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Abai is a great Kazakh poet

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   The  theme of  the   lesson:     Abai  is a great  Kazakh  poet.

   The  aims   of  the   lesson : 1  To   enlarge   pupils vocabulary,  to  pay   attention  to   their  pronunciation.  To   teach  to  work  creatively.

2.To develop  pupils  knowledge  concerning  the   theme.

3.To  develop   pupils skills  on  reading, translating, asking   guestions to  each  others, to  eхpress  their  thoughts,  free  speaking  (dialogical,  monological  speech).

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«Abai is a great Kazakh poet»

The theme of the lesson: Abai is a great Kazakh poet.

The aims of the lesson : 1 To enlarge pupils vocabulary, to pay attention to their pronunciation. To teach to work creatively.

2.To develop pupils knowledge concerning the theme.

3.To develop pupils skills on reading, translating, asking guestions to each others , to eхpress their thoughts, free speaking (dialogical , monological speech).

Type of the lesson:

I.Brainsforming questions

1. What is Abai Kunanbaev famous for?

2. When and where was he born?

3. What poems written by Abai do you know?


II. Guess the meanings of the new words.

  1. World- It means the earth with all people, animals, and plants.

Eg. Abai is well- known all over the world.

  1. Settlement – a place or a region newly settled, small village.

  2. Masterpiece –a work done with exeraordinary skill; an excellent painting.

III. a) P1: The great Kazakh poet was born in 1845 into the nomadic clan of Tobykty, in the Chingis Mountains in Semipalatinsk Region. His father Kunanbai a stern ruler, was an elder of the Tobykty clan.

P2: Abai’s childhood years passed in the oppressive atmosphere. As you know

Kunanbai had four wives. The children were always quarrelling among themselves as did their mother.

Luckily, Abay’s mother Ulzhan was a wonderful woman. She managel to make a read home for her son in those conditions.

P3: Abai was taught at home by a hired mullah, and then his father took him to Semipalatinsk and placed him in the Akhmet – Risa madrasah. A diligent and extremely gifted boy, Abai learnt a great deal in the five years he was there.

P4: Abai began writing poetry at the madrasah.

Being a serious and diligent pupil, Abai could have derived much benefit himself as a future poet from the little education the madrasah had offer.

But Kunanbai had different plans for his son.

B) Make up an assosiation.

IV. Work in groups. Reflection.

I.group .

1. When did Abai go to school and what did he learn there?

2. What makes Abai so very much popular with people all over the world?

V. Fill the semantic map.

II group.

1.Who were his parents ?

2.who acquainted him with tales and legends of Kazakh people ?

Name of writer

Year of birth

Year of deach

Place of birth

How many works did write?

What did he do?(occupation)

Abai Kunanbaev




45 words translated more than 160 languages

Poet, writer, translater

VI. H.t. Write an essay : “Abai, a great Kazakh poet”.

VII. Sing a song “Eye of my eye”.

Statements from Abai’s Book of Words

1. «The sourse of humanity is love and justice. »

2. «He who is swayed by the feelings of love and justice is a wise man and a learned man. »

3. «Poetry is the queen of language, the soverign of the word»

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Abai is a great Kazakh poet

Автор: Маштакова Ж?ма?аным Зинетовна

Дата: 25.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310119

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