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Test " Past Simple VS Present Perfect"

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«Test " Past Simple VS Present Perfect"»

Past Simple VS Present Perfect

Teacher: Гадельшина Альсина Хасановна, МБОУ “Гимназия” №90, Казань.

Exercise 1

Put the verbs into the correct tense (past simple or present perfect).

  1. A: (you / visit / ever)   to Moscow?

  2. B: Yes, I (be)   there three times this year.

  3. A: When (be)  you the last time you  there?

  4. B: Last winter. I (be)   two weeks in city center with my parents and we (go)   to St. Petersburg one weekend.

  5. (you / like)  it?

  6. Oh yes. We really (have)   a great time in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

  7. Lucky you! I (be / never)  to Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Exercise 2

Put the verbs into the correct tense (past simple or present perfect).

  1. A: (you / try / ever)   sushi?

  2. B: Oh, yes!

  3. A: How often (you / eat)  sushi yet?

  4. B: Three times only.

  5. A: When (you / eat / first)  sushi?

  6. B: That (be)   in 2008. Me and my family (be)  in China Town New York and they also (serve)   traditional Vietnamese food. So I (buy)   sushi.

  7. A: (you / like)   it?

  8. B: It (be / not)   too bad. And I (know / not)   anything about sushi then.

Exercise 3

Put the verbs into the correct tense (past simple or present perfect).

  1. A: (you / buy)  the tickets for the theater yet?

  2. B: Yes, I (look)  online yesterday and (buy)  the tickets.

  3. A: What theater (you / do)   the tickets?

  4. B: I (buy)  the ticket for “Chicago” show at 6:45.

  5. A: (you / choose)  your dress yet?

  6. B: Of course. And I (ask / already)   my neighbor to borrow her red bag.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Test " Past Simple VS Present Perfect"

Автор: Гадельшина Альсина Хасановна

Дата: 26.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 373588

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