Houses of Parliament [‘hauziz əf ’pa:ləmənt] – палаты парламента 9 – Big Ben [‘big’ben] – Большой Бен (часы у парламента) 10 – St. Paul’s Cathedral [ snt’p  :lz kə’θi: drəl] – собор Святого Павла 11 – Nelson’s Column [‘nelsnz’k  ləm] – колонна Нельсона
  • 6 – the Tower of London [‘tauər əv’l  ndən] – Тауэр
  • 7 – the Tower Bridge [‘tauə’bri  ] – Тауэрский мост
  • 8 – the Houses of Parliament [‘hauziz əf ’pa:ləmənt] – палаты парламента
  • 9 – Big Ben [‘big’ben] – Большой Бен (часы у парламента)
  • 10 – St. Paul’s Cathedral [ snt’p  :lz kə’θi: drəl] – собор Святого Павла
  • 11 – Nelson’s Column [‘nelsnz’k  ləm] – колонна Нельсона
12 – Buckingham Palace [‘ b  kiŋəm’pælis] – Букингемский дворец 13 – Trafalgar Square [trə’fælgə’skweə] – Трафальгарская площадь 14 – Westminster Abbey [‘westminstə’æbi] – Вестминстерское аббатство
  • 12 – Buckingham Palace [‘ b  kiŋəm’pælis] – Букингемский дворец
  • 13 – Trafalgar Square [trə’fælgə’skweə] – Трафальгарская площадь
  • 14 – Westminster Abbey [‘westminstə’æbi] – Вестминстерское аббатство
What is the weather like in London?  Let’s visit www.earthcam.com  Be ready to answer the questions:  Is it rainy ? Is it sunny or cloudy? Is it windy? Is it warm or cold?

What is the weather like in London?

Let’s visit www.earthcam.com

Be ready to answer the questions:

  • Is it rainy ?
  • Is it sunny or cloudy?
  • Is it windy?
  • Is it warm or cold?

The most famous sights of London are:  Trafalgar  Square Tower Bridge Big Ben The Houses of Parliament

The most famous sights of London are:

Trafalgar Square

Tower Bridge

Big Ben

The Houses of Parliament

Hello, ladies and gentlemen!  We welcome you to London! It is one of the largest cities in the world. London is more than two thousand years old. You will see all interesting places of London from our red double-decker.

Hello, ladies and


We welcome you

to London!

It is one of the largest

cities in the world.

London is more than

two thousand years

old. You will see all

interesting places

of London from our

red double-decker.

The Queen of Great Britain- Elizabeth II

The Queen

of Great Britain-

Elizabeth II

Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home.

Look, they are changing the Guard.  It happens every day at 11.30 a.m.

Look, they are changing the Guard.

It happens every day at 11.30 a.m.

Westminster  Abbey  It is a royal church.

Westminster Abbey

It is a royal church.

The funeral service for Diana, Princess of Wales took place in Westminster Abbey in September 1997.

The funeral service

for Diana,

Princess of Wales

took place in

Westminster Abbey

in September 1997.

From the Tower Bridge , over the river Thames you can see the Tower of London .

From the Tower Bridge , over the river Thames you can see the Tower of London .

The Tower of London The Tower of London is a museum now. There are a lot of interesting collections in it.

The Tower of London

The Tower of London is a museum now.

There are a lot of interesting

collections in it.

The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food.

The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food.

Big Ben The Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government.  Big Ben is the biggest clock in the world.

Big Ben

The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government.

Big Ben is the biggest clock in the world.

St. Paul‘s Cathedral It is the greatest work of the architect Sir Christopher Wren .

St. Paul‘s Cathedral

It is the greatest

work of the architect

Sir Christopher Wren .

Trafalgar square On the column in the centre there is a statue of Admiral Nelson , who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

Trafalgar square

On the column

in the centre

there is a statue

of Admiral Nelson , who defeated the

French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.



Read and match  Big Trafalgar Bloody Buckingham Westminster The Houses of The Tower of  Tower London Ben Square Parliament Abbey Palace

Read and match






The Houses of

The Tower of








Westminster Abbey London Bridge Big Ben

Westminster Abbey

London Bridge

Big Ben

The Houses of Parliament Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey

The Houses of Parliament

Buckingham Palace

Westminster Abbey

Tower Bridge London Eye Westminster Abbey

Tower Bridge

London Eye

Westminster Abbey

The Tower of London St. Paul’s cathedral Trafalgar Square

The Tower of London

St. Paul’s cathedral

Trafalgar Square

Tate Gallery London Bridge Trafalgar Square

Tate Gallery

London Bridge

Trafalgar Square

What place is described here? It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. There is the Victoria Monument just outside the gates. There are 600 rooms in it. It has an indoor swimming pool and cinema. Changing the Guard happens every day at 11. 30. a.m. It lasts about 45 minutes.

What place is described here?

It is the London home of the Queen.

When the flag is flying on the top

she is at home. There is the Victoria

Monument just outside the gates.

There are 600 rooms in it.

It has an indoor swimming pool

and cinema.

Changing the Guard happens every

day at 11. 30. a.m. It lasts about

45 minutes.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

What place is described here? It is the seat of the British government. The government consists of the House of Lords and the House  of Commons. The House of Commons sits to the side of the Clock Tower with Big  Ben and the House of Lords - of the Victoria Tower.

What place is described here?

It is the seat of the British government.

The government consists of the

House of Lords and the House

of Commons. The House of

Commons sits to the side

of the Clock Tower with Big

Ben and the House of

Lords - of the Victoria Tower.

The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament

What place is described here?  It is the great bell in the Clock Tower on the eastern end of the Houses of Parliament in London. It is named after Sir Benjamin Hall, London Commissioner of Works. The booming bell which weighs 13.5 tons first rang out in 1859.

What place is described here?

It is the great bell in the Clock Tower

on the eastern end of the

Houses of Parliament in London.

It is named after Sir Benjamin

Hall, London Commissioner

of Works. The booming bell

which weighs 13.5 tons

first rang out in 1859.

Big Ben

Big Ben

What place is described here?  It is a very big castle. It is the oldest place and the most famous of all historical buildings in London. It has a long and cruel history. It was a castle, a palace, a zoo and a prison but it is only a museum now. The most famous things kept here are the Crown Jewels.

What place is described here?

It is a very big castle. It is the oldest place

and the most famous of all historical

buildings in London. It has a long and

cruel history. It was a castle, a palace,

a zoo and a prison but it is only a

museum now. The most famous things

kept here are the Crown Jewels.

The Tower of London

The Tower of London

What place is described here? This famous place is situated in the centre of the West end of London. On the column in the centre there is a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the sea battle in 1805. It is a place where meetings and demonstrations take place.

What place is described here?

This famous place is situated in the centre

of the West end of London. On the column

in the centre there is a statue of

Admiral Nelson who defeated the

French at the sea battle in 1805.

It is a place where meetings and

demonstrations take place.

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

What do tourists  want to see in London? How often do you hear it? Is Big Ben really a clock? How much does it weigh?

What do tourists want to see in London?

How often do you hear it?

Is Big Ben really a clock?

How much does it weigh?

Tower Bridge This is Tower Bridge, built in 1894. It is next to the Tower of London. It is one of the famous bridges across the Thames. It opens and ships go up and down the river Thames. Listen and sing

Tower Bridge

  • This is Tower Bridge, built in 1894.
  • It is next to the Tower of London.
  • It is one of the famous bridges across the Thames.
  • It opens and ships go up and down the river Thames.

Listen and sing

Big Ben is… The Queen lives in… -a palace - The Tower of London - Buckingham Palace - a bell - Windsor Palace -a square

Big Ben is…

The Queen lives in…

-a palace

- The Tower of London

- Buckingham Palace

- a bell

- Windsor Palace

-a square

The Queen’s The Bloody  Tower is in…  name is… - Diana -the Tower of London - Elizabeth - The Houses of Parliament - Catherine -Westminster Abbey

The Queen’s

The Bloody

Tower is in…

name is…

- Diana

-the Tower of London

- Elizabeth

- The Houses of Parliament

- Catherine

-Westminster Abbey

The Tower of London is …now The country’s leaders sit in… -a museum -a prison -the Houses of Parliament  -a royal palace - Big Ben -Buckingham Palace

The Tower of London is …now

The country’s leaders sit in…

-a museum

-a prison

-the Houses of Parliament

-a royal palace

- Big Ben

-Buckingham Palace

The architect of  St. Paul’s Cathedral is… -Daniel Defoe - Christopher Wren - Mark Twain

The architect of

St. Paul’s Cathedral is…

-Daniel Defoe

- Christopher Wren

- Mark Twain

Match the words and the definitions: Building City Tourist Guide Capital Gallery 1.The main city in the country 2.Something like a house having walls and a roof 3.a very large busy town 4.A person who takes people round places such as cities and museums 5.A person travelling for pleasure 6.A place where people can see paintings and sculptures

Match the words and the definitions:

  • Building
  • City
  • Tourist
  • Guide
  • Capital
  • Gallery

1.The main city in the country

2.Something like a house having walls and a roof

3.a very large busy town

4.A person who takes people round places such as cities and museums

5.A person travelling for pleasure

6.A place where people can see paintings and sculptures

Asking the Way 1)You are welcome. Have a nice day. 2) Oh, it’s very easy. Go along this street and it will lead you to Trafalgar Square. 3)Excuse me, please. Could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square? 4)Thank you very much.

Asking the Way

1)You are welcome. Have a nice day.

2) Oh, it’s very easy. Go along this street and it will lead you to Trafalgar Square.

3)Excuse me, please. Could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square?

4)Thank you very much.

Do you live in London? » Well done! Thank you for the lesson! Let’s finish our lesson with the song «Do you live in London?»

Do you live in London? »

Well done!

Thank you for the lesson!

Let’s finish our lesson with the song «Do you live in London?»

«Do you live in London?»

«Do you live in London?»

  • Do you live in London? Do you like it here? Do you eat fish and chips? Do you watch TV? Do you drive on the right side? Do you have a car? Do you go to Oxford? Is it far? Do you learn computers? Do you dance and sing? Do you know Prince Charles? Do you know the Queen? Do you like the Beatles? Do you play handball? Please, tell us, tell us all!
What do you feel about the lesson? boring dull bad    interesting lovely nice excellent

What do you feel about the lesson?

  • boring
  • dull
  • bad

  • interesting
  • lovely
  • nice
  • excellent

The Flag and the coat of arms of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The Flag and the coat

of arms of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Добро пожаловать в Лондон!"

Автор: Ковалева Юлия Валерьевна

Дата: 06.08.2014

Номер свидетельства: 111292

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