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Summative assessment for term 1

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This summative assessment cosists of two tasks reading and writing

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«Summative assessment for term 1»

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 1

Learner’s name ________________________________________Date_______________________________________


Task. Read the text about famous people.


From sport and music to technology and film, there are many great stars out there. In this article, we’re looking at some of those greats.

a Shakira was born in 1977 in Colombia, South America. She started singing at a very early age and soon became well-known as a singer, songwriter and model. She sells millions of albums worldwide and her song for the 2010 football World Cup, This Time for Africa, became the best-selling World Cup song of all time.

b Michael Phelps was born in1985 in the United States of America. Before he stopped swimming in competitions, he won 22 Olympic medals for swimming, more than any other swimmer. People called him ‘Flying Fish’. After the Beijing Olympics in 2008, he started his foundation to promote swimming and healthier lifestyles.

c How many people have a Twitter account? In 2013 there were over 200 million users, but how many of them know who created this amazing phenomenon that people use to put their opinions on the Internet? Jack Dorsey was one of the people that started it in 2006 while he was a student at New York University.

d Daniel Radcliffe is an English actor. He was born in 1989. When he was only 11 years old, he got the main part in the first of the Harry Potter films and he played Harry Potter for ten years until the last film in 2011. In 2007, he started to act in the theatre, both in the UK and in the United States.

e Do you write documents on your computer? Chances are that if you do, you use a Microsoft product – made by a company started by Bill Gates and his partner Paul Allen. Gates is now one of the world’s richest people, and also supports charities and science through the foundation he started in 2000.

f JK Rowling also writes under the name of Robert Galbraith. She’s the creator of the Harry Potter series of books about a boy wizard. They have sold over 400 million copies worldwide – not bad for an idea that first came to Rowling on a train!

  1. Complete the sentences with suitable words from the box

theatre, songwriter, competitions,

  1. She started singing at a very early age and soon became well-known as a singer, ___________ and model.

  2. Before he stopped swimming in _____________, he won 22 Olympic medals for swimming.

  3. He started to act in the ___________, both in the UK and in the United States

  1. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)

  1. People called Michael Phelps “Flying bird”. ___

  2. In 2013 there were there were over 200 million users of a Twitter account. ___

  3. Daniel Radcliffe is an English actor. ___

  4. Bill Gates is one of the world’s poorest people. ___

Total [7]


Task. Write a short article for a magazine. Напишите статью для журнала.

Tips for writing (советы для написания):

  • Write a strong headline; (заглавие)

  • Write a by line (by … (your name)); (ваше ФИ)

  • Write 2 paragraphs; (статья из 2 абзацев)

  • Express your opinion in the first paragraph (lead paragraph); (в первом абзаце ваши идеи)

  • Prove your ideas in the second paragraph; (во втором абзаце доказываете свои идеи)

  • Use topic vocabulary; (используете слова которые мы прошли во втором разделе)

  • Follow the structure of an article. (следуете структуре написания статьи)

Helping and Heroes. (помощь и герои)

Write a short article about your hero. (напиши статью о своем герое)

Use questions to organize your writing (вопросы на которые нужно ответить в статье):

1. Who is your hero?

2. What is he/she like? Describe his/her character.

3. Why is he/she your hero? Give reasons.

4. What should a real hero be like? Express your viewpoint.

Total [6] / 13

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Summative assessment for term 1

Автор: Абденова Балжан Кожабаевна

Дата: 23.10.2020

Номер свидетельства: 561025

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