3 | Phoneticdrill/ фонетическая зарядка (цитата) | Repeat after me with correct pronounciatin: It is much easier to find error than truth. The error lies on the surface, and you notice it immediately, but the truth is hidden in the depths, and not everyone can find it. Johann Goethe Гораздо легче найти ошибку, нежели истину. Ошибка лежит на поверхности, и ее замечаешь сразу, а истина скрыта в глубине, и не всякий может отыскать ее. ИоганнГёте Who is Johann Goethe? Yes, you are right, he is one of the most famous people in the world. But do you know what country he is from? He is from Germany. He was a writer. What do you think is our theme today? Yes, you are right. Today we are going to continue our previous theme about famous people of Great Britain. | 3 min | |
4 | The method of statement the lesson material/ Методизложенияновогоматериала/ List of examined questions/ Перечень освещаемых вопросов Groupwork/работа в группах Reflection according to text/ рефлексияпотексту | Look at the whiteboard. Do you know them? What are they famous for?    Group work. I’ll divide youinto two groups according to the length of your hair. Group-1Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the silent era. He is mostly famous for his screen persona "the tramp". Born on April 16, 1889 in London, Chaplin is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry. He had been a productive and creative film maker for about 75 years before he died in 1977. Early life. Chaplin suffered from poverty and hardship in his childhood. He was sent to a workhouse twice before the age of nine. His mother struggled financially when his father was absent. When he was 14, his mother was sent to a mental asylum.Career. Chaplin's first performances were at music halls as a stage actor and comedian at the age of 19. He went to the USA where he was scouted for the film industry, and began appearing in 1914 for Keystone Studios. He soon developed the Tramppersona and formed a large fan base. Chaplin directed his own films from an early stage, and continued to hone his craft. By 1918, he was one of the best known figures in the film industry.Chaplin wrote, directed, produced, edited, starred in, and composed the music for most of his films. He was a perfectionist, and his financial independence enabled him to spend years on the development and production of a picture. to fame in the silent era – поднялсядославывтихуюэпоху poverty and hardship – нищетаитрудности mentalasylum – психиатрическая больница Scouted – искали honehiscraft – оттачивать свое ремесло Group – 2 Margaret Thatcher Margaret Thatcherwas born in Grantham, England on October 13, 1925. Her father was a local businessman and store owner. She had an older sister, Muriel, and the family lived above her father's grocery store. She married Denis Thatcher in 1951. She and Denis had two children, twins Mark and Carol.Margaret learned early on about politics from her father Alfred who served as both alderman and Mayor of Grantham. Margaret attended Oxford University where she graduated with a degree in Chemistry. She served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. She was the first woman prime minister. Her nickname was “Iron Lady”. During her time as Prime Minister she was a staunch conservative. She also was an important leader for democracy in the Cold War against communism and the Soviet Union. While attending Oxford, Margaret became interested in politics. She became a strong believer in a conservative government where the government has a limited amount of intervention in business. She served as president of the Oxford University Conservative Association. After graduating in 1947 she got a job working as a chemist. Thatcher became Prime Minister on May 4, 1979. She held the top position in the United Kingdom for over 10 years.ShediedonApril 8, 2013, atage 87 in London. Alderman –старейшина staunch conservative – стойкийконсерватор Cold War – холоднаявойна a strong believer – сильный верующий intervention in business – вмешательствовбизнес
Students present their work. Listening/аудирование StudentslistenaboutfamouspeopleofGBandguesstheirnames/СлушаюттекстыовыдающихсяличностяхВеликобританииипытаютсяугадать, окомони. He was born on October 9, 1940, in Liverpool, England. He met Paul McCartney in 1957 and invited McCartney to join his music group. They eventually formed the most successful songwriting partnership in musical history. He left the Beatles in 1969 and later released albums with his wife, Yoko Ono, among others. On December 8, 1980, he was killed by a crazed fan named Mark David Chapman. (John Lennon) He was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the silent era. He is mostly famous for his screen persona "the tramp". Born on April 16, 1889 in London, He is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry. He had been a productive and creative film maker for about 75 years before he died in 1977 . (Charlie Chaplin) She was born in Grantham, England on October 13, 1925. Her father was a local businessman and store owner. She had an older sister, Muriel, and the family lived above her father's grocery store. She married Denis in 1951. She and Denis had two children, twins Mark and Carol. She was the first prime minister of Great Britain. (Margaret Thatcher) He was born on April 26, 1564 and died on April 23, 1616. He was an English playwright, actor and poet also known as the “Bard of Avon” and often called England’s national poet. Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, he was an important member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men company. All that can be deduced is that, in his 20 years as a playwright, he wrote plays that capture the complete range of human emotion and conflict. (William Shakespeare) She was born on September 15, 1890, in England. She published her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, in 1920, and went on to become one of the most famous writers in history, with mysteries like Murder at the Vicarage, Partners in Crime and Sad Cypress. She sold billions of copies of her work, and was also a noted playwright and romance author. She died on January 12, 1976. (Agatha Christie) He was born on February 7, 1812 and died on June 9, 1870) He was a British novelist, journalist, editor, illustrator and social commentator who wrote such beloved classic novels as Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, Nicholas Nickleby, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations. He is remembered as one of the most important and influential writers of the 19th century. He wrote about poor people and problems which were in London of that era. (Charles Dickens) | 20 min. 4 min 9 min | |
5 | Strengthening of the material/ Тақырыпты бекіту / | Find the parts of the texts: John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940, in Liverpool, England. He met Paul McCartney in 1957 and invited McCartney to join his music group. They eventually formed the most successful songwriting partnership in musical history. Lennon left the Beatles in 1969 and later released albums with his wife, Yoko Ono, among othersOn December 8, 1980, he was killed by a crazed fan named Mark David Chapman. Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the silent era. He is mostly famous for his screen persona "the tramp". Born on April 16, 1889 in London, Chaplin is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry. He had been a productive and creative film maker for about 75 years before he died in 1977. Margaret Thatcherwas born in Grantham, England on October 13, 1925. Her father was a local businessman and store owner. She had an older sister, Muriel, and the family lived above her father's grocery store. She married Denis Thatcher in 1951. She and Denis had two children, twins Mark and Carol. | 7 min. | |