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Canada. Interesting facts about Canada

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Canada. Interesting facts about Canada

Aims of the lesson:

Educational: Introducing and practicing new vocabulary and giving less-controlled practice of a language point;

Upbringing: to bring up tolerance and respect to a foreign country and to create a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere in the classroom;

Developing: to develop communicative competence and ability of analyzing of presented material.

Equipment: a laptop, interactive whiteboard or projector, sheets or stickers for self-estimation

Methods used at the lesson: problem method and case-method 

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«Canada. Interesting facts about Canada»

Comprehensive school named after E. Niyetkaliyev


Interesting facts about Canada

Teacher: Iklasova A. S.

Canada. Interesting facts about Canada

Aims of the lesson:

Educational: Introducing and practicing new vocabulary and giving less-controlled practice of a language point;

Upbringing: to bring up tolerance and respect to a foreign country and to create a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere in the classroom;

Developing: to develop communicative competence and ability of analyzing of presented material.

Equipment: a laptop, interactive whiteboard or projector, sheets or stickers for self-estimation

Methods used at the lesson: problem method and case-method


  1. Greeting. Preliminaries of the lesson

  2. Introduction of a new theme

  3. Revision through game

  4. Demonstration of a PowerPoint presentation of interesting facts about Canada

  5. Grammar revision

  6. Sum up.

  1. - Good morning, dear girls and boys! How are you getting on? Who is on duty today? Who is away? What day is it today? What date is it today?

Today we’ll make a virtual excursion to the country of Great lakes. Can you guess what it is? Yes, you’re right. It is Canada!

  1. - Our lesson can be arranged with the help of Internet. There is such site for learning English- Lingualeo.com. There in search line you must key in a word “Canada” and then open the first result- a topic about Canada:

Canada is the second biggest country in the world. It has six time zones! 29 million people live in Canada.


Ottawa is the capital city of Canada, but the biggest city is Toronto. It's got the famous CN Tower. It's 553 metres high. At the top you can look at the city through a glass floor.


Inuits are the original people of Canada. They live in the cold Arctic region in the north of the

country. Inuits hunt whales, seals and fish. They use them for food and to make clothes,houses and boats. Inuit houses are called 'igloos'. They make summer igloos from animal skins and they make winter igloos from wood or stone. When they travel on long journeys they make igloos from ice and snow.


Canada has got two main languages - English and French. Most of the French-speaking people live in Quebec. The Inuits have got their own language too.

(This site is good with its great possibilities- there you can find an unknown word with the help of online-dictionary. Students just bring cursor to a word and press on it.)

  1. - Children, during the term we have studied about Canada a lot, so you should remember its history. In this task, you must answer some questions. (these questions can help to develop critical thinking):

  1. What does a word “Canada” mean?

  2. Why is French spoken fully only in province of Quebec?

  3. Where did Eskimo appear from?

  4. Why does English prevail over French?

  5. Why are there such territories names as Yellowknife, Whitehorse?

  6. What do elements on the Canadian coat of arms mean?

  7. There is a well-known Canadian symbol- Canadian goose. Now it’s also popular, but it doesn’t concern a bird. Guess.

This task will be carried out through such game as “100 to 1”, an analogue of Russian television program. There must appear questions. If students give correct or wrong answers, they’ll hear certain sounds. (Here the problem method has been used)

  1. - For good visualization of interesting facts about Canada, let’s see a PowerPoint presentation. (while watching slide show children can get a plenty of impressions and it helps to develop interest to English-speaking countries)

  1. Grammar revision: Subjunctive mood

Subjunctive mood expresses a wish and supposition.

There are two forms: perfect and unperfected.

Unperfected form: If I sold our cow, I would buy a motorbike.

Perfect: If I had sold our cow then I would have got more money.

(As we apply here case method so we must take examples from real situations in life. Other exercises you can see in the slideshow)

  1. Sum up:

Boys and girls how do you like a lesson? What impressions have you got?


The home task: to make a map of Canada sightseeing.

The lesson is over. Good-bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Canada. Interesting facts about Canada

Автор: Икласова Алида Свенышевна

Дата: 25.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 298745

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