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Контрольная работа по теме "After school".

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Контрольная работа для 5 кл. по теме "After school" Unit 4 УМК "Rainbow English".

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«Контрольная работа по теме "After school".»

Form 5 Unit 4 «After school» Variant 1

1. Choose the correct word.

1) I like _________________. These cute little birds sing so well.

a) hamsters b) budgies c) canaries

2) I ____________ my goldfish in a fishbowl.

a) have b) take c) keep

3) Sam is very proud __________ his collection of books.

a) of b) about c) for

4) When people feel ____________, they are sad.

a) happy b) unhappy c) happily

5) I would like a bowl _____ soup please.

a) on b) with c) of

2. Choose the endings and write them down

1) She has 3 brothers, __________________________?

a) hasn`t she b) has she

2) You aren’t a good student, _______________________?

a) aren’t you b) are you

3) They went to the beach last weekend, ____________?

a) didn`t they b) did they

4) She can’t play the guitar very well, __________________?

a) can she b) can`t she

5) You will call me tomorrow, _____________________?

a) won`t you b) will you

  1. Ask alternative questions to these sentences.

  1. Parrots have long tails.

  2. Canaries can sing.

  3. Sue likes kittens.

  4. Bob walks his dog every evening.

  5. Betsy kept rabbits last summer.

  1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in past simple

  1. Last weekend we _________much time helping our parents. (spend)

  2. James _____________ up roller-skating as his new hobby. (take)

  3. What animals ____________ be good friends? (can)

  4. Three years ago we _____________ goldfish as pets. (keep)

Form 5 Unit 4 «After school» Variant 2

1. Choose the correct word.

1) Have you got any _______ time tonight?

a) free b) spend c) enjoy

2) Some people ___________ postcards.

a) collect b) collection c) keep

3) I’m a cinema. I often go _______ the cinema.

a) for b) to c) in

4) I always enjoy paintings __________ Aivosovsky.

a) about b) in c) by

5) What are these people famous ______?

a) at b) for c) to

2. Choose the endings and write them down.

1) She lived in Britain, ___________________________?

a) did she b) didn`t she

2) He lives in a big house, _________________________?

a) doesn`t he b) does he

3) They will live together next summer, _______________________?

a) won`t they b) will they

4) I am a wonderful child, ____________________?

a) am I b) aren`t I

5) Budgies can speak English, ___________________?

a) can they b) can`t they

    1. Ask alternative questions to these sentences.

  1. Parrots can talk.

  2. Simon had hamster last year.

  3. Goldfish live in fishbowls.

  4. Budgies are colourful birds.

  5. My dog is clever.

    1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in past simple

  1. I ________ my dog some funny tricks. (teach)

  2. My elder brother __________ me a little hamster. (bring)

  3. In summer we often __________ of the lake. (meet)

  4. My friends ___________ for St.Petersburg three days ago. (leave)

    1. Translate these sentences into Russian

1) These books are difficult to read.

2) Computer games are easy to play.

3) This puppy is funny to feed.

4) Parrots are interesting to teach to talk.

5) Chickens are nice to watch.

    1. Write the names of these animals and subjects.

1) 2) 3)

4) 5) 6)

5. Translate these sentences into Russian

1) These films are interesting to watch.

2) This text is easy to read.

3) Cats are not difficult to keep.

4) Kittens are fun to play with.

5) This rule is important to know.

6. Write the names of these animals and subjects.

1) 2) 3)

  1. 6) 7)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Контрольная работа по теме "After school".

Автор: Наталья Михайловна Додайкина

Дата: 21.03.2021

Номер свидетельства: 576182

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