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Итоговый контроль по английскому языку для 6 класса

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Тест состоит из 5 заданий базового и 1 задания повышенного уровня. Целью данной работы является контроль знаний по грамматике, полученных в 6 классе.

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«Итоговый контроль по английскому языку для 6 класса»

Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 6 класса

1. Fill in the missing words and phrases. Use them from the list given below:

1. My best friend is … collecting stamps.

2. I am … boring lessons.

3. I and my friends like to … bikes in summer.

4. My sister’s husband is three years … than her.

5. Do you want to … the Zoological Society of London?

6. My … brother gets along with our parents very well.

7. “Harry Potter” is … reading.

8. My father … the rubbish.

takes out, tired of, older, elder, fond of, worth, join, go by


2. Fill in the gaps.

to dance- …                       

politics- …

to sing- …                        

poetry- …

to paint- …                               

3. Fill in the article (a/an, the) where it’s necessary.

1. … Mark Twain is famous for his book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

2.  … Smiths have … dog and … cat.

3. “Is this your ... friend?” — “No, it isn’t my ... friend, it is my sister”.

4. This is ... tree. ... tree is green.

5. I can see three ... children. ... children are playing in … yard.

6. What's … highest mountain in the world?

7. He lives in … Paris.

8. He is  … economist.

9. … Earth goes round … Sun.

10. What … strange girl!

4. Choose  Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1.  ..... a new car. Do you want to see it?

a) I bought b) I buy c)  I've bought

2. I ...... to bed very late last night.

a) have gone b) went c) go

3. ...... the football match on TV a week ago?

a) Did you see b) Have you seen c) Do you see

4. My friend … to India in 1995.

a) do b) goes c) went d) has gone

5. We … our homework! We can go to the cinema now!

a) did b) have done c) do

5. Fill in Reflexive Pronouns.

1. She looked at … in the mirror

2.My little nephew fell down and hurt … .

3. We took these pictures … .

4. They shook hands and introduced … .

5. You call … a gentleman.

6.Correct the mistakes.

1. My brother doesn’t never travel by train.

2. Were you ever been to the United Kingdom?

3. I have clean my room. We can go for a walk now.

4. There were three wolfs in the Wild Animal’s Park.

5. Why do these girls crying now?


1. Fill in the missing words and phrases. Use them from the list given below:

1. My best friend is fond of collecting stamps.

2. I am tired of boring lessons.

3. I and my friends like to go by bikes in summer.

4. My sister’s husband is three years older than her.

5. Do you want to join the Zoological Society of London?

6. My elder brother gets along with our parents very well.

7. “Harry Potter” is worth reading.

8. My father takes out the rubbish.


2. Fill in the gaps.

to dance- dancer                      

politics- politician

to sing- singer             

poetry- poet

to paint- painter                              

sport -a sportsman

to swim- swimmer                            

architecture - an architect


3. Fill in the article (a/an, the) where it’s necessary.

1.  Mark Twain is famous for his book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

2.  The Smiths have a dog and a cat.

3. “Is this your friend?” — “No, it isn’t my friend, it is my sister”.

4. This is a tree. The tree is green.

5. I can see three children. The children are playing in the yard.

6. What's the highest mountain in the world?

7. He lives in Paris.

8. He is an economist.

9. The Earth goes round the Sun.

10. What a strange girl!

11. Could you close the door, please?

12. We celebrate  New Year on the 31st of  December.

13. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

14. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like  French?

15. Moscow is on the Moskva River.


4. Choose  Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. B

8. A


5. Fill in Reflexive Pronouns.

1. She looked at herself in the mirror

2.My little nephew fell down and hurt himself .

3. We took these pictures ourselves .

4. They shook hands and introduced themselves .

5. You call yourself a gentleman.

6. Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.

7. The party was great. We enjoyed ourselves very much.


6.Correct the mistakes.

1. My brother doesn’t travel by train.

2. Have you ever been to the United Kingdom?

3. I have cleaned my room. We can go for a walk now.

4. There were three wolves in the Wild Animal’s Park.

5. Why are these girls crying now?

6. There is a new table in the room, isn’t there?

7. Mr.Smith’s brothers are policemen.

8. My sister wants to be a librarian.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Итоговый контроль по английскому языку для 6 класса

Автор: Игнатенко Оксана Владимировна

Дата: 18.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 328189

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