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Climate and weather.

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The theme of the lesson: Climate and weather.

The objectives: the students will be able to describe the weather,

                          to use active vocabulary,

                          to make up short dialogues,

                            to make a weather report

developing aims: to develop students’ thinking abilities, to widen their scope.

,Organising moment.

( a talk with a pupil on duty)

Teacher; What is the weather like today?

Do you like such weather?

Did it rain yesterday?

Teacher: Today the theme of our lesson is: “ Weather and climate”. We shall sum up your knowledge on the theme :’’ Weather.” Are weather forecasts important for people? Why?

Teacher: Yes you are right. Nowadays people listen to weather forecast on the radio and on TV. It is the main topic of the conversation. Try to predict what will be the weather on the territory of Kazakhstan.

( students answer in turn )

Example: In Aktobe the weather will be cold with a shower. The temperature will be 15 degrees above zero.

Teacher: We have already said that the weather is the main topic of the conversation. In Aktobe it has been raining for three days. If we want to do something we say if the weather is fine, I will do smth. And the next task is to open the brackets. Look at the blackboard and say: what will you do..

1.If the weather  ( to be )good , I(to go)to the wood.

2.If the weather (to be) bad, I( to stay) in my flat.

3. If the weather ( to be )cold, I(to put on) a warm coat.

4.If the weather(to be) wet, I( to drink coffee in my bed.)

5.If the weather ( to be)fine, I(to be)very kind.

6. If the weather (to be) sunny, I( to draw) something funny.

Teacher: How can people predict the weather? Where do they get information about the weather? Many yeas ago when there were no metereologists, satellites orbiting the Earth the people knew about seasonal changes and the weather. There are some sayings about the weather. ( ex.15 p.11 ).

Teacher: Cold is the night when the sun shines bright.

 Chimney smoke descends, our nice weather ends.

Teacher: There are some proverbs about weather. The task is to match  Russian and English equivalents.

April weather rain and sunshine together.

Куй железо, пока горячо.

Everything is good in its season.

То дождь, то солнце.

March winds and April showers.

Ветрено в мае, в апреле дожди.

After rain comes fair weather.

В мае фиалок и ландышей жди.

It rains cats and dogs.

Всё хорошо в своё время.

Make hay while the sun shines.

Льёт как из ведра.


После бури наступает затишье.

The sun will shine into our yard too.

Будет и на нашей улице праздник.



Teacher : It is time to find out how well do you know the theme:” Weather.” You are to answer the questions .very quickly.

Answer the questions.

  • 1. What is a climate?
  • 2. Who are the weathermen?
  • 3. What is a weather forecast?
  • 4. Can people predict weather?
  • 5. What measure do we use when we speak about temperature?
  • 6. What precipitations do you know?
  • 7. What is a wind?
  • 8. Where do weathermen collect information about weather? 


Teacher: Different situations can happen to us in different weather. And now your task is to introduce your dialogues which were prepared at home.( students introduce their dialogues).

Teacher: Yesterday I bought a newspaper to know what will be the weather tomorrow. You know it rained heavily. I was caught in a  shower and my newspaper got wet. Can you help me to read a weather forecast. Look at the blackboard.

 Daily showers are typical of autumn weather. When it is cloudy we look out for rain. Sometimes the forecast is not an easy thing to forecast. The forecast warns us about earthquakes, tornadoes,  hurricanes and help us to save people’s lives.

tomorrow it will be a thick fog, but it will clear before 10 a.m. The day will be hot with a lot of sunshine.

Teacher: It is very important to know what will be the weather tomorrow. I am going to the park with my friends. Do you know the weather forecast? The task is to make up your weather forecast.

Teacher: you worked very well at the lesson. You know the lexics, can speak on the theme.

Evaluating the students answers.

Homework:ex.3, p.32, ex4, p.33

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«Climate and weather. »

The theme of the lesson: Climate and weather.

The objectives: the students will be able to describe the weather,

to use active vocabulary,

to make up short dialogues,

to make a weather report

developing aims: to develop students’ thinking abilities, to widen their scope.

,Organising moment.

( a talk with a pupil on duty)

Teacher; What is the weather like today?

Do you like such weather?

Did it rain yesterday?

Teacher: Today the theme of our lesson is: “ Weather and climate”. We shall sum up your knowledge on the theme :’’ Weather.” Are weather forecasts important for people? Why?

Teacher: Yes you are right. Nowadays people listen to weather forecast on the radio and on TV. It is the main topic of the conversation. Try to predict what will be the weather on the territory of Kazakhstan.

( students answer in turn )

Example: In Aktobe the weather will be cold with a shower. The temperature will be 15 degrees above zero.

Teacher: We have already said that the weather is the main topic of the conversation. In Aktobe it has been raining for three days. If we want to do something we say if the weather is fine, I will do smth. And the next task is to open the brackets. Look at the blackboard and say: what will you do..

1.If the weather ( to be )good , I(to go)to the wood.

2.If the weather (to be) bad, I( to stay) in my flat.

3. If the weather ( to be )cold, I(to put on) a warm coat.

4.If the weather(to be) wet, I( to drink coffee in my bed.)

5.If the weather ( to be)fine, I(to be)very kind.

6. If the weather (to be) sunny, I( to draw) something funny.

Teacher: How can people predict the weather? Where do they get information about the weather? Many yeas ago when there were no metereologists, satellites orbiting the Earth the people knew about seasonal changes and the weather. There are some sayings about the weather. ( ex.15 p.11 ).

Teacher: Cold is the night when the sun shines bright.

Chimney smoke descends, our nice weather ends.

Teacher: There are some proverbs about weather. The task is to match Russian and English equivalents.

April weather rain and sunshine together.

Куй железо, пока горячо.

Everything is good in its season.

То дождь, то солнце.

March winds and April showers.

Ветрено в мае, в апреле дожди.

After rain comes fair weather.

В мае фиалок и ландышей жди.

It rains cats and dogs.

Всё хорошо в своё время.

Make hay while the sun shines.

Льёт как из ведра.


После бури наступает затишье.

The sun will shine into our yard too.

Будет и на нашей улице праздник.

Teacher : It is time to find out how well do you know the theme:” Weather.” You are to answer the questions .very quickly.

Answer the questions.

  • 1. What is a climate?

  • 2. Who are the weathermen?

  • 3. What is a weather forecast?

  • 4. Can people predict weather?

  • 5. What measure do we use when we speak about temperature?

  • 6. What precipitations do you know?

  • 7. What is a wind?

  • 8. Where do weathermen collect information about weather?

Teacher: Different situations can happen to us in different weather. And now your task is to introduce your dialogues which were prepared at home.( students introduce their dialogues).

Teacher: Yesterday I bought a newspaper to know what will be the weather tomorrow. You know it rained heavily. I was caught in a shower and my newspaper got wet. Can you help me to read a weather forecast. Look at the blackboard.

Daily showers are typical of autumn weather. When it is cloudy we look out for rain. Sometimes the forecast is not an easy thing to forecast. The forecast warns us about earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and help us to save people’s lives.

tomorrow it will be a thick fog, but it will clear before 10 a.m. The day will be hot with a lot of sunshine.

Teacher: It is very important to know what will be the weather tomorrow. I am going to the park with my friends. Do you know the weather forecast? The task is to make up your weather forecast.

Teacher: you worked very well at the lesson. You know the lexics, can speak on the theme.

Evaluating the students answers.

Homework:ex.3, p.32, ex4, p.33

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Climate and weather.

Автор: Сагиданова Айгуль Мажитовна

Дата: 27.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 108872

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