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Входной контроль 4 класс

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Входной контроль п учебнику Rainbow English 4 кл

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«Входной контроль 4 класс»

What Colour Is Spring?

What colour is spring? It is dark green and light

green, red and blue, purple and yellow. The trees are

green. The sky is blue. You can see white clouds in the

clear blue sky. The flowers are bright — pink, red, orange

and yellow. The sun in spring is nice and not hot.

The days are long and the nights are short.

The children are happy. They play games in the park,

in the streets, in the woods. Birds sing their spring


What colour is winter? Winter is white. The streets,

the houses, the trees are white. The sky is not clear. It

is grey and dark. Days are short and cold. Children ski

in the woods or skate on the skating rinks. You can see

little children on their sledges in winter. Birds do not

sing their songs.

Exercise 1. Найди английские выражение соответствующие следующим русским.

а) в чистом синем небе б) ночи короткие

в) дети катаются в лесу г) дети на их санках

Exercise 2. Ответь на вопросы.

  1. What colour is sky in sping?

  2. Is the sun in spring hot and bright?

  3. Do children ski and skate in winter?

  4. Can you hear birds’ songs?

Exercise 3. Выпиши все личные и притяжательные местоимения с переводом.

Exercise 4. Напиши 5-6 предложений на тему: «What colour is autumn?»

What Colour Is Spring?

What colour is spring? It is dark green and light

green, red and blue, purple and yellow. The trees are

green. The sky is blue. You can see white clouds in the

clear blue sky. The flowers are bright — pink, red, orange

and yellow. The sun in spring is nice and not hot.

The days are long and the nights are short.

The children are happy. They play games in the park,

in the streets, in the woods. Birds sing their spring


What colour is winter? Winter is white. The streets,

the houses, the trees are white. The sky is not clear. It

is grey and dark. Days are short and cold. Children ski

in the woods or skate on the skating rinks. You can see

little children on their sledges in winter. Birds do not

sing their songs.

Exercise 1. Найди английские выражение соответствующие следующим русским.

а) в чистом синем небе б) ночи короткие

в) дети катаются в лесу г) дети на их санках

Exercise 2. Ответь на вопросы.

  1. What colour is sky in sping?

  2. Is the sun in spring hot and bright?

  3. Do children ski and skate in winter?

  4. Can you hear birds’ songs?

Exercise 3. Выпиши все личные и притяжательные местоимения с переводом.

Exercise 4. Напиши 5-6 предложений на тему: «What colour is autumn?»

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Входной контроль 4 класс

Автор: Ощепкова Оксана Петровна

Дата: 22.12.2019

Номер свидетельства: 533128

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