The aim: to learn the pupils working in groups, making posters, giving reflection to the lesson.
Equipment: the book, the cards, slides, posters, markers, stickers.
The procees of the lesson.
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«Daily life description. »
Республика Казахстан
г. Шымкент
основная школа № 112
имени Б.Садыкова
учитель английского языка
Мирасланова Гулмира Кадирматовна
The theme: Daily life description.
The aim: to learn the pupils working in groups, making posters, giving reflection to the lesson.
Equipment: the book, the cards, slides, posters, markers, stickers.
The procees of the lesson.
1 Organization moment:
Greeting the pupils
Dancing «Gummy bear dance» (4min)
2 Dividing into 3 groups by choosing colored toys (red, blue, yellow) (2min)
3 Vocabulary work (the words are on the slide) (3 min)
4The work with written exercise on the slide (5min)
5 The work with texts: (10 min)
Making a poster to the text
Speaking with a poster
Poster criteria:
Group work—3
6 The work with card: there are 4 tasks on the paper. Every pupil chooses an exercise according to his ability.(10 min)
7 « Check yourself». The pupils check their works with given answers.
Criteria of marks: (2 min)
1 mistake---4
2,3 mistakes—3
No mistakes—5
8 Giving reflection to the lesson. (2 min)
9 Marking the pupils. (2min)
10 Homework ex 6 p15 (2min)