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“At the market”

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The theme:  “At the market”

Саба?ты? та?арабы:

                 Білімділігі: О?ушыларды? білімділігін арттыру,      о?ушыларды бір-біріне с?ра? ?ою?а, с?ра?тар?а

                д?рыс жауап айту?а ?йрету.

     Дамытушылы?ы: О?ушыларды? белсенділігін, ойлау,  есте са?тау, ауызекі с?йлеу тілін ж?не 

                жазбаша да?дыларын дамыту.

             Т?рбиелік:  П?нге деген ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыра  отырып, шапшандылы??а, ?йымшыл болу?а

              т?рбиелеу .

К?рнекілік:      Суреттер, интерактивті та?та

Саба?ты? т?рі:   ?айталау саба?

Саба?ты? барысы:

І. Organization moment.

Good afternoon, children!  Sit down, please! Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What was your home work?

II. Warm-up:

Let’s do warm-up,please.

Children to spell the words:

         Eggs              melons           bread

III. Home task:

     Workbook  exercise: 2  page: 56


IV.Optional lesson:

     Today we’ll continue to speak about “At the market”.

I. Look and say:

  Look at the blackboard and name the food.

 Now,  Children answer the questions about the prices of the food.

1. How much is bread?  It’s ... pence.

2. How much  are oranges? They are ... pence.

3. How much are eggs?  They are ... pence.

4. How much is ice-cream? It’s ... pence.

5. How much are melons? They’re ... pence.

6. How much is cheese? It’s ... pence.

7.How much is lettuce? It’s ... pence.

8.How much are bananas? They’re ... pence.

9. How much are strawberries? They’re ... pence.


 II. A “Shopping game”

   Children let’s play a shopping game.

  One of you will be a shopkeeper. And others will be buyers.

 Excuse me, Is there any cheese?   Yes, there is some cheese.

Excuse me, Is there any milk?         No, there isn’t any milk.

Excuse me, Are there any eggs?   Yes, there are some eggs.

Excuse me, Is there any butter?   Yes, there is some butter.

Excuse me, Are there any peas?   Yes, there are some peas.

Excuse me, Are there any carrots? Yes, there are some carrots.

Excuse me, Is there any bread?    Yes, there is some bread.

Excuse me, Are there any potatoes?  No, there aren’t any potatoes.

Excuse me, Are there any strawberries?  No, there are not any strawberries.

III. Read.

 Children  let’s read the text and translate.

Food for life.

     People can not live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.

     From plants we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows on trees: apples, bananas and oranges.

    Different food comes from different countries, Oranges and bananas grow in Africa and America.

          IV. Children find as many words as you can for food and drink. Children make a table.

 Food: meat, eggs, apples, bananas, cheese, lettuce, bread,         

           melons, ice-cream,potatoes, tomatoes, fish

Drink: milk, orange juice, apple juice, tea, coffee, cola, pepsy

     V. Look and write the words.

     VI. Look, draw and write.

    IX. Well, children we have learned a lot about food.

X. Home task:

  Choose six things. Then write. 

                     I’m going to buy ... and ...

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«“At the market” »

The theme: “At the market”

Сабақтың тақарабы:

Білімділігі: Оқушылардың білімділігін арттыру,

оқушыларды бір-біріне сұрақ қоюға, сұрақтарға

дұрыс жауап айтуға үйрету.

Дамытушылығы: Оқушылардың белсенділігін, ойлау,

есте сақтау, ауызекі сөйлеу тілін және

жазбаша дағдыларын дамыту.

Тәрбиелік: Пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыра

отырып, шапшандылыққа, ұйымшыл болуға

тәрбиелеу .

Көрнекілік: Суреттер, интерактивті тақта

Сабақтың түрі: қайталау сабақ

Сабақтың барысы:

І. Organization moment.

Good afternoon, children! Sit down, please! Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What was your home work?

II. Warm-up:

Let’s do warm-up,please.

Children to spell the words:

Eggs melons bread

III. Home task:

Workbook exercise: 2 page: 56

IV.Optional lesson:

Today we’ll continue to speak about “At the market”.

I. Look and say:

Look at the blackboard and name the food.

Now, Children answer the questions about the prices of the food.

1. How much is bread? It’s ... pence.

2. How much are oranges? They are ... pence.

3. How much are eggs? They are ... pence.

4. How much is ice-cream? It’s ... pence.

5. How much are melons? They’re ... pence.

6. How much is cheese? It’s ... pence.

7.How much is lettuce? It’s ... pence.

8.How much are bananas? They’re ... pence.

9. How much are strawberries? They’re ... pence.

II. A “Shopping game”

Children let’s play a shopping game.

One of you will be a shopkeeper. And others will be buyers.

Excuse me, Is there any cheese? Yes, there is some cheese.

Excuse me, Is there any milk? No, there isn’t any milk.

Excuse me, Are there any eggs? Yes, there are some eggs.

Excuse me, Is there any butter? Yes, there is some butter.

Excuse me, Are there any peas? Yes, there are some peas.

Excuse me, Are there any carrots? Yes, there are some carrots.

Excuse me, Is there any bread? Yes, there is some bread.

Excuse me, Are there any potatoes? No, there aren’t any potatoes.

Excuse me, Are there any strawberries? No, there are not any strawberries.

III. Read.

Children let’s read the text and translate.

Food for life.

People can not live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.

From plants we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows on trees: apples, bananas and oranges.

Different food comes from different countries, Oranges and bananas grow in Africa and America.

IV. Children find as many words as you can for food and drink. Children make a table.

Food: meat, eggs, apples, bananas, cheese, lettuce, bread,

melons, ice-cream,potatoes, tomatoes, fish

Drink: milk, orange juice, apple juice, tea, coffee, cola, pepsy

V. Look and write the words.

VI. Look, draw and write.

IX. Well, children we have learned a lot about food.

X. Home task:

Choose six things. Then write.

I’m going to buy ... and ...

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

“At the market”

Автор: Байжуманова Алия Бердибековна

Дата: 11.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 152976

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