Рудный қаласы
№19 орта мектебі
Сыныптан тыс іс-шара.
Тақырыбы: «The magic world of the
English literature»
8-11 сыныптар
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімдері
2015-2016 оқу жылы
Form: 9
Theme: Art.
Aims: 1. To speak about art, to teach students to understand the kinds of art.
To develop pupils’ knowledge concerning the theme.
2. Тo develop the pupils’ an oral speech pronunciation, to develop the pupils’ reading
аnd speaking skills.
3. Тo develop the pupils’ interest to the lesson and To bring up the feeling of love
to art.
Method of the lesson: answer the questions, reading, writing, speaking, play a game,
writing a test.
Type of the lesson: new lesson.
Visual aids: interactive board
Procedure of the lesson.
I. Organization moment:
a) greeting
тренинг (Оқушылар шеңберге тұрып, амандасу түрлерін көрсетеді)
«Әр елдің амандасу» дәстүрі бойынша Қазақтар қол алысады, италяндықтар құшақтасады, бразилиялықтар бір бірінің иығын қағады, зимбавеліктер арқасымен амандасады, македондықтар шынтақпен амандасады, никарагуалықтар иықпен амандасады, австралиялықтар шапалық ұрып секіреді
b) duties report
c) introducing new material
II. Phonetic exercise: graphical dictation
Графикалық диктант
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I | | | | | | | | | | |
III.Checking home work: What was your homework?
IV. New theme:
T: Dear friends, today we are going to have a very unusual lesson. You will travel to a wonderful world full of music, painting, poetry and performances. You will meet famous people; listen to music and beautiful poems. Try to guess what this world is!
T: Right you are. We are going to speak about the world of Arts. I think the lesson will be interesting and you’ll enjoy the journey.
T: Now open your exercise-books. Put down the date. Today is the 15th of October. Put down the theme of the lesson: “Arts”
T: Now look at the blackboard. There are some topics for discussion. Let’s read them:
V. Тақырыпқа байланысты лексикалық матералды бекіту.
T: Look at the screen and try to name the people’s activities:
1st group
Someone who paints pictures is a (painter) P1
Someone who writes poems is (poet) P2
Someone who writes music or plays a musical instrument is a (composer) P3
Someone who acts in plays or films is an ( actor) P4
Someone who sings is (singer) P5
T: Let’s read the names of people’s activities (T-Cl) Repeat after me.
T: Can you match the names of these people with the arts in which they worked?
Painter poet composer actor singer
2 nd group
Rembrandt, Picasso, Kasteev
Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Shamshi Kaldayakov
Charlie Chaplin, Andrei Mironov,
Lermontov, Pushkin, Abai Kunanbaev
Elvis Presley, Fyodor Shalyapin, Roza Baglanova
3 rd group
Speak about favourite actor:
VII. Work with dialogue:
Read the dialogue “In the Museum”
P: Good morning. One ticket for the Modern Art Exhibition, please. Thank you. Oh, hello Kate!
How are you? What are you doing here?
K: The same thing as you: I’m going to see this art exhibition. I’ve heard it’s very interesting.
P: Let’s go there together then. I’m glad I’ve met you. I don’t like visiting such places alone.
K: Nor do I, Peter.
P: Which art movements do you like?
K: I love impressionistic paintings and realistic, classical art as well. And you?
P:I’m interested in abstract art like, for example, Pablo Picasso’s cubist paintings. Who is your favourite painter?
K: I think van Gogh, or maybe Gauguin. But I also admire Rembrandt…I couldn’t say who I like most.
P: That’s true. It’s very difficult to classify them if each of them was genius. Oh, look there’s my favourite Picasso painting!
K: Which one?
P: The one on the left.
K: I see. What’s the title?
P: “A Child with a Dove. Look at the colours and form. Picasso uses varying shades of blue and green.
K: Oh I love it! In fact it is full of emotion. I wonder who this painting belongs to.
P: It probably comes from a private collection. These days most famous pictures are in the hands of private collectors.
K: Well, I love this exhibition. There are plenty of modern art works: impressionistic and abstract painting.
You can find something for yourself and I can admire styles of art that I like. Let’s go to the next room.
Let`s have a rest: Dancing
Work with groups:
1st group: Answer the question
1 Where is the conversation taking place?
2. Who are the characters?
3. What are they talking about?
2nd group: Complete the sentences
1. Peter and Kate are going to see_____.
2. They are glad to_____.
3. Peter doesn’t like visiting exhibitions_____.
4. Kate loves_____.
5. Peter is interested in_____.
6. It’s Peter’s favourite_____painting.
3rd group: True or false
Peter and Kate went to the museum.
Kate loves realistic, classical art.
Peter didn`t interested in abstract art
Kate also admire Rembrandt.
Picasso is favourite painter of Peter. Prepositions

X. Writing:

1st group
Put the correct word from the following list in each space below.
on at to by of about
a) I often go ___ disco and parties.
b) We stayed ____a cheap hotel.
c) She sunbathes _____the beach.
d) I`m very keen ___ music.
2nd group:
Put the correct word from the following list in each space below.
on at to by of about
e) I spend a lot of time ____ concerts.
f) I often go ____ concerts.
g) I`m very found ____ the open air.
h) He wants to learn ____ other countries.
3rd group
Put the correct word from the following list in each space below.
on at to by of about
i) I`m very found ____ the open air.
j) We stopped _____ camprise.
k) They prefer to be close ______ nature.
l) I`m going there ____ plane.
XI. Conclusion:
Name | I like | I don`t like | New information | My work (2-5) |
| | | | |
X. Homework: Ex-5 p49, Ex-7 p50
XI. Marks:
The lesson is over you may be free. Good bye.
1st group
Someone who paints pictures is a
Someone who writes poems is
Someone who writes music or plays a musical instrument is a
Someone who acts in plays or films is an
Someone who sings is
2 nd group
Rembrandt, Picasso, Kasteev poet
Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Shamshi Kaldayakov actor
Charlie Chaplin, Andrei Mironov, Painter
Lermontov, Pushkin, Abai Kunanbaev singer
Elvis Presley, Fyodor Shalyapin, Roza Baglanova composer
3 rd group
Speak about favourite actor:
1st group
Someone who paints pictures is a
Someone who writes poems is
Someone who writes music or plays a musical instrument is a
Someone who acts in plays or films is an
Someone who sings is
2 nd group
Rembrandt, Picasso, Kasteev poet
Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Shamshi Kaldayakov actor
Charlie Chaplin, Andrei Mironov, Painter
Lermontov, Pushkin, Abai Kunanbaev singer
Elvis Presley, Fyodor Shalyapin, Roza Baglanova composer
3 rd group
Speak about favourite actor:
1st group
Someone who paints pictures is a
Someone who writes poems is
Someone who writes music or plays a musical instrument is a
Someone who acts in plays or films is an
Someone who sings is
2 nd group
Rembrandt, Picasso, Kasteev poet
Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Shamshi Kaldayakov actor
Charlie Chaplin, Andrei Mironov, Painter
Lermontov, Pushkin, Abai Kunanbaev singer
Elvis Presley, Fyodor Shalyapin, Roza Baglanova composer
3 rd group
Speak about favourite actor:
1st group
Put the correct word from the following list in each space below.
on at to by of about
a) I often go ___ disco and parties.
b) We stayed ____a cheap hotel.
c) She sunbathes _____the beach.
d) I`m very keen ___ music.
2nd group:
Put the correct word from the following list in each space below.
on at to by of about
e) I spend a lot of time ____ concerts.
f) I often go ____ concerts.
g) I`m very found ____ the open air.
h) He wants to learn ____ other countries.
3rd group
Put the correct word from the following list in each space below.
on at to by of about
i) I`m very found ____ the open air.
j) We stopped _____ camprise.
k) They prefer to be close ______ nature.
l) I`m going there ____ plane.
1st group
Put the correct word from the following list in each space below.
on at to by of about
a) I often go ___ disco and parties.
b) We stayed ____a cheap hotel.
c) She sunbathes _____the beach.
d) I`m very keen ___ music.
2nd group:
Put the correct word from the following list in each space below.
on at to by of about
e) I spend a lot of time ____ concerts.
f) I often go ____ concerts.
g) I`m very found ____ the open air.
h) He wants to learn ____ other countries.
3rd group
Put the correct word from the following list in each space below.
on at to by of about
i) I`m very found ____ the open air.
j) We stopped _____ camprise.
k) They prefer to be close ______ nature.
l) I`m going there ____ plane.
Name | I like | I don`t like | New information | My work (2-5) |
| | | | |
Name | I like | I don`t like | New information | My work (2-5) |
| | | | |
Name | I like | I don`t like | New information | My work (2-5) |
| | | | |
Name | I like | I don`t like | New information | My work (2-5) |
| | | | |
Name | I like | I don`t like | New information | My work (2-5) |
| | | | |
Name | I like | I don`t like | New information | My work (2-5) |
| | | | |
Name | I like | I don`t like | New information | My work (2-5) |
| | | | |
Name | I like | I don`t like | New information | My work (2-5) |
| | | | |
Read the dialogue “In the Museum”
P: Good morning. One ticket for the Modern Art Exhibition, please. Thank you. Oh, hello Kate!
How are you? What are you doing here?
K: The same thing as you: I’m going to see this art exhibition. I’ve heard it’s very interesting.
P: Let’s go there together then. I’m glad I’ve met you. I don’t like visiting such places alone.
K: Nor do I, Peter.
P: Which art movements do you like?
K: I love impressionistic paintings and realistic, classical art as well. And you?
P:I’m interested in abstract art like, for example, Pablo Picasso’s cubist paintings. Who is your favourite painter?
K: I think van Gogh, or maybe Gauguin. But I also admire Rembrandt…I couldn’t say who I like most.
P: That’s true. It’s very difficult to classify them if each of them was genius. Oh, look there’s my favourite Picasso painting!
K: Which one?
P: The one on the left.
K: I see. What’s the title?
P: “A Child with a Dove. Look at the colours and form. Picasso uses varying shades of blue and green.
K: Oh I love it! In fact it is full of emotion. I wonder who this painting belongs to.
P: It probably comes from a private collection. These days most famous pictures are in the hands of private collectors.
K: Well, I love this exhibition. There are plenty of modern art works: impressionistic and abstract painting.
You can find something for yourself and I can admire styles of art that I like. Let’s go to the next room.
Read the dialogue “In the Museum”
P: Good morning. One ticket for the Modern Art Exhibition, please. Thank you. Oh, hello Kate!
How are you? What are you doing here?
K: The same thing as you: I’m going to see this art exhibition. I’ve heard it’s very interesting.
P: Let’s go there together then. I’m glad I’ve met you. I don’t like visiting such places alone.
K: Nor do I, Peter.
P: Which art movements do you like?
K: I love impressionistic paintings and realistic, classical art as well. And you?
P:I’m interested in abstract art like, for example, Pablo Picasso’s cubist paintings. Who is your favourite painter?
K: I think van Gogh, or maybe Gauguin. But I also admire Rembrandt…I couldn’t say who I like most.
P: That’s true. It’s very difficult to classify them if each of them was genius. Oh, look there’s my favourite Picasso painting!
K: Which one?
P: The one on the left.
K: I see. What’s the title?
P: “A Child with a Dove. Look at the colours and form. Picasso uses varying shades of blue and green.
K: Oh I love it! In fact it is full of emotion. I wonder who this painting belongs to.
P: It probably comes from a private collection. These days most famous pictures are in the hands of private collectors.
K: Well, I love this exhibition. There are plenty of modern art works: impressionistic and abstract painting.
You can find something for yourself and I can admire styles of art that I like. Let’s go to the next room.
Read the dialogue “In the Museum”
P: Good morning. One ticket for the Modern Art Exhibition, please. Thank you. Oh, hello Kate!
How are you? What are you doing here?
K: The same thing as you: I’m going to see this art exhibition. I’ve heard it’s very interesting.
P: Let’s go there together then. I’m glad I’ve met you. I don’t like visiting such places alone.
K: Nor do I, Peter.
P: Which art movements do you like?
K: I love impressionistic paintings and realistic, classical art as well. And you?
P:I’m interested in abstract art like, for example, Pablo Picasso’s cubist paintings. Who is your favourite painter?
K: I think van Gogh, or maybe Gauguin. But I also admire Rembrandt…I couldn’t say who I like most.
P: That’s true. It’s very difficult to classify them if each of them was genius. Oh, look there’s my favourite Picasso painting!
K: Which one?
P: The one on the left.
K: I see. What’s the title?
P: “A Child with a Dove. Look at the colours and form. Picasso uses varying shades of blue and green.
K: Oh I love it! In fact it is full of emotion. I wonder who this painting belongs to.
P: It probably comes from a private collection. These days most famous pictures are in the hands of private collectors.
K: Well, I love this exhibition. There are plenty of modern art works: impressionistic and abstract painting.
You can find something for yourself and I can admire styles of art that I like. Let’s go to the next room.
1st group: Answer the question
1 Where is the conversation taking place?
2. Who are the characters?
3. What are they talking about?
2nd group: Complete the sentences
1. Peter and Kate are going to see_____.
2. They are glad to_____.
3. Peter doesn’t like visiting exhibitions_____.
4. Kate loves_____.
5. Peter is interested in_____.
6. It’s Peter’s favourite_____painting.
3rd group: True or false
Peter and Kate went to the museum.
Kate loves realistic, classical art.
Peter didn`t interested in abstract art
Kate also admire Rembrandt.
Picasso is favourite painter of Peter.
1st group: Answer the question
1 Where is the conversation taking place?
2. Who are the characters?
3. What are they talking about?
2nd group: Complete the sentences
1. Peter and Kate are going to see_____.
2. They are glad to_____.
3. Peter doesn’t like visiting exhibitions_____.
4. Kate loves_____.
5. Peter is interested in_____.
6. It’s Peter’s favourite_____painting.
3rd group: True or false
Peter and Kate went to the museum.
Kate loves realistic, classical art.
Peter didn`t interested in abstract art
Kate also admire Rembrandt.
Picasso is favourite painter of Peter.
Графикалық диктант
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