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Открытый урок на тему "Abai a great Kazakh poet"

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The theme of the lesson: « Abai, a great Kazakh poet»

The aim of the lesson:

Upbringing: to bring up pupils be polite and responsibility,to love English,to educate the respect and interest in Abai’s compositions

Educational:to introduce pupils new words on the theme, to revise the grammar material,discussion about the biography of the poet

Development: to develop pupils critical thinking,logical speech, reading and speaking skills, to enrich pupils knowledge in literature

Method of teaching: individual,pair and group work,question –answer,brainstorming

Visual aids:interactive board,slides,cards,a portrait of Abai

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

?йымдастыру кезе?і

a)Сынып о?ушыларына жа?ымды ахуал ту?ызу

b)Топ?а б?лу.Сынып о?ушыларын екі топ?а б?лу

First team: Writers

Second team: Poets

c) Greeting
d)Making the absentees
e)Talk with the pupil on duty

f) Checking up the homework

“My favourite meals” «Мені? с?йікті та?амым»
g) Introduction of the new lesson
ІІ. « Abai. A GREAT KAZAKH POET » ( Бейне- ролик )
III. Brainstorming:
- Dear children! Look at the screen. Look at the portrait attentively. Answer the questions.
 Ми?а шабуыл.

1.Do you like reading books?

2.What kind of Kazakh poets and writers do you know?

3.Who is your favourite poet?

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«открытый урок на тему "Abai a great Kazakh poet"»

Каралды Келісілді Бекітілді

Әдістемелік бірлестіктің жетекшісі Директордың оқу ісінің меңгерушісі №55 орта мектеп директоры

_________________________ _________________________ ­­­­_________________________

«____»___________________ 2015 ж. «____»___________________ 2015 ж. «____»___________________ 2015 ж.

Form: 8“A”

Teacher: Shulbaeva Aliya



The theme of the lesson: « Abai, a great Kazakh poet»

The aim of the lesson:

Upbringing: to bring up pupils be polite and responsibility,to love English,to educate the respect and interest in Abai’s compositions

Educational:to introduce pupils new words on the theme, to revise the grammar material,discussion about the biography of the poet

Development: to develop pupils critical thinking,logical speech, reading and speaking skills, to enrich pupils knowledge in literature

Method of teaching: individual,pair and group work,question –answer,brainstorming

Visual aids:interactive board,slides,cards,a portrait of Abai

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

a)Сынып оқушыларына жағымды ахуал туғызу

b)Топқа бөлу.Сынып оқушыларын екі топқа бөлу

First team: Writers

Second team: Poets

c) Greeting
d)Making the absentees
e)Talk with the pupil on duty

f) Checking up the homework

“My favourite meals” «Менің сүйікті тағамым»
g) Introduction of the new lesson
ІІ. « Abai. A GREAT KAZAKH POET » ( Бейне- ролик )
III. Brainstorming:
- Dear children! Look at the screen. Look at the portrait attentively. Answer the questions.
Миға шабуыл.

1.Do you like reading books?

2.What kind of Kazakh poets and writers do you know?

3.Who is your favourite poet?

4.We have been studying the works of Kazakh famous writers and poets since first form.What information about these poets do you know?

5.What famous masterpieces of Abai do you know?

IV.Негізгі бөлім

New words
masterpiece – үлгілі шығарма
settlement – елді жер
very strict – өте қатал
world - әлем

Listening to the text. Текст тыңдау.

Listen to the text (текст тыңдау, аудару)

Abai Kunanbaev

Abai was a great Kazakh poet, musician and writer. He was born in Abai settlement near the city of Semei. His father Kunanbai was very strict. But his mother Ulzhan and grandmother Zere were kind, warm-hearted and good-natured people. They were good story-tellers, too. They told little Abai a lot of interesting stories, tales and legends of Kazakh people.

Abai went to a religious school at the age of 9. But when he was 13 he began to learn Russian and entered the Russian school in Semei. He liked to read books of great Russian poets and writers: Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov. Later Abai translated their works into  Kazakh and wrote a lot of masterpieces of literature. His poetry is very popular nowadays.

The Words of Abai have been translated into many foreign languages. Abai Kunanbaev died in 1904. Kazakh people are proud of their great poet. He is well-known all over the world.

Work with the text in a group. Топпен жұмыс

Task 1. Answer the questions:

1. What is Abai Kunanbaev famous for?

2. When and where was he born?

3. Who were his parents?

5. When did Abai go to school and what did he learn there?

Task 2

Who is Abai?

Task 3. Write


Oskenbai- __________________

Uljan- _____________________

Zere- _____________________

Aigerim- __________________

Task 4.Complete the sentences

1.His father Kunanbai was very _______

2.His mother ________________________

Zere very kind.

3.Abai went a religious school at the

age of _____.

4.The Words of Abai have been

__________ into many foreign languages.

5.He is well-known all over the ________.

6.Abai Kunanbaev died in _______.

Сергіту сәту: song «Желсіз түнде жарық ай»

Task 5. Find the sentences

World __________________________________

Settlement _______________________________

Masterpiece _____________________________

Strict ___________________________________

Task 6 .Write main works

Task 7 . Test


1. His father Kunanbai was very……
a) strict
b) simple
c) sell
2. Abai Kunanbaev died….. 1904.
a) in
b) to
c) at
3. Later Abai …theirs works into Kazakh.
a) to translate
b) translated
c) will translate
4. His mother Ulzhan was…….
a) kind
b) unkind
c) impolite
5. Abai went to a religious school at the age of ….
a) 9
b) 10
c) 8

Қорытынды бөлім

Say «True or false»

1.Abai Kunanbaev was born in 1845.

2. His father was very kind person.

3.He didn’t like to read books of great Russian poets and writers: Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov.

4. Abai translated their works into  English and wrote a lotof masterpieces of literature.

5. There are 55 Words of Abai.

6. Abai Kunanbaev died in 1907.

7. He is well-known all over the world

Giving mark

Home task

to retell the text on the theme A.Kunanbaev

write a shot eassy about A.Kunanbaev

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

открытый урок на тему "Abai a great Kazakh poet"

Автор: Шулбаева Алия Бейсекуловна

Дата: 11.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 251338

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