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«Animal world in Kazakhstan»

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Саба?ты? та?ырыбы «Animal world in Kazakhstan». Б?л саба? жалпы білім беретін орта мектепті? 7-сыныбына арналып ??растырыл?ан. Саба?ты ??ру барысында жа?аша о?ытуды? технологиялары: «О?ыту мен о?уда?ы жа?а т?сілдер», «Сыни т?р?ыдан ойлау?а ?йрету», «О?Б ж?не ОБ», «О?ыту мен о?уда АКТ-ны пайдалану», «О?ушыларды? жас ерекшеліктеріне с?йкес о?ыту мен о?у», «Талантты ж?не дарынды балаларды о?ыту», «О?ытуда?ы бас?ару ж?не к?шбасшылы?» пайдаланылды.

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««Animal world in Kazakhstan»»

The 28 th of January Monday

The 28 th of January


Self-evaluation card / Өзін-өзі бағалау парағы Name:   Form:   Date:         Green     I worked well. / мен жақсы орындадым. Task 1 HT   Yellow Task 2        I worked half, but I am yet necessary to work. Task 3   Task 4   Red  мен жартылай орындадым, бірақ тағы жұмыс істеуім керек.        I need help. / маған көмек керек.       Task 5             Evaluation         Қорытынды баға      Excellent «5»                           Good «4»       Fair «3»       We divide these animals into:

Self-evaluation card / Өзін-өзі бағалау парағы












I worked well. / мен жақсы орындадым.

Task 1




Task 2




I worked half, but I am yet necessary to work.

Task 3


Task 4



мен жартылай орындадым, бірақ тағы жұмыс істеуім керек.




I need help. / маған көмек керек.




Task 5












Қорытынды баға


  Excellent «5»













  Good «4»



  Fair «3»




We divide these animals into:

Checking-up the home work: Interview We divide these animals into:

Checking-up the home work: Interview

We divide these animals into:

  • What is your favourite flower?
  • What colour is the rose?
  • When does the rose grow?
  • What does Daisy look like?
  • What does Daisy look like?
  • Do you like a rose and why?
“ Animal world in Kazakhstan ”

Animal world in Kazakhstan

We divide these animals into: We divide these animals into: The aim of the lesson: To widen pupil’s knowledge about animal’s world and learn to speak about them in English lesson, to develop communicative skills and abilities, to create an interest in studying English. To develop pupils’ thinking logical and creativity, skills and habits in speaking, reading, listening and writing; to teach pupils' skills to express their opinion, to be attentive and foster their love for animals. The results: Improve their knowledge about the animals, learn new words on the theme, practice its use in the speech and speak correctly. Learn give feedback in groups and individually, widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks; develop their skills in oral speech and develop their writing, reading and speaking abilities, improve their mental and critical thinking.

We divide these animals into:

We divide these animals into:

The aim of the lesson: To widen pupil’s knowledge about animal’s world and learn to speak about them in English lesson, to develop communicative skills and abilities, to create an interest in studying English. To develop pupils’ thinking logical and creativity, skills and habits in speaking, reading, listening and writing; to teach pupils' skills to express their opinion, to be attentive and foster their love for animals.

The results: Improve their knowledge about the animals, learn new words on the theme, practice its use in the speech and speak correctly. Learn give feedback in groups and individually, widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks; develop their skills in oral speech and develop their writing, reading and speaking abilities, improve their mental and critical thinking.

We divide these animals into: Mammals - [ˈmæm.əls] - сүтқоректілер  Birds - [ bɜːds ] құстар класы  Cats - [ kæts ] мысық тұқымдастар

We divide these animals into:

Mammals - [ˈmæm.əls]

- сүтқоректілер

Birds - [ bɜːds ]

құстар класы

Cats - [ kæts ]

мысық тұқымдастар

Reptiles - [ ˈreptaɪls ] бауырымен жорғалаушылар Amphibians - [ æmˈfɪbiəns ] қосмекенділер

Reptiles - [ ˈreptaɪls ]

бауырымен жорғалаушылар

Amphibians - [ æmˈfɪbiəns ]


Work with the new words species   [ ˈspiːʃiːz ] биологиялық түрлері wild   [waild] жабайы domestic  [dәmestik] үй vast   [va:st] үлкен, кең fur  [fә:] жүн, тері feather   [ˈfeðə) ] қауырсын shell   [ ʃel ] қабық, қауыз scale   [ skeɪl ] қабыршақ (балықтың) cell  [ sel ] клетка endanger  [ ɪnˈdeɪndʒə ] қауіпке душар ету in danger [ ɪn 'deɪndʒə ] қауіпті жағдайда out of danger  [ aʊt of 'deɪndʒə ] қауіпсіз rhino   [ ˈraɪnəʊ ] мүйізтұмсық habitat  [ˈhæbɪtæt ] жануарлардың таралу орны

Work with the new words

species [ ˈspiːʃiːz ] биологиялық түрлері

wild [waild] жабайы

domestic [dәmestik] үй

vast [va:st] үлкен, кең

fur [fә:] жүн, тері

feather [ˈfeðə) ] қауырсын

shell [ ʃel ] қабық, қауыз

scale [ skeɪl ] қабыршақ (балықтың)

cell [ sel ] клетка

endanger [ ɪnˈdeɪndʒə ] қауіпке душар ету

in danger [ ɪn 'deɪndʒə ] қауіпті жағдайда

out of danger [ aʊt of 'deɪndʒə ] қауіпсіз

rhino [ ˈraɪnəʊ ] мүйізтұмсық

habitat [ˈhæbɪtæt ] жануарлардың таралу орны

Task#1  Read the text. Find and write down the new words in the text on your copy books. Then translate any one sentence. ( Ex.2, p. 38 )   About Animals  Our planet is home to a vast collection of animals. They live everywhere.  Animals are all around us, so it is easy to think that we know exactly what animals are.  But some animals have fur or feathers, others have shells or scales, while many have no hard body parts at all. Animals often have eyes, ears and legs.  Firstly, animals’ bodies are made of lots of cells. These cells work together, like a team. Secondly, unlike plants, animals need to eat.  Such animals as the tiger, black rhino and giant panda, are now so rare that they are endangered.  Animals are in danger for many reasons, and most of these are to do with humans. People collect animals as pets, and hunt them for food and for ‘fun’. They destroy their habitats. We must look after the animals we have left, before it is too late.

Task#1 Read the text. Find and write down the new words in the text on your copy books. Then translate any one sentence. ( Ex.2, p. 38 )

About Animals

Our planet is home to a vast collection of animals. They live everywhere.

Animals are all around us, so it is easy to think that we know exactly what animals are.

But some animals have fur or feathers, others have shells or scales, while many have no hard body parts at all. Animals often have eyes, ears and legs.

Firstly, animals’ bodies are made of lots of cells. These cells work together, like a team. Secondly, unlike plants, animals need to eat.

Such animals as the tiger, black rhino and giant panda, are now so rare that they are endangered.

Animals are in danger for many reasons, and most of these are to do with humans. People collect animals as pets, and hunt them for food and for ‘fun’. They destroy their habitats. We must look after the animals we have left, before it is too late.

Revision of grammar Modal verb: can  Auxiliary Verb: have

Revision of grammar

Modal verb: can

Auxiliary Verb: have

Task #3 Please read and say if these facts about Animals true  or  false : 1. Elephants can swim very good. 2. Kangaroos can run faster than horses. 3. A parrot can speak. 4. The fishes can run.  5. A wolf can fly.  6. The cats cannot play.  7. The giraffe has a very long neck. 8. The fox has a beautiful tail. 9. The whale has no teeth. 10. A snake has legs. 11. A bear has a long nose. 12. A hare has two legs.

Task #3

Please read and say if these facts about Animals true or false :

1. Elephants can swim very good.

2. Kangaroos can run faster than horses.

3. A parrot can speak.

4. The fishes can run. 5. A wolf can fly. 6. The cats cannot play. 7. The giraffe has a very long neck.

8. The fox has a beautiful tail.

9. The whale has no teeth.

10. A snake has legs.

11. A bear has a long nose.

12. A hare has two legs.

Keys:  1- T 2- T 3- T 4- F 5- F 6- F 7- T 8- T 9- T 10- F 11- F  12- F


1- T 2- T 3- T

4- F 5- F 6- F

7- T 8- T 9- T

10- F 11- F 12- F


1. This animal sleeps all winter.

2. It lives in the desert. It needs very little water.

3. It has got long ears. It eats carrots.

4. This animals looks like a dog but it is wild.


This animal sleeps all winter

It lives in the desert. It needs very little water.

It has got long ears. It eats carrots

This animals looks like a dog but it is wild

Task #5 Cinquain 1.       a general word 2.       two adjectives on the topic, 3.       three verbs 4.       one sentence 5.       a synonym of the general word.

Task #5 Cinquain

1.       a general word

2.       two adjectives on the topic,

3.       three verbs

4.       one sentence

5.       a synonym of the general word.

Marking Home work: Ex. 9 p.41 Talk to your partner Ex.12 p. 42 Practice pronunciation


Home work: Ex. 9 p.41 Talk to your partner Ex.12 p. 42 Practice pronunciation

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

«Animal world in Kazakhstan»

Автор: Баймуратова Сауле Орынбасаркызы

Дата: 20.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 296329

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