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Проверочная работа по UNIT I к учебнику английского языка 11 класса для школ с углубленным изучением / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева /

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Данная работа составлена для учащихся 11 класса по УМК Английский язык.XI класс: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубл. изучением англ. языка /О.В.Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева.-М.:Просвещение,2012. Работа состоит из пяти заданий, позволяющих оценить навыки учащихся в рамках пройденных тем ( "Words not to be confused", "Synonims to the word "to laugh", "Phrasal verb to hit", "Syntax" ).

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«Проверочная работа по UNIT I к учебнику английского языка 11 класса для школ с углубленным изучением / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева / »


I. Choose the most suitable word.

  1. I want to be (brought, taken, fetched) seriously.

  2. The child was (weeping, sobbing, crying) for his mother.

  3. She (wished, longed, yearned) she had stayed at home.

  4. He (took, brought, fetched) his friends with him when he came to see us.

  5. Don’t you dare (cry, sob, weep) in public!

  6. We are (wishing, longing, yearning) for your return.

  7. Quick! Go and (bring, take, fetch) a doctor.

  8. She began to (cry, sob, weep) uncontrollably.

  9. He has long (wished, longed, yearned ) to see her but I doubt that he ever will.

  10. He (took, brought, fetched) what I said as a criticism.

  11. Sarah didn’t want anybody to see that she was upset, so she quickly went to her room where she (cried, sobbed, wept) bitter tears.

  12. It was cold outdoors and Mary was (wishing, longing, yearning) for a hot bath.

II. Match the words describing laughter with their definitions.

1. to laugh very loudly a) to titter

2. to smile in an unpleasant way because b) to guffaw

sth bad has happened to sb else or because

you have achieved an advantage over him

3. to laugh in a nervous, excited or silly way c) to snigger

that is difficult to control

4. to laugh quietly, especially because you d) to chuckle

are nervous or embarrassed

5. to smile showing your teeth e) to giggle

6. to laugh quietly, especially at sth that is rude f) to smirk

or at sth unpleasant that has happened to sb

7. to laugh quietly, especially in a private or secret way g) to grin

III. Choose the right prepositions to complete the sentences: on, back, out, (up) for.

  1. Suddenly I hit … a radical solution to the problem.

  2. If you criticize the way James works, he is sure to hit … .

  3. Some companies would be hit … millions of dollars in fine.

  4. In her speech she hit … against the club’s petty rules.

  5. He didn’t see the people attacking him, he just hit … wildly in all directions.

  6. They accused him of not having done enough, and he hit … at their claims.

  7. It was clear that sooner or later the police would hit … the truth.

  8. In his article the journalist hit … at racism.

  9. The sneer was obvious, but he didn’t hit … .

  10. Colin never starts a fight, but if somebody hits him, he hits them … .

IV. A sentence is a combination of words which expresses a complete thought.

Match the kinds of a sentence with its aims.

  1. a declarative sentence a) to express emotions

  2. an interrogative sentence b) to make statements

  3. an exclamatory sentence c) to request or demand


  1. an imperative sentence d) to ask questions

V. Write what members of the sentence are the underlined words: the subject, the predicate, the object, the attribute or the adverbial modifier of place, the adverbial modifier of manner, the adverbial modifier of time.

  1. Gardening is my hobby.

  2. We have done it.

  3. A dictionary is a wonderful source of information.

  4. A huge troll lived in a cave.

  5. Call the police immediately.

  6. They have lived there happily for many years.

  7. I would like to read a book.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Автор: Владимирова И.В.

Дата: 06.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 183010

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