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Cultural heritage of our country

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The equipment-student’s book, chalk,blackboard, cards, hand outs.


-read the text

-learn new words

-do grammar and lexical exercises

Org. moment- Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you. How are you today? Who is absent today? Who is on duty today?

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«Cultural heritage of our country»

Lesson 13.

Grade or class name 10.

Date 02.10.14

The theme –Cultural heritage of our country

The equipment-student’s book, chalk ,blackboard, cards, hand outs.


-read the text

-learn new words

-do grammar and lexical exercises

Org. moment- Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you. How are you today? Who is absent today? Who is on duty today?

Procedure of the lesson

1.Warming-up activity


My land so lovely and so free


The fairest land a man can see

When down the Irtysh I go sailing

And seagulls sail the sky above

I hear a song of joy unfailing

To those green banks, the land I love


My land so lovely and so free


The fairest land a man can see

2. Match the words. (карточки)

 1) General provisions  а) правовой

  2) Secular  б) многообразие

3) Legal  с) незаконное вмешательство

4) Public concord  d) дело

5) Stability e) допускается, разрешается

6) For the benefit  f) гимн

7) Unitary state g) суверенитет

8) Be persecuted h) статья

9) Appropriation of power i) государственные символы

10) Unify  j) общие положения

11) Diversity  k) светский

12) Illegal interference  l) общественное согласие

13) Affair  m)стабильность

14) Be permitted n) на благо

15) Anthem o)унитарное государство

16) Sovereignty p)присвоение власти

17) Article  q)преследуется законом

18) State Sуmbols r) объединить

3. Word building. 
You know that many words in the English language are formed with the help of suffixes. Look, read and discuss with your desk mate 
what these words have in common; 
what they come from; 
what part of speech they are now; 
translate them into Russian. 
1). Government, development, environment, parliament 

e.g. The words have suffix –ment in common. They come from verbs to govern, to develop, to environ and French verb parler. They are nouns now правительство, развитие, окружающая среда, парламент. 
2). Honesty, integrity, generosity, responsibility 

3).Richness, quietness, faithfulness, happiness, sharp-sightedness (зоркость) 
4). Equal, national, political, universal, judicial, cultural, industrial, agricultural 
5. Revision: homework control. 
a). It’s time to speak about the place we live. You were given to write a composition about Kazakhstan. Let’s listen to some of them. 
Puipil1: I live in Kazakhstan. Our country is very large. It is situated in Asia. Kazakhstan borders China, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Kirgizia and Turkmenistan. The capital of it is Astana. It is a very modern and beautiful city. The population of the country is 16 million. People of about 100 nationalities live on Kazak land as a great friendly family. They work much to make it richer and nicer. Industry and agriculture is developed in Kazakhstan. The country is rich in mineral resources such as copper, oil, natural gas, gold, iron, nickel, silver and zinc. Agriculture takes a very important sector in the national economy. The people grow wheat, millet, corn and cotton. Kazakhstan is the country of wide steppes and high mountains, long rivers and deep lakes. It is the country of friendly and hospitable people who want to live in peace. I was born in Kazakhstan. I am a citizen of Kazakhstan. I love my Motherland and I am proud of it. (Pupils’ compositions are collected for checking). 

4. Some of you were given individual tasks. Now we are going to listen to the information about the national flag. Listen and be ready to discuss the following questions: 
1). A national flag is an expression of human hopes and ideals, isn’t it? 
2). What colour is the flag of Kazakhstan? What does the blue colour mean? 
3). What can you see in the center of it? 
4). Is the sun the symbol of wealth and quietness? 
5). What does the steppe eagle express? 

5. read the text

6. answer the questions

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Cultural heritage of our country

Автор: Смагулова Жанель Болатовна

Дата: 21.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 308449

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