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Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Климат. Погода."

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Открытый урок

английского языка

по теме "Climate. Weather"

(Климат. Погода)

в 5 "А" классе

УМК  "Звёздный английский",

 К.М. Баранова, Дж. Дули, В.В. Копылова и др.  

Изд-во: Express Publishing:  Просвещение, 2014.

Учитель английского языка

МОУ   "Гимназия № 89"

г. Саратова

Карначёва Ольга Владимировна

Образовательные цели:

1) формирование умения употреблять ранее изученные ЛЕ в речи учащихся;
2) формирование навыков произношения;
3) формирование грамматических навыков.

Развивающие цели:

1) развитие навыка фонетического слуха;
2) развитие навыков диалогической речи;
3) развитие интерактивных коммуникативных способностей;
4) способствовать развитию познавательных процессов (памяти, внимания, восприятия) и мышления (мыслительных операций сравнения и обобщения).

Воспитательные цели:

1) развитие у учащихся любви к окружающему миру.

Применяемые технологии:

а) коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения;
б) развития познавательных интересов;
в) информационные технологии.

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, цветные иллюстрации.

План урока

I.  Организация начала урока.

1) Приветствие на английском языке.

- Good morning, children! (Good morning,)

- I am glad to see you. How are you today? (We are fine, thank you. And how are you?)

- I am fine, too, thanks.

2) Введение в тему. Определение темы урока.

You know  the topic of our lesson. It's "Climate and weather".(Слайд №1) I'd like to start it with a poem about the  weather. (Слайд №2)

II. Фонетическая зарядка. (Развитие произносительных навыков на основе английской скороговорки.)

Whenever the weather is cold. 
Whenever the weather is hot. 
We'll weather the weather, 
whatever the weather, 
whether we like it or not.

Чтение и перевод;

Игра на запоминание (Поочередное стирание повторяющихся слов с доски, с целью запоминания и воспроизведением их при повторении) (Слайд №3,4).I'l remove some words from the text, you should remember them and fill in the gap.  Хоровое чтение скороговорки (Слайд №5)

III. Основной этап урока.

Warming-up activity. Речевая разминка. 

(Активизация лексических единиц по данной теме в устной речи учащихся)

- Учащиеся, по очереди, называют слова, связанные с  погодой. Учащиеся составляют предложения по образцу. (Слайд №6-16)

- It's sunny and warm. etc.

T: I’d like you to listen to some sounds and name the type of weather. (Учащиеся слушают звуки ветра, шум дождя и гром молнии)


T.: By the way, what's the weather like today? (Дети отвечают)

What is the climate and what is the weather? (Дети читают: Weather characterises  short-term conditions of the atmosphere while climate is the average daily weather for a long  period of time at a certain location.) (Слайд №17).  As an American writer Mark Twain once said "Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get." (Климат - это то, что мы ожидаем, погода - то, что получаем.) (Слайд №18)

Let's revise what we know about types of climate.

1) What types of climate do you know? (Hot desert climate, Tundra climate, Tropical Rainforest climate, Mediterranean climate)

2) What characterises each type of climate?  (Дети отвечают, пользуясь текстами из учебника, стр.74-75 и рабочей тетради, стр.41)

3) What is the climate like in our area? What seasons exist in our climate?  What characterises each season? I'd like you to work in groups and discuss these questions. (На 4 группы дети разделены заранее.Они обсуждают подготовленное дома задание о временах года в нашей местности с иллюстрациями. Каждая группа получает одно время года. Раздаю следующие заготовки каждой группе.) 

1... characterise this season.

2. It often (usually, sometimes)..

3. It is..

4. Temperatures reach (drop to)..

5. The coldest (hottest,warmest) month is..

Даю 3 мин. Затем каждая группа рассказывает свой рассказ.


T.: Whatever the weather is, we can have a lot of activities in any weather.  You and your  friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.



·         Let's.

  • Shall we.
  • Do you feel like.

·         That sounds good

  • Great idea!
  • Sure, why not!
  • I'd rather not. Let's. instead.

·         What time do you want to meet?

  • Let's meet at 2:30.
  • Is 2:30 OK for you?

·         Don't be late.

  • See you there.
  • That's fine.

Дети работают в парах. Каждая пара получает свою карточку с заданием. Через 3 минуты проверяю диалоги.

Сard 1

 Take roles. You and your  friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's winter now and it's freezing cold.  Suggest your friend  skiing  in the forest.

S2.: Disagree, explain why and suggest another activity instead.

Discuss the time, if necessary.

Сard 2

 Take roles. You and your  friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's summer now and it's rainy. Suggest  your friend playing football in the schoolyard.

S2.: Disagree and suggest another activity instead.

Discuss the time.

Сard 3

 Take roles. You and your  friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's summer now and it's boiling hot. Suggest  your  friend swimming in the river.

S2.: Agree.

Discuss the time.

Сard 4

 Take roles. You and your  friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's spring now and it's sunny and warm. Suggest  your friend hanging out with friends.

S2.: Agree.

Discuss the time.

Сard 5

 Take roles. You and your  friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's spring now and it's sunny and warm. Suggest  your friend walking your dogs.

S2.: Agree.

Discuss the time.

Сard 6

 Take roles. You and your  friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's autumn now and it's rainy and foggy. Suggest  your friend  going rollerblading.

S2.: Disagree and suggest another activity instead.

Discuss the time.

Сard 7

 Take roles. You and your  friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's winter now and it's cold but sunny. Suggest  your friend  making a snowman outdoors.

S2.: Disagree and suggest another activity instead.

Discuss the time.

V. Домашнее задание. Home task: Write about your favourite season.

VI. Комментирование работы учащихся на уроке. Выставление оценок. Завершение урока.

- Well, boys and girls we’ve done a lot of work today. It was pleasure to work with you. You were good at…(vocabulary and comprehension), but there were some mistakes in grammar. We’ll have practice another time. Your marks are.  That’s all for today.

VII. Рефлексия.Before I let you I'd like to know if you liked our lesson. Учащиеся  высказывают своё мнение об уроке.

T.:Thank you very much.  Our lesson is over. Good bye.

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«Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Климат. Погода." »

Открытый урок

английского языка

по теме "Climate. Weather"

(Климат. Погода)

в 5 "А" классе

УМК "Звёздный английский",

К.М. Баранова, Дж. Дули, В.В. Копылова и др.

Изд-во: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2014.

Учитель английского языка

МОУ "Гимназия № 89"

г. Саратова

Карначёва Ольга Владимировна

Образовательные цели:

1) формирование умения употреблять ранее изученные ЛЕ в речи учащихся;
2) формирование навыков произношения;
3) формирование грамматических навыков.

Развивающие цели:

1) развитие навыка фонетического слуха;
2) развитие навыков диалогической речи;
3) развитие интерактивных коммуникативных способностей;
4) способствовать развитию познавательных процессов (памяти, внимания, восприятия) и мышления (мыслительных операций сравнения и обобщения).

Воспитательные цели:

1) развитие у учащихся любви к окружающему миру.

Применяемые технологии:

а) коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения;
б) развития познавательных интересов;
в) информационные технологии.

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, цветные иллюстрации.

План урока

I.  Организация начала урока.

1) Приветствие на английском языке.

- Good morning, children! (Good morning,)

- I am glad to see you. How are you today? (We are fine, thank you. And how are you?)

- I am fine, too, thanks.

2) Введение в тему. Определение темы урока.

You know the topic of our lesson. It's "Climate and weather".(Слайд №1) I'd like to start it with a poem about the weather. (Слайд №2)

II. Фонетическая зарядка. (Развитие произносительных навыков на основе английской скороговорки.)

Whenever the weather is cold. 
Whenever the weather is hot. 
We'll weather the weather, 
whatever the weather, 
whether we like it or not.

Чтение и перевод;

Игра на запоминание (Поочередное стирание повторяющихся слов с доски, с целью запоминания и воспроизведением их при повторении) (Слайд №3,4).I'l remove some words from the text, you should remember them and fill in the gap. Хоровое чтение скороговорки (Слайд №5)

III. Основной этап урока.

Warming-up activity. Речевая разминка. 

(Активизация лексических единиц по данной теме в устной речи учащихся)

- Учащиеся, по очереди, называют слова, связанные с погодой. Учащиеся составляют предложения по образцу. (Слайд №6-16)

- It's sunny and warm. etc.

T: I’d like you to listen to some sounds and name the type of weather. (Учащиеся слушают звуки ветра, шум дождя и гром молнии)


T.: By the way, what's the weather like today? (Дети отвечают)

What is the climate and what is the weather? (Дети читают: Weather characterises  short-term conditions of the atmosphere while climate is the average daily weather for a long period of time at a certain location.) (Слайд №17). As an American writer Mark Twain once said "Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get." (Климат - это то, что мы ожидаем, погода - то, что получаем.) (Слайд №18) Let's revise what we know about types of climate. 1) What types of climate do you know? (Hot desert climate, Tundra climate, Tropical Rainforest climate, Mediterranean climate) 2) What characterises each type of climate? (Дети отвечают, пользуясь текстами из учебника, стр.74-75 и рабочей тетради, стр.41) 3) What is the climate like in our area? What seasons exist in our climate? What characterises each season? I'd like you to work in groups and discuss these questions. (На 4 группы дети разделены заранее.Они обсуждают подготовленное дома задание о временах года в нашей местности с иллюстрациями. Каждая группа получает одно время года. Раздаю следующие заготовки каждой группе.) 

1. ..... characterise this season.

2. It often (usually, sometimes) .... .

3. It is ... .

4. Temperatures reach (drop to) ... .

5. The coldest (hottest,warmest) month is ... .

Даю 3 мин. Затем каждая группа рассказывает свой рассказ.


T.: Whatever the weather is, we can have a lot of activities in any weather. You and your friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

Suggesting Replying
  • Let's....
  • Shall we...

  • Do you feel like...

  • That sounds good
  • Great idea!

  • Sure, why not!

  • I'd rather not. Let's ... instead.

  • What time do you want to meet?
  • Let's meet at 2:30.

  • Is 2:30 OK for you?

  • Don't be late.
  • See you there.

  • That's fine.

Дети работают в парах. Каждая пара получает свою карточку с заданием. Через 3 минуты проверяю диалоги.

Сard 1

Take roles. You and your friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's winter now and it's freezing cold. Suggest your friend skiing in the forest.

S2.: Disagree, explain why and suggest another activity instead.

Discuss the time, if necessary.

Сard 2

Take roles. You and your friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's summer now and it's rainy. Suggest your friend playing football in the schoolyard.

S2.: Disagree and suggest another activity instead.

Discuss the time.

Сard 3

Take roles. You and your friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's summer now and it's boiling hot . Suggest your friend swimming in the river.

S2.: Agree.

Discuss the time.

Сard 4

Take roles. You and your friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's spring now and it's sunny and warm. Suggest your friend hanging out with friends.

S2.: Agree.

Discuss the time.

Сard 5

Take roles. You and your friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's spring now and it's sunny and warm. Suggest your friend walking your dogs.

S2.: Agree.

Discuss the time.

Сard 6

Take roles. You and your friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's autumn now and it's rainy and foggy. Suggest your friend going rollerblading.

S2.: Disagree and suggest another activity instead.

Discuss the time.

Сard 7

Take roles. You and your friend are going to have some activities. Use the following phrases and your own ideas to act out exchanges.

S1.: Imagine, it's winter now and it's cold but sunny. Suggest your friend making a snowman outdoors.

S2.: Disagree and suggest another activity instead.

Discuss the time.

V. Домашнее задание. Home task: Write about your favourite season.

VI. Комментирование работы учащихся на уроке. Выставление оценок. Завершение урока.

- Well, boys and girls we’ve done a lot of work today. It was pleasure to work with you. You were good at…(vocabulary and comprehension), but there were some mistakes in grammar. We’ll have practice another time. Your marks are..  That’s all for today.

VII. Рефлексия.Before I let you I'd like to know if you liked our lesson. Учащиеся высказывают своё мнение об уроке.

T.:Thank you very much. Our lesson is over. Good bye.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Климат. Погода."

Автор: Карначёва Ольга Владимировна

Дата: 24.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 190828

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