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Тест по английскому языку для 9 класса "Tenses"

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тестовые задания по английскому языку для 9 класса

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«Тест по английскому языку для 9 класса "Tenses"»

I. "Present Tenses"

1. - What are you looking for? - I ..... my umbrella somewhere, and now I don’t know where it is.


has left

have been leaving

have left

2. It's raining, and I see you don't have an umbrella. You can borrow mine, I ..... it now.

don’t need

did not need

haven’t needed

haven’t been needing

3. Today the world ..... so rapidly; things never stay the same.


has changed

is changing

has been changing

4. Look here! I simply refuse to believe what you ..... me now.

are telling

have been telling

have told


5. Anne is a fashion designer; she ..... to the opening of every new fashion show in the city.


is going

has gone

has been going

6. Linda’s apartment looks nice and tidy because she ..... it every two years.


is redecorating

has redecorated

has been redecorating

7. Nora, you look awfully tired. What ..... all day?

do you do

are you doing

have you been doing

have you done

8. Their car is as good as new though they ..... it for a number of years.


have been having

are having

have had

9. I have read this chapter in my chemistry text three times, and still I ..... it.

haven’t understood

don’t understand


have understood

10. Zeta has sent me two letters; neither of which ..... .

has arrived

have arrived


is arriving

11. I don’t like Alice. She ..... about difficulties of life all the time.


is complaining

has complained

has been complaining

12. The Alisons have got three cars, two of which they never ..... .

are using


have used

have not use been using

13. Paul looks young for his age. He says he is 56 years old, but nobody ..... him.

hasn’t believed

is not believing



14. Sonia ..... as a computer programmer this year, but she’d like to try something different in the future.


has worked

is working

has been working

15. Carol and I are old friends. I ..... her since we studied in high school together.


have known

are knowing

have been knowing

II. "Past Tenses"

1. The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other a cut lip. They ..... .

had been fighting

had fought


were fighting

2. The Browns ..... in a large house when their children were at home, but they moved to a small three-room apartment after the children grew up and left home.


had lived

used to live

were living

3. While I ..... the dishes last night, I dropped a plate and broke it.


was washing

had washed

had been washing

4. Tom ..... breakfast this morning because he didn’t have any time

wasn’t eating

hadn’t eaten

didn’t eat

hadn’t been eating

5. It wasn't raining when I left my office in the evening, but the ground was wet. It ..... all day.

had been raining


was raining

had rained

6. He ..... ill for three days, so his mother wanted to bring him to a doctor, but he didn’t want to go.

had felt


had been feeling

was feeling

7. Lucy ..... her seatbelt before the accident happened that’s why she was badly hurt.

didn’t wear

wasn’t wearing

hadn’t worn

hadn’t been wearing

8. Greg didn’t want to be late for the theatre. He drove as fast as he could. The play ..... as he walked in the door of the theatre.

was just beginning

had just began

just began

had been just beginning

9. He didn't see me as he was reading when I ..... into the room.

had come


had been coming

was coming

10. A strong wind ..... and I decided to put on a warm coat.


had blown

was blowing

had been blowing

11. It wasn't raining when I looked out of the window; the sun was shining. But it ..... earlier. That's why the ground was wet.


was raining

had rained

had been raining

12. I got lost in the forest because I took the road I ..... before.

didn’t never take

never took

had never taken

didn’t take

13. Sam says he didn’t enjoy the program because the TV set ..... properly.

didn’t work

hadn’t worked

wasn’t working

hadn’t been working

14. Robert didn’t answer the phone when Mary called. He ..... a shower and didn’t hear the phone ring.

had been taking

was taking

had taken


15. The trouble started when Mrs. Leslie Cady ..... control of her car on a narrow mountain road.

was losing


had lost

had been losing

III. "Future Tenses"

1. Jason ..... Russian for two years before he leaves Russia.

will learn

will have been learning

will have learnt

will be learning

2. I will be back soon. I hope you ..... your translation by the time I come.

will have finished

will finish

will be finishing

will have been finishing

3. ..... their luggage by the time the taxi comes?

will they

will they have packed

will they be packing

they will pack

4. It is not clear if the weather ..... for the better, and we want to know if our plane will be late.


will change

will be changing

will have changed

5. I ..... to London tomorrow; I will phone you when I arrive.

will come

am coming

will be coming

will have come

6. Do you think you ..... here in a few years’ time?

will you still be working

you will still be working

you are still working

will you still work

7. When Jerry enters a Medical school he ..... Chemistry for more than four years.

will be studying

will study

will have been studying

will have studied

8. If you ..... me the truth, I will never speak with you.

won’t tell

won’t be telling

don’t tell

aren’t telling

9. My room has been in a mess for days. So tomorrow afternoon I ..... it.

will clean

am going to clean

will have cleaned

am cleaning

10. The windows in my flat are dirty. I haven't cleaned them yet. I ..... it this Saturday.

will do

will be doing

am doing

am going to do

11. I'll come home late tomorrow. I ..... out with my friend.

will be dining

will dine

will have been dining

am dining

12. I won't give you a definite answer until I ..... from my bank.

have heard


will hear

will have heard

13. My father is repairing our car. We hope that by Sunday he ..... it.

will have repaired

will repair

will be repairing

will have been repairing

14. I don't know what he thinks about it, but I ..... him.

am asking

will have asked

will ask

will be asking

15. According to the weather forecast it ..... tomorrow all day long.

will be raining

will rain

will have rained

will have been raining

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тест по английскому языку для 9 класса "Tenses"

Автор: Дарбинян Евгения Александровна

Дата: 06.06.2016

Номер свидетельства: 332942

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