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Презентация у уроку "Cultural heritage of my country"

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The  aims  of  the  lesson: 

А) О?ушылар?а  Канада  тарихы  туралы  т?сінік  беріп  , should  модальді  етістіген   т?сіндіру.

Б) Тапсырмалар   орындату  ар?ылы  та?ырыпты  пысы?тау, п?нге  деген    ?ызы?ушылы?ын   арттыру,   с?здік    ?орын, тілін,  ой  - ?рісін   дамыту. 

С) Cауатты    жазу?а,    дауыс     ыр?а?ын    д?рыс    ?ойып  о?у?а, ойын     жеткізе    білуге   ?йрету.

The  beginning  of  the  lesson
organization  moment

A.  Greeting  

 B.  Asking  and  saying  about  the         
      date  and  day

C.  Preparing  pupils  to  the  lesson

Good  morning  children
What  is  the  day  today ?
What  day  of  the  week ?
What  is  the weather  like today ?
Who  is  on  dirty  today ?
Who  is  absent  today ?
Thank  you  sit  down.

Play  moment

 Put  the  numbers  in  the  correct  order find  the  letters  and    complete  the  word.  Translate  this  word.

2. When  was  it  built ?
between  1389  and  1405 

3. why  does  it  maintain  an  exceptionally  high   degree  of  authenticity  as  a  monument ?
Because  it  has  preserved  its  architectural  design.

4. how  many  petroglyphs  does  the archeological  Landscape  of  Tamgaly  have ?
- 5000

5. What  make  the  place  unique ?
The  large  size  of  the  early  petroglyphs  and  the  quality  of  their  images  and  iconography.

6. How  have  petroglyphs  on  unsheltered   rock  faces  been  formed ?
Using  a  picketing  technique.

7. Why  does  it  maintain  an  exceptionally  high  degree  of  authenticity  as  a  monument ? 
- Because  all  of  the  important  components  of  the  cultic  centre  are  present  and  clearly  legible.

She  --  an  effort  to  find  out  as  many  details  about  the  issue  as  possible.
He is  a  very  interesting  person. I  would  never  --  the  chance  to  meet  him  again.
We  have  already  started  to  --  plans  for  Nauryz.
It’s very  important  to  -  a  good  relationship  with  all  our  business  partners.
You  should  -  a  record  of  all  your  travel  and  food  expenses  on  the  trip.

She  made  an  effort  to  find  out  as  many  details  about  the  issue  as  possible.
He is  a  very  interesting  person. I  would  never  miss  the  chance  to  meet  him  again.
We  have  already  started  to  make  plans  for  Nauryz.
It’s very  important  to  have   a  good  relationship  with  all  our  business  partners.
You  should  keep  a  record  of  all  your  travel  and  food  expenses  on  the  trip.

Could  you  make   a  list  of  all  the  people  we  should  invite  to  the  conference ?
We have  to  work  together  to  find  a  solution  to  the  problem.
I  disagree  with  you. give  me  two  good  reasons  who  we  should  give  him the  job.
Excuse  me  for  a  moment : I  have  to  make  a  telephone  call.
I  am  sorry, Mr. Green  is  out  at  the  moment. Would  you  like  to  leavea  a  message.

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«Презентация у уроку "Cultural heritage of my country"»

Қостанай облысы, Аманкелді ауданы Амантоғай жалпы білім беретін орта мектебі Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Алкебаева Камшат

Қостанай облысы,

Аманкелді ауданы

Амантоғай жалпы білім беретін орта мектебі

Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

Алкебаева Камшат

The theme of the lesson: Cultural heritage of my country Менің елімнің мәдениеті

The theme of the lesson:

Cultural heritage of my country

Менің елімнің мәдениеті

А) Оқушыларға Канада тарихы туралы түсінік беріп , should модальді етістіген түсіндіру . The aims of the lesson: Б) Тапсырмалар орындату арқылы тақырыпты пысықтау, пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыру, сөздік қорын, тілін, ой - өрісін дамыту.  С) Cауатты жазуға, дауыс ырғағын дұрыс қойып оқуға, ойын жеткізе білуге үйрету.

А) Оқушыларға Канада тарихы туралы түсінік беріп , should модальді етістіген түсіндіру .

The aims of the lesson:

Б) Тапсырмалар орындату арқылы тақырыпты пысықтау, пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыру, сөздік қорын, тілін, ой - өрісін дамыту.

С) Cауатты жазуға, дауыс ырғағын дұрыс қойып оқуға, ойын жеткізе білуге үйрету.

The beginning of the lesson organization moment  A. Greeting   B. Asking and saying about the   date and day  C. Preparing pupils to the lesson

The beginning of the lesson

organization moment

A. Greeting

B. Asking and saying about the

date and day

C. Preparing pupils to the lesson

Structure of the lesson I organization moment  II Revision  III Presentation the new grammar and  lexical material  a. grammar material  b. lexical material  IV Fixation the new grammar and lexical materials  V Reading  VI Conclusion  VII Giving up the homework  VIII Giving the marks  IX The end of the lesson   Good morning children What is the day today ? What day of the week ? What is the weather like today ? Who is on dirty today ? Who is absent today ? Thank you sit down .

Structure of the lesson

I organization moment II Revision III Presentation the new grammar and lexical material a. grammar material b. lexical material IV Fixation the new grammar and lexical materials V Reading VI Conclusion VII Giving up the homework VIII Giving the marks IX The end of the lesson

Good morning children

What is the day today ?

What day of the week ?

What is the weather like today ?

Who is on dirty today ?

Who is absent today ?

Thank you sit down .

Checking - up What was your home task ?  Are you ready ?  Who is begin ?

Checking - up

What was your home task ?

Are you ready ?

Who is begin ?

Home task

Home task

  • write an essay about Canada
Play moment   Put the numbers in the correct order find the letters and complete the word . Translate this word .

Play moment

Put the numbers in the correct order find the letters and complete the word . Translate this word .

І - group ІI – group     Umlmeasuo Mytaagl  het  ggoer

І - group

ІI – group





The mausoleum Theme :   Tamgaly gorge

The mausoleum

Theme :

Tamgaly gorge

Cultural heritage of my country Менің елімнің мәдениеті

Cultural heritage of my country

Менің елімнің мәдениеті

Hello , hello , Who are you? I am happy , happy, happy Hello , hello , Who are you I am great , great , great . Hello , hello , Who are you I am OK , OK , OK

Hello , hello ,

Who are you?

I am happy , happy, happy

Hello , hello ,

Who are you

I am great , great , great .

Hello , hello ,

Who are you

I am OK , OK , OK

Reading  І - group   The  mausoleum  ІI – group   Tamgaly  gorge


І - group



ІI – group



Exercise 6 on.p175 Here are some answers about two places. Write in the question .

Exercise 6 on.p175

Here are some answers about two places. Write in the question .

  • 1. Where is the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi situated ?
  • - In southern Kazakhstan
2. When was it built ? between 1389 and 1405  3. why does it maintain an exceptionally high degree of authenticity as a monument ? Because it has preserved its architectural design .  4. how many petroglyphs does the archeological Landscape of Tamgaly have ? - 5000

2. When was it built ?

  • between 1389 and 1405

3. why does it maintain an exceptionally high degree of authenticity as a monument ?

Because it has preserved its architectural design .

4. how many petroglyphs does the archeological Landscape of Tamgaly have ?

- 5000

5. What make the place unique ? The large size of the early petroglyphs and the quality of their images and iconography .  6. How have petroglyphs on unsheltered rock faces been formed ? Using a picketing technique .  7. Why does it maintain an exceptionally high degree of authenticity as a monument ? - Because all of the important components of the cultic centre are present and clearly legible .

5. What make the place unique ?

  • The large size of the early petroglyphs and the quality of their images and iconography .

6. How have petroglyphs on unsheltered rock faces been formed ?

  • Using a picketing technique .

7. Why does it maintain an exceptionally high degree of authenticity as a monument ?

- Because all of the important components of the cultic centre are present and clearly legible .

VI. Work with pictures:

VI. Work with pictures:

Emblem   Flag



Aisha Bibi

Aisha Bibi

Mazar Goats Korpesh - Bayan Sulu

Mazar Goats Korpesh - Bayan Sulu

Қozha Ahmet Yasawi kesenesі

Қozha Ahmet Yasawi kesenesі

Tamgaly Gorge

Tamgaly Gorge

She ----- an effort to find out as many details about the issue as possible . He is a very interesting person . I would never ----- the chance to meet him again . We have already started to ------- plans for Nauryz . It’s very important to ------ a good relationship with all our business partners . You should ------ a record of all your travel and food expenses on the trip .
  • She ----- an effort to find out as many details about the issue as possible .
  • He is a very interesting person . I would never ----- the chance to meet him again .
  • We have already started to ------- plans for Nauryz .
  • It’s very important to ------ a good relationship with all our business partners .
  • You should ------ a record of all your travel and food expenses on the trip .
Could you ------ a list of all the people we should invite to the conference ? We have to work together to ----- a solution to the problem . I disagree with you . ------ me two good reasons who we should give him the job . Excuse me for a moment : I have to ----- a telephone call . I am sorry , Mr . Green is out at the moment . Would you like to ----- a message .
  • Could you ------ a list of all the people we should invite to the conference ?
  • We have to work together to ----- a solution to the problem .
  • I disagree with you . ------ me two good reasons who we should give him the job .
  • Excuse me for a moment : I have to ----- a telephone call .
  • I am sorry , Mr . Green is out at the moment . Would you like to ----- a message .
She made an effort to find out as many details about the issue as possible . He is a very interesting person . I would never miss the chance to meet him again . We have already started to make plans for Nauryz . It’s very important to have a good relationship with all our business partners . You should keep
  • She made an effort to find out as many details about the issue as possible .
  • He is a very interesting person . I would never miss the chance to meet him again .
  • We have already started to make plans for Nauryz .
  • It’s very important to have a good relationship with all our business partners .
  • You should keep a record of all your travel and food expenses on the trip .
Could you make a list of all the people we should invite to the conference ? We have to work together to find a solution to the problem . I disagree with you . give me two good reasons who we should give him the job . Excuse me for a moment : I have to make a telephone call . I am sorry , Mr . Green is out at the moment . Would you like to leavea
  • Could you make a list of all the people we should invite to the conference ?
  • We have to work together to find a solution to the problem .
  • I disagree with you . give me two good reasons who we should give him the job .
  • Excuse me for a moment : I have to make a telephone call .
  • I am sorry , Mr . Green is out at the moment . Would you like to leavea a message .
Conclusion  Mazar Goats Korpesh - Bayan Sulu Mausoleum  Aisha Bibi  Arystanbab Қozha Ahmet Yasawi kesenesі


Mazar Goats Korpesh - Bayan Sulu


Aisha Bibi


Қozha Ahmet Yasawi kesenesі

Рефлексия  АРАЛДАР  Жаңалықтар аралы  Зерігу аралы  Қуаныш аралы



Жаңалықтар аралы

Зерігу аралы

Қуаныш аралы

Exercise 8 on p . 176 VII. Home task

Exercise 8 on p . 176

VII. Home task

Your assessment Very good Good Average

Your assessment

Very good



VIII .Giving the marks : You are very good today .

VIII .Giving the marks :

You are very good today .

The lesson is over The lesson is over Good bye pupils ! Good bye pupils !

The lesson is over

The lesson is over

Good bye pupils !

Good bye pupils !

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация у уроку "Cultural heritage of my country"

Автор: Алкебаева Камшат ?ойшы??л?ызы

Дата: 28.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 311397

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