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Английский - язык мира

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Урок в 10 классе, посвященный роли английского языка в современном мире. 

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«Английский - язык мира»

Урок №27 10 класс

Тема: English-a language of the world


Практические – научить учащихся говорить о роли английского языка в

современном мире, о причинах необходимости его изучения, учить обосновывать собственную мотивацию в изучении английского языка; научить читать текст «An English – speaking World» и высказывать свое мнение о прочитанном;

Образовательные – углубить знания учащихся об англоговорящих странах и

истории английского языка;

Развивающие – развивать языковую догадку и языковую реакцию,развивать

навыки чтения и говорения учащихся;

Воспитательные - помочь осознать мотивацию каждого ученика в овладении

английским языком; воспитывать уважение к языку и культуре английского народа.

Оснащение урока: Учебник 10 класса, дополнительный текст «An English –

speaking World», раздаточный материал (фрагменты карты мира с заданиями; опорный конспект по мотивам изучения ИЯ), плакат с темой урока.

План урока:

І.Начало урока

1.Организация класса. Сообщение темы и задач урока:

T: Good morning! Sit down, please. The topic of our today’s lesson is “English – a language of the world”. We shall speak about the imprortance of learning foreign languages especially English for every educated person to feel comfortable in the modern world. You will also learn some facts from the history of English. And by the end of the lesson you should be able to speak about your reasons for learning English.

2.Речевая разминка:

T: Now, I am going to ask you some guestions.

  1. How long have you been learning English?

  2. Who was your first teacher of English?

  3. Do you learn English only at school?

  4. Have you ever tried learning English on your own (reading books, watching programmes on TV, videos and films in English)?

  5. Which of these ways of learning do you find most effective?

  6. Do you think it is possible to know a second language as well as native speakers do?

  7. Do you like to learn English?

  8. What other foreign languages do you know?

  9. And now name the main English – speaking countries. There are five of them ( The UK, The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand). Thank you.

II.Основная часть урока:

3. Работа с карточками – фрагментами карты мира.

T: People all over the world speak English. They do not all use it as their first language. In some countries, such as, Nigeria and India, there are often many languages and so these countries use English as an “official” or “second” language for government, business and education.

Now, you’ll get cards with the map of the world on them. Match the letters on the map with the countries.

Are you ready? Let’s check it.

4.Чтение текста «An English – speaking World»

T: Now, you’ll be given a text from which you’ll learn some more facts about English and its history.

Read it and be ready to answer the guestions on it.

5. Ответить на вопросы к тексту:

T: Answer these guestions, please;

  1. Who spoke English 2000 years ago when Julius Caesar landed in Britain?

  2. How many people spoke English in Shakespeare’s times?

  3. How many people speak English nowadays?

  4. Which of the three languages has the most words – English, French or German?

  5. Why can English be called the language of business and the language of sports?

  6. From what languages did English borrow a lot of words?

6. Закончить вопросы и ответить на них письменно (упражнение на доске):

T: Look at the blackboard, please. You have to complete the guestions and answer them. Do it in writing.

  1. You know everything about English grammar, …?

  2. You can tell an American from an Englishman when you talk to them, …?

  3. English is taught in all schools in Ukraine, …?

  4. You will start learning Chinese this year ,…?

  5. Students don’t like to write tests in English or other foreign languages,…?

  6. Your parents have never learnt English,…?

  7. Nowadays all educated people should know English,…?

  8. Students at your school speak English during the breaks,…?

7. Беседа о мотивации каждого ученика в изучении английского языка:

T: Do you agree that learning English is very important for you? Now think of your reasons for learning English. This spidergraph will help you.

Be ready to speak about your motivation.

(Ученики говорят о своей мотивации)

III.Заключительная часть урока

8. Домашнее задание:

T: Your homework for the next lesson will be

  1. Reading the text of ex.61. p.51;

  2. Writing a short letter to your friend about the importance of learning English in the modern world and your reasons for learning it.

9.Подведение итогов урока:

T: Has this lesson helped you to understand your reasons for studying a foreign language?

Have you learnt anything new at the lesson?

I hope this lesson was useful for you. Thank you. Good-bye.

To communicate

To participate in cultural and educational exchange programmes

Scientific medical literature

Books in the original

To noperate a competer

To read

To use the Internet

To travel abroad

To watch satellite programmes



Computer technology

Trade and cultural relations

Sports and diplomacy

Commerse and business

Language of progressive

Science technology

Why study English?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Английский - язык мира

Автор: Бутенко Инна Владимировна

Дата: 09.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 398802

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